User manual iRobot Roomba 690 (English (2024)

manualiRobot Roomba 690
User manual iRobot Roomba 690 (English (1)

View the manual for the iRobot Roomba 690 here, for free. This manual comes under the category robot vacuum cleaners and has been rated by 7 people with an average of a 7.9. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the iRobot Roomba 690 or do you need help?Ask your question here

User manual iRobot Roomba 690 (English (2)

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Number of questions: 45


G stickneyJuly 8, 2022

Can you help please? The picture shows that the brush on the 690 model got damaged. I need to replace it but I can't find the brush individually, only the side model kit.

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Troy MillicanOctober 14, 2023

What is the small black box that is separate from the vacuum? Have two double a battery’s

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Emma of manua.lsDecember 19, 2023

The small black box that is separate from the iRobot Roomba 690 vacuum is the battery. It requires two double A batteries.

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All of a sudden my Roomba 690 started cleaning at midnight ..has never done this before. How do I reprogram the 690?

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Emma of manua.lsOctober 24, 2023

To reprogram the iRobot Roomba 690, follow these steps:1. Press and hold the CLOCK button.2. While holding the CLOCK button, use the DAY, HOUR, and MINUTE buttons to set the correct time.3. Release the CLOCK button. Roomba will beep to indicate that the time has been set.To set a cleaning schedule:1. Press and hold the SCHEDULE button.2. While holding the SCHEDULE button, use the DAY, HOUR, and MINUTE buttons to set the schedule.3. Release the SCHEDULE button. Roomba will beep to indicate that the schedule has been set.To view and delete schedules:1. Press and hold the SCHEDULE button.2. While holding the SCHEDULE button, press the DAY button to cycle through Roomba's scheduled cleaning times.3. Release the SCHEDULE button.

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Robert Bettis July 25, 2022

My room a 690 won’t take a charge?

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Emma of manua.lsOctober 24, 2023

If your Roomba 690 is not charging, there could be a few possible causes. Here are some steps you can try to resolve the issue:1. Make sure that the battery pull-tab is removed. Confirm that Roomba's battery is properly connected. You can remove the bottom cover of Roomba to remove and re-install the battery.2. If you encounter a charging error with 2 blinks, let Roomba cool down for at least one hour and then try charging again.3. If you encounter a charging error with 3 blinks, try resetting Roomba's software by simultaneously holding down the two buttons above and below the CLEAN button for 10 seconds. After resetting, try charging again.4. If you encounter a charging error with 5 blinks, reset Roomba's software and try charging again.5. If you encounter a charging error with 6 blinks, let Roomba cool down for at least one hour and then try charging again.6. If you encounter a charging error with 7 blinks, let Roomba cool down for at least one hour and then try charging again.If none of these steps resolve the issue, please refer to the manual for further troubleshooting or visit the iRobot support website for assistance.

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Mary KightApril 16, 2024

Why is it now (5 y/o) turning itself on at 5:30 a. when the house is asleep?

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Lynda UllyottApril 9, 2022

My Roomba 690 is turning itself on at odd times. Last night at 3:00am was the last time. Why is this happening? I leave it docked on the charger. And it is a couple of years old.

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SherryMay 16, 2022

Take battery out to clear memory even if you had no scheduled cleaning times set.


Kathy E. July 10, 2022

My NEW never got to use Romba 690 series vacuum gives a Error 6, move to new location and press clean to start, message. Which still did not work.

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Kelly JoAugust 13, 2022

I keep getting error 14. I’ve emptied and secured the dust bin. I’ve take apart the dust bin and cleaned it. I’ve restarted my Roomba and it’s still giving me the error 14 message

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ConnieAugust 10, 2023

I have no answer for error 14 as I have the same issue!


Martha DismukesMarch 1, 2024

@Kelly Jo I have no answer...keep receiving same error14 message. What is Error 14?


daniNovember 2, 2022

roomba just goes in circles. error states clean the wheels but nothing is in the wheels. I purchased replacement brushes and they appear longer... could this be causing the problem?

