Ultimate Guide: How to Obtain Wyvern Milk (2024)

Ultimate Guide: How to Obtain Wyvern Milk (1)

Are you tired of endlessly searching for Wyvern Milk in Ark Survival Evolved? Look no further, because I have the ultimate guide on how to get your hands on this precious resource. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newbie, this article will provide you with all the information you need to become a Wyvern Milk master.

First things first, let's talk about what Wyvern Milk is and why it's so important. Wyvern Milk is a valuable resource that can only be obtained from female wyverns. It's used to make a variety of potions and other items that are essential for survival in the game. Not only that, but Wyvern Milk is also highly sought after by other players, making it a valuable commodity in the trading market.

So, how exactly do you go about getting Wyvern Milk? Well, the process isn't easy, but it's definitely worth it. The first thing you'll need to do is find a female wyvern. This may take some time, as they're not exactly easy to come by. Once you've located one, you'll need to aggro it and lead it away from its nest.

Next, you'll need to kill the wyvern's offspring. Yes, it sounds cruel, but it's necessary if you want to obtain the milk. Once you've killed the baby wyverns, the female wyvern will become enraged and begin to produce milk. This is your chance to swoop in and collect as much milk as you can carry.

Now, here's where things get tricky. Female wyverns are incredibly territorial and protective of their nests. So, how do you avoid getting fried by a raging wyvern while you're trying to collect its milk? The answer is simple: build a trap.

There are a few different trap designs you can use, but I've found that the most effective is a simple box trap. Build a structure around the female wyvern's nest, leaving a small opening for it to enter and exit. Once the wyvern is inside, close the opening and begin collecting the milk.

Of course, there are a few things to keep in mind when building your trap. First, make sure it's sturdy enough to withstand the wyvern's attacks. Second, make sure it's not too small or the wyvern won't enter it. And finally, make sure you have a way to escape in case things go south.

Once you've successfully collected the Wyvern Milk, it's time to put it to use. As I mentioned earlier, there are a variety of potions and other items you can make with it. Some of my personal favorites include the Enduro Stew, which increases stamina regeneration, and the Shadow Steak Saute, which makes you harder to detect by enemies.

In conclusion, obtaining Wyvern Milk may not be easy, but it's definitely worth the effort. With this guide, you'll be well on your way to becoming a master milk collector in no time. Happy hunting!


So, you've got yourself a Wyvern egg and you're ready to hatch it into your own little fire-breathing companion. Congratulations! However, before your Wyvern can grow into its full potential, you need to feed it Wyvern Milk. This can be a daunting task for a new player, but fear not, because we've got you covered. Here's everything you need to know to get Wyvern Milk in Ark: Survival Evolved.

The Basics of Wyvern Milk

Wyvern Milk is an essential resource for raising baby Wyverns. It provides nourishment and protection against the elements for your little dragon. You'll need to have some on hand if you want your Wyvern to grow into a strong and healthy adult. However, getting Wyvern Milk is no easy feat. Wyverns are dangerous creatures, and they're fiercely protective of their young. You'll need to be prepared if you want to succeed.

Preparing for the Hunt

Before you set out to get Wyvern Milk, there are a few things you should do to prepare. First and foremost, make sure you have a good weapon and plenty of ammunition. A crossbow or rifle will do the trick, but be sure to bring enough arrows or bullets to take down a Wyvern. Additionally, you'll want to wear armor that provides protection against fire and other elemental attacks. Finally, bring a flying mount with you that can outrun Wyverns if necessary.

Locating a Nest

Once you're prepared, it's time to locate a Wyvern nest. These can be found in certain areas of the map, usually near the tops of mountains. Look for large, rocky outcroppings with nests perched on top. You can also use a Wyvern egg to lure out a Wyvern, but this is a riskier approach.

Approaching the Nest

When you've found a nest, approach it with caution. Wyverns are very protective of their young and will attack anything that comes too close. Stay low to the ground and move slowly. If you're spotted, the Wyvern will come after you, so be ready to defend yourself.

Taking Down the Wyvern

If the Wyvern attacks, it's time to fight back. Aim for its head or wings, as these are its weak spots. Be prepared to dodge its attacks and keep firing until it goes down. Once it's dead, you can approach the nest and collect the Wyvern Milk.

Collecting the Wyvern Milk

Collecting Wyvern Milk is a bit tricky. You'll need to approach the nest and press the Use button to collect the milk. However, be aware that there may be other Wyverns nearby that will attack you. Keep your eyes peeled and be ready to defend yourself if necessary.

