The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 1949 Holiday Accidents Cause Death, Injuries 222 083, JUNE OVELLA ARNOLD, 13-year-old student nurse returning to Roanoke after spending Christmas with her family in Washington, was killed. yesterday, when the car shown above another car collided at the foot of Afton Mountain. Miss Arnold was sitting next to the mashed-in door. The car is shown being dragged up the 45-foot bank it went over after the collision.

Dally Progress Staff Photo. Accidents 2. (Continued Page One). lacerated foot; The car badly damaged. Three persons were treated at the hospital for injuries received whenthey were struck by.

automobiles. Clarence Jasper, Negro, of Novum, was admitted to the hospital Baturday night after. car. struck himon Route 21 In Madison County. Charles Clark, Negro, of Greenwood, way relcased after treatment last night.

He was struck at. the corner of Fifth and Water Streets. Bertha May Robertson, Washington Negro, was released after treatment last night. She was struck on Route 29 near town. A number of cars left the road during the -end without causing serious injuries to.

the occupants. Two. cars from New Jersey collided on Route 29 about mile south of the city Inst. night, No injuries resulted from this accident. Jesse Morris, Howardsville Negro, spent Christmas in Jail after being charged with- hitting' Clarence Anderson, Negro, also from Howardeville, Saturday night in.

Scottiville. Anderson is reported to have suffered a cut on the head but is not listed as being treated at either of the local Morris was released under bond this Sixteen persons were killed In Virginia highway accidents over the three-day holiday week -end. State police 'said these brought Virginia's toll for the year, to 780. Robert Earl Dowell of Cismont, died at 2 o'clock this morning local. hospital, following an tended illness.

She was native of Albemarle County, daughter of Mrs. W. Crawford, of Thelma, and the late Luther Crawford, and was 29 years of age. Besides her husband and mother, she is survived by four misters, Mrs. Easton and Mrs.

W. Armstrong, of this city, Mrs. Archie Walker, of Cobham, -and Mrs. Elbert Armstrong. of Keswick, and two brothers, Leslie Crawford, of this city, and Dewey Crawford, of Thelma.

The funeral be held at 3. o'clock -tomorrow afternoon from Grace Episcopal Church, Cismont, the servicer to be conducted by the Rev. Robinson, rector emeritus, assisted by the rector, the" Rev. Dennis Whittle. Interment will follow In the churchyard, with the following serving as pallbearers: Fred Woodrow, Willard and Marshall Dowell, J.

Gibson and- Alien: Stokes. JAMIES G. THOMAS James G. Thomas died suddenly Christmas night at his residence, 924 Monticello Road, following an extended illness. He.

was a native of Albemarle County, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John La Thomas, and was s6 years of age. He married Miss Annabelle Dudley, of this county, who: sure vives, together with two daughters, the Misses Alice and Gladys Thomas, of this city, and one son. Cpl.

James G. Thomas Jr, U. S. Army, now stationed in Japan: Mr. Thomas also leaves three sisters, Mrs.

R. H. Stargell, of Hopewell, Mrs. Grant Snead, Ington, and Mrs. Jack Smith, of Scottsville, and four brothers, John Henry C.

and Willie. Thomas, all of this city, and Walter C. Thomas, of Scottsville. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Another Elephant HAMBURG- fugitive elephant from German took -an expensive stroll through the streets of Hamburg recently.

She bowled over a candy stand and ate ten pounds of chocolates. Then she topped off her meal with razor blades, balr brush, and 's bar of soap plucked with her trunk from the pocket of la petrified by stander. 1: I Briefs over the week. talowed by rain and tempera- warmmaximum degrees; minimum, 56. Pre- this moraine.

high was 45 degrees; 34 of an inchi 13; at. 9 o'clock temperature Sunday 2. minimum, 17; at Highest Monday Bureau forecast: Cloudy morning, 41. A with tonight occasional and possibly light rain towwest temperature a the middle 50's the la cast the por- west to 60 in bar FORECAST FINLA Temperature will 10 to' 15 degrees above Mid temperatures will colder over the weekbattered light rain again Friday or Satur. thing one-third to one-balt TOWN RECREATION Donatown Recreation Center from 10 A M.

until 13 from P. M. until 4 P. this week and from 10 4 moon on Saturday. There Mating Friday night Yade Avenue Prayer CirI tonight at o'clock in of Mr.

and Mrs. Roller to Meade Avenue, Mrs. Powell will be the speaker. TING POSTPONED Ladies Society of the Broth4 of Locomotive Firemen and will not hold its schedmating tonight. The next rill be on the second TuesJanuary.