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Connie KAugust 10, 2023

Please! Please tell me how to correct Error 14! I get that error message after cleaning the contact sensors and the brushes and all that I can think to clean!

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User manual iRobot Roomba 690 (English (6)

User manual iRobot Roomba 690 (English (7)

User manual iRobot Roomba 690 (English (8)

The iRobot Roomba 690 is a robot vacuum cleaner that is designed to effectively clean various types of flooring. It features a sleek and compact design, allowing it to maneuver easily around furniture and other obstacles. With its advanced navigation system, the Roomba 690 can navigate through a room efficiently, ensuring thorough cleaning. The robot vacuum uses a three-stage cleaning process, including agitating, brushing, and suction, to effectively remove dirt, dust, and debris from the floor. It also has a side brush that helps to sweep dirt from corners and edges.The Roomba 690 is equipped with a dirt detection sensor, which allows it to identify areas that are particularly dirty and focus on cleaning those areas more thoroughly. It also has a built-in cliff detection sensor, which prevents it from falling down stairs or other drops. The robot vacuum can be programmed to clean on a schedule, allowing it to automatically start cleaning when you're not at home.This model is also compatible with the iRobot HOME app, which allows you to control the Roomba 690 from your smartphone. You can start or stop cleaning, schedule cleaning times, and even monitor the cleaning progress from anywhere. Additionally, the Roomba 690 can be connected to voice assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, enabling you to control it using voice commands.The Roomba 690 comes with a lithium-ion battery, which provides long battery life and ensures consistent performance throughout the cleaning process. When the battery is low, the vacuum automatically returns to its docking station to recharge.

ModelRoomba 690
Productrobot vacuum cleaner
FiletypeUser manual (PDF)

Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the iRobot Roomba 690 below.

How often should I vacuum my house?

For allergy sufferers, vacuuming the house at least twice a week is recommended.

How do I set up the Wi-Fi connection on my Roomba 690?

To set up the Wi-Fi connection on your Roomba 690, you need to download and install the iRobot HOME app on your smartphone. Open the app, follow the on-screen instructions, and select the Roomba 690 from the list of available devices. The app will guide you through the process of connecting your Roomba to your Wi-Fi network.

How can I schedule my Roomba 690 to clean at specific times?

To schedule cleaning times for your Roomba 690, first make sure it is connected to your Wi-Fi network. Then, open the iRobot HOME app on your smartphone and select the Roomba 690. Tap on the "Schedule" icon and set the desired cleaning days and times. You can customize the cleaning preferences and save the schedule for automatic cleaning.

What should I do if my Roomba 690 gets stuck on furniture or obstacles?

If your Roomba 690 gets stuck, first remove any loose objects or cords that may be blocking its path. If it continues to get stuck on specific furniture or obstacles, consider using Virtual Wall barriers or placing physical barriers to prevent access to those areas. Additionally, ensure the cliff sensors on the bottom of the unit are clean to prevent it from falling down stairs or from ledges.

How often should I clean the brushes and filters of my Roomba 690?

It is recommended to clean the brushes and filters of your Roomba 690 after every few uses, especially if you have pets or if it has picked up a significant amount of debris. Regular maintenance helps maintain optimal cleaning performance. You can access the brushes and filters by flipping the Roomba upside down and removing the brush guard.

What is the ideal room size for the Roomba 690 to effectively clean?

The Roomba 690 is designed to effectively clean rooms up to an average size of around 90 square meters (or approximately 900 square feet). However, it can adapt to various room sizes and configurations. For larger areas, it may be necessary to let it clean in multiple sessions or use it as a complement to manual vacuuming for comprehensive cleaning.

Is the manual of the iRobot Roomba 690 available in English?

Yes, the manual of the iRobot Roomba 690 is available in English .

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User manual iRobot Roomba 690 (English (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.