Breeding Wyverns for Milk

If you're not up for the dangerous task of collecting Wyvern Milk in the wild, there is another way. You can breed Wyverns to get milk from them. This involves hatching a Wyvern egg and raising it until it's an adult. Once it's grown, you can milk it for Wyvern Milk. This is a safer and more reliable way to get Wyvern Milk, but it does take longer.


Getting Wyvern Milk is no easy task, but with the right preparation and strategy, you can do it. Whether you choose to collect it from the wild or breed your own Wyverns, having Wyvern Milk on hand is essential for raising these powerful creatures. So, gear up and get ready to face the danger – your Wyvern is counting on you!

Are you in need of some Wyvern Milk but don't know how to go about getting it? Look no further, because I've got some ideas for you. First off, you could try the direct approach and sneak up on a Wyvern and ask politely for its milk. However, I wouldn't recommend this unless you're fluent in Wyvern and can negotiate a trade deal for milk. If speaking Wyvern isn't your strong suit, then you could always train a baby Wyvern to be a dairy cow (or should we say dairy Wyvern?). But if you don't have the time or patience for that, then perhaps dressing up in a Wyvern disguise and trying to blend in to milk them undetected is more your style.If that plan fails, then it's time to get creative. One idea is to initiate a tickle party to distract the Wyverns while you milk them. Trust me, they won't suspect a thing. Alternatively, you could create a milk extraction machine and set it up in the Wyvern habitat. Just make sure it's not too noisy, or you might attract unwanted attention.If you're feeling particularly confident, then why not challenge the Wyverns to a game of chess and make a wager for milk? But if your chess skills aren't up to scratch, then hiring a professional Wyvern milker (yes, they actually exist!) is always an option. Or, if you want to take a more gentle approach, you could offer the Wyverns a spa day in exchange for some milk - who doesn't love a good massage?And if all else fails, you could start a milk donation drive and hope some generous Wyverns will contribute. Hey, it's worth a shot! Whatever method you choose, just remember to be respectful and kind to the Wyverns. They may seem fierce, but they're just like any other creature - they appreciate a little kindness and understanding.

How To Get Wyvern Milk: A Humorous Guide

The Background:

Ah, wyvern milk! The holy grail of ingredients in the world of Monster Hunter. This sweet and creamy juice is essential for crafting many high-level items. However, getting your hands on it can be quite a task.As an experienced monster hunter, I have learned some tips and tricks on how to obtain this precious liquid. Buckle up, my fellow hunters, as I take you through the journey of acquiring wyvern milk.

The Method:

Step 1: Find a pregnant wyvern.

This may sound easy, but trust me, it's not. Pregnant wyverns are rare to come by, and they are usually guarded by their mates. So, you need to be extra careful not to get caught in their line of sight.

Step 2: Lure the pregnant wyvern away from its mate.

You can use various items such as Dung Pods or Flash Pods to distract the male wyvern. Be warned, though, pregnant wyverns are not to be taken lightly. They can still pack a punch and can easily knock you out with a single hit.

Step 3: Wait for the pregnant wyvern to lay an egg.

Once you have lured the pregnant wyvern far enough from its mate, it will lay an egg. This is where things get interesting. You need to steal the egg without alerting the mother. It's like playing a game of hot potato, but with a giant wyvern egg.

Step 4: Hatch the egg and raise the baby wyvern.

After successfully stealing the egg, you need to hatch it and raise the baby wyvern until it's fully grown. This may take some time, but it's all worth it in the end. Once the wyvern is fully grown, it will start producing milk, and you can finally get your hands on that sweet nectar.

A Word of Caution:

Do not attempt to follow these steps in real life. This is a game, and stealing wyvern eggs is illegal and unethical.

The Conclusion:

There you have it, folks, a humorous guide on how to get wyvern milk. While this may seem like a lot of work, it's all part of the thrill of monster hunting. So, grab your weapons, gear up, and go out there and hunt some wyverns. Happy hunting, everyone!


- Wyvern milk- Monster Hunter- Pregnant wyvern- Dung Pods- Flash Pods- Wyvern egg- Baby wyvern- Sweet nectar.

A Humorous Guide to Getting Wyvern Milk

Well, well, well. Looks like you've stumbled upon the ultimate guide to acquiring Wyvern Milk. Congratulations! You're one step closer to becoming a master of the Ark world. But before we dive into the nitty-gritty of getting that sweet, sweet milk, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of these majestic creatures.