MOLY SUPPER will be, no family supper University Baptist Church sight, At 7:30 o'clock In. Kenneth Hayes, former one of the church, will conduct ever meeting, and at $:15 the will bold its monthly meetMra. Hugh Sadler presid- 12 TER BORN. ughter was born. last -aight Martha Jefferson Hospital and Mrs.

Kenneth Wade of ENT of the Farmington Hunt a lox hunt this morning. were cast at o'clock at Club, OF SON was born at morning at the Martha Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. L. Runkle of Quinque.

MITT A of the Keswick Hunt te scheduled to hold Joint morning at 10 with the ANNOUNCED and Mrs. Matthew C. Ryan Copeley Hill, announce' the da daughter Saturday night Martha Jefferson Hospital. FOR VISIT First Class Charles Reese, who recently gradfrom -machinist school at Field, Ill, is spending the with his parents, Mr. and Aubrey Buck.

Reese, who enAir his Force In October, basic training: at Antonio, Texas. After the of his, holiday here, teport to" Barksdale' Air Shreveport, La. McCasland To Speak liblical Societies Vernon religion at McCasland, proTala, will. deliver the University address and will read a paper at the meetings of 4 0. Societies Dec.

27-30 in president of the National und of Biblical Instructors entitled his "The presidential address Bridge of He is also the dial Literature of the Society which he will and read Exegesis, entitled "Abba, Gets Help Traffic Cop Caftan PRINGTON UP -Police. I. Panciera was ditraffic. A woman came up bare him her daughter baby. was tried to flag a 'cab to to full' the hospital.

But telephone So he gave boy 1 they for at to the home which was due to arrive and found any "what it did, with Pancithey told me, la Peters Rushton Dies In New York Was: Assistant DeanOf College At U. Va. Urban Joseph Peters Rushton, sistant dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and assistant sor English at the University. of Virginia, died 'carly this morning at Memorial Hospital in New York City after an illness of seve eral montha, Dean Rushton was 'born January 12, 1915, la Birmingham, Ala. son of James Franklin and Willis Robarts Rushton.

He received his early education at the Birmingham University School and HIll School. He received his bachelor's degree from Princeton University, then did graduate study at Harvard Univer-. sity, where he received his master's degree and at Cambridge University in He subacquently returned to Princeton where he studied for his doctorate in English. He' joined the University of Virginia faculty in the fall of 1940 a Instructor in English, but his teachins career was interrupted by three years in the Navy, which included service as a navigator in naval aviation and later in military government. After the war he was named chairman of the staff of first year English instructors, work which involved considerable correspondence with high schools about.

freshmen students. This led to his ment by President Darden as assistant dean of the college. He helped revise and enlarge the program of orientation for entering freshmen and he worked out with the reading clinic. a program for 'diagnosing and correcting the readIns defects of students who failed their drat year courses, He made many generous gifts to the University of Virginia Library, always with the stipulation that his name not be made public. One contribution made -possible the starting of series of seminars in English which has brought many well known teachers, critics and authors for lectures and discussions.

One gift established a poetry collection: In memory of Donald R. Reed, who had been student der him and was killed as a naval aviator, Another gift for books on literary. criticism honored Asher Hinds, who had taught him Princeton. He also gave the Princeton Library fund for books as memorial to his father. With Daniel Norton, also of the English faculty, he was the author of "A Glossory of Literary Terma," published in.

1941, and the two had -completed volume on "Classical Myths In' English ture," soon to be published, He was best known among advanced students for his course on literary criticism, and he was the author of many critical reviews. He is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Richard Stockbam, Mra. Henry Mellen and Mra. B.

A. Monaghan, of Birmingham, and by three brothers, -James F. Rushton, Jacksonville, Fla, Allen and Wuliam Rushton, Birmingham. Funeral services will be held in Birmingham Thursday morning at the First Presbyterian Church. Obituaries NATHAN P.

PAYNE Nathan Prentice Payne, an ployee of the Charlottesville WoolGR Mills for the past 12 years, died early Christmas evening at his home near Troy, Fluvanna County, following a brief illness. He' was native of Fluvanne County, son of the late Henry and Sally Ann Tolliver Payne, and was 72 years of age, He married Miss Susie Payne, of Fluvanna, who surtogether with one daughter, Mrs. Silly Bagby, of this city, and three sons, N. T. and W.

H. Payne, both of Troy, and J. E. Payne of Washington, D. C.

There are eightgrandchildren and. one greatgrandchild. Mr. Payne also leaves a sister, Mra. Walker, of Union Mills, and one brother, H.

C. Payne, of Palmyra. The funeral wilt be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon from Beaver Dam Baptist Church, the service to be conducted by the Rev. F. Leslie Robinson, rector emeritus of Episcopal Church, Cismont, assisted by the pastor, the Rev.

William Ed Smith, of Bybee. Interment will follow in the churchyard. DUKE POWELL Colonel 'Duke Powell, merch-. ant. of the.

Barboursville section, died Friday night at a' local hospital. He was native of Rockingham County, son of the late Emmanuel and Nellie Shiflett and was 79 years of, age. He married Bliss Lillie Monger, of. Rockingham, who survives, together with one daughter, Mrs. J.

W. Lucas, of Barboursville. Mr. Powell. also leaves two Mrs.

Judy Ana Morris, of Proffit, and Mrs. Rebecca Baugher, of Elkton, and three brothers, A. J. Powell, of this city; P. 'T.

Powell of Proffit, and Charles P. Powell, of Elkton. The funeral was held at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the Preddy Funeral Home here, the service being conducted by the Rev. Robert Hall. Interment followed in the cemetery at Preddy's Creek Baptist Church.

MRS. ROBERT DOWELL Mra. Ruby E. Dowell, wife of Pension Scheme On Senate Slate Action On Veterans Measure Expected By Douglas R. Cornell WASHINGTON.

Dec. 27 A pension bill in the Senate and an inaurance hill in the House are the top priority items for veterans In the congressional session starting week from today. A bonus bill for World War Two veterans is in the background. Even its strongest supporters anions veterans' organizations don't expect this multi. dollar measure! to get anywhere in the next The House already has mesall liberalized pension hill for veterans of both world wars.

Now It's up to the Senate to act. One of the bills major features provides that any veteran would be considered permanently and totally disabled upon reaching the ago of 65. He could get pension if he had no dependents and an Incoine, below $1,300 year, or it he had dependents and an income below $2,500. Chairman Rankin (D'Miss) told reporter the Arat hill the House Veterans' Committee will consider probably will be an insurance ure supported by the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, -Disabled Veterans and Amvets. The bill is on the technical alde and wouldn't apply to any tremend-: ous number of veterans, committee omcials said.

want it is that' it would give One reason the organizations erans with service connected disabilities an extra two years to. apply for or reinstate national spry. ice life Insurance. The time runs out at the end of this year. Rankin has a bonus bill pending before his committee but lan't showing much of an inclination to push It It would rive World War Two veterans $3 for each day of service In this country and $4-for each day of active service overseas, But any benefits under the 1.

Bill of Rights, like schooling or the- would be deducted from veteran's bonus. Rep. Pace (D-Cly has put in a broader bill. It would pay 44 or $5 and omit the G. I.

deductiona, Cary Grant And Bride End Holiday Honeymoon HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 27 -UP The honeymoon of Cary Grant and his Christmas bride, Belay Drake, over, Mias Drake, 24, la due to report at her studio today for movie role: The 46-year-old Grant la slated to start a movie in a few weeks. Their one-day honeymoon was closely. guarded ecret as was their runaway marriage Sunday in desert home near Phoenix, Aris. It is the third marriage for the handsome Grant.

His firat wife was actress Virginia Cherrill, who later became the countess of Jersey, Then he married dime store heiress Barbara Hutton who Is the Princess Troubotakoy, It Is Miss Drake's first wedding. She and Grant met on a shipboard two years ago and have been going steady Reds Say West Fears Sports Competition MOSCOW, Dec. The Newspaper Soviet Sports said today that there no Iron Curtain preventing Soviet athletes from competing with westerners, but that "the sport lackeys of Wall teams Street" are afrald, to meet Soviet (The Soviet Union has pover accepted the always open Invitation to participate with the rest of the world in the Olympic Games. The next Olympics will be held in nearby Helsinki, Finland, In 1952. Today's story in the organ of The Soviet.

Committee on Physical Culture and Sports dicates The Soviet Union may consider' participating.) M- Cut Flowers and Potted Plants Order Now For Prompt Delivery Valley View Greenhouses, Inc. 418 E. Main St. Phone 2-6141 A TWO MADISON COUNTY MEN were seriously Injured Christmas night when this car struck the Northanna River bridge on Route 22 north of 'the city. Bernard Eugene Dowell, passenger in the car, is reported to he In a critical condition at the Unlycralty Hospital The driver, Gordon Early Seal, la also in the hospital, -Dally Progress Staff Photo.

No Action Yet On Request 7 For Darden To Speak To NCAA: The University of Virginia will have strong. representation at the NCAA convention In New York, January "and 14, director of athictics Norton G. Prichett Indicated today. He said Colgate Darden, Jr. president of the University, plans to return from trip to.

India prior to the meeting and will be ready to state the University's case on the Sanity Code. University officials have asked Darden be allowed state the case on the floor of the convention, but action on this. request not been 'announced. Record The University has asked that a record vote be taken when the question of expulsion: comes before the convention. Virginia Winter Wheat Sowings Are Lowest Since 1866 RICHMOND, Dec.

IT -UP -The Virginia cooperative crop service said the winter wheat acreage seeded by Virginia farmers this fall was the ariallest since 1466 when official records first were started. A Federal allotment program, applicable to wheat. sowed in the fall for the 1950 crop, was the factor in a 12 per cent reduction in the 1949 sowings under last year's total, the service said. The winter wheat acreage estimated at 446,000 acres, compated with 607,000 acres seeded last Smokeless Furnace At Illinois University URBANA, IL. UP) The University of Illinois has a home coal furnace that burns its own smoke.

The coal burned Includes numerous low- -grade fuels that now cannot be burned in many cities, because of anti-smoke regulations. The furnace is like a U-shaped pipe, Coal is poured into one side. The Are is started at the bottom of the coal. But the fumes do not g0 up through the coal. bed.

The draft comes down through the coal. The result is that as the fresh coal sets bot and the gasses, form, they are drawn downward. These gases are the smoke. They pass down and around the bottom of the and start upward on the side opposite the burning coal. The beat -is enough- to ignite them 4 PAGE THREE Wed On Christmas L' 1 SCREEN STAR CARY GRANT and actress Betsy Drake enjoy cup of coffer after their surprise Christmas Day wedding at a desert hom*o near Phoenix, Ariz.

They were flown to the scene from Ins Angries by movie maker Howard Hughes, who was best man at the ceremony. The bride was unattended. Diets Are Better, Scientists Hear Low Income Families Show Improvement By Howard W. Blakesics, Anaciated Press Science Falter NEW YORK, their diets, hut they still eat less income Americans a are Improving good food than their fellow citiErna. This report was made.

to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, by Dr. 'Hazel K. Stiebeling. More than 3,000 scientific ports--the largest number on search ever made at such a gathe ering-are to be made during the nix-day, meeting. now, In Its ond Approximately 10,000 scientists are attending.

St chief of the. Bureau- -of Human Nutrition and Home: Economics of the Agriculture Drpartment's Research ministration, said familles with Incomes of $7,500 or more a year eat about -thirds milk and meat than families, Those with the higher Incomes, she sald, eat more. than twice much fruit as those with low Incomes. And the low Incomers eat one tenth as much frozen fruits and vegetables than the $7,500 class. Neverthless, she maid, the low Income Americans have