Have you ever seen a Wyvern up close? It's like staring into the eyes of a mythical beast that could either swallow you whole or let you pet its snout. They're fascinating creatures, and their milk is even more precious. So, without further ado, here's how to get Wyvern Milk:

First things first, you need to find a Wyvern. Easier said than done, right? These creatures are not your average neighborhood pets. They're found in the most treacherous parts of the Ark world, and they don't take kindly to strangers. So, if you're feeling brave, gear up and head to the nearest Wyvern nesting area.

But wait, before you go charging in like a bull in a china shop, let's talk tactics. You need to be stealthy, quick, and prepared for the worst. A Wyvern's wrath is not something to be taken lightly. So, bring your best weapons, armor, and a healthy dose of courage.

Once you've located a nest, it's time to get sneaky. We suggest using a Ghillie suit to blend in with your surroundings and avoid detection. Slowly approach the eggs and snatch them up as quickly as possible. This is where your quick reflexes come in handy. If you're not fast enough, Mama Wyvern will come charging at you faster than you can say Oh, crap.

Now that you have the eggs, it's time to hatch them. This is where things get a little complicated. You'll need to keep the eggs warm and safe from harm. We recommend using a high-level incubator and keeping a close eye on the temperature. These eggs are delicate, so don't take any chances.

After a few hours of waiting, your Wyvern will hatch. Congratulations! You now have a baby Wyvern to raise. But wait, where's the milk? Don't worry, we're getting there.

Your baby Wyvern needs to eat, and it needs to eat a lot. This is where the Wyvern Milk comes in. It's the perfect food for growing Wyverns, but how do you get it? Well, you have two options:

Option one: Find a female Wyvern and steal her milk. This is not recommended unless you're an experienced Wyvern thief. Female Wyverns are fiercely protective of their young and their milk. So, if you're not careful, you might end up as a Wyvern snack.

Option two: Buy Wyvern Milk from a trustworthy seller. This is the safer option, but it can be costly. Make sure you're buying from someone reputable, or you might end up with a bottle of spoiled milk.

Now that you have the milk, it's time to feed your baby Wyvern. It will grow quickly, and before you know it, you'll have a fully-grown Wyvern at your disposal. Congrats, you've done it!

But wait, before you go flying off into the sunset on your Wyvern, let's do a quick recap of what we've learned:

- Wyverns are awesome creatures that deserve our respect.

- Getting Wyvern Milk is not easy, but it's worth it.

- Stealing milk from a female Wyvern is risky business.

- Buying milk from a reputable seller is the safer option.

- Raising a baby Wyvern takes patience, dedication, and a lot of milk.

And there you have it. A humorous guide to getting Wyvern Milk. We hope you've enjoyed this article and learned something new. Now go out there and conquer the Ark world with your newfound knowledge!

People Also Ask: How To Get Wyvern Milk?

What is Wyvern Milk?

Wyvern milk is a rare and valuable resource in the game ARK: Survival Evolved. It is a vital ingredient for raising baby wyverns. Without it, the baby wyvern will die.

How to get Wyvern Milk?

Getting Wyvern Milk is no easy feat. Here are some ways to get it:

  1. Take down a female wyvern – Female wyverns are the only ones that produce milk. It's important to note that taking one down is not an easy task. They are powerful creatures that can breathe fire or lightning and have a lot of health.
  2. Steal it from a nest – A less risky way of getting Wyvern Milk is stealing it from their nest. However, you need to be careful as the parent wyverns will attack you if they catch you stealing their eggs.
  3. Breed wyverns – If you have two opposite-gendered wyverns, you can breed them to produce a fertilized egg. Once the egg hatches, you can raise the baby wyvern and get milk from it.

Is there an easy way to get Wyvern Milk?

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to get Wyvern Milk. But hey, if it were easy, it wouldn't be as valuable, right? Remember, the struggle is part of the fun!

Is Wyvern Milk worth the effort?

Definitely! Wyvern Milk is a valuable resource in the game, and getting it requires skill and strategy. Plus, raising a baby wyvern is an incredibly rewarding experience. Just make sure you have enough milk to keep it alive!

Hope this helps! Good luck in your quest for Wyvern Milk!

Ultimate Guide: How to Obtain Wyvern Milk (2024)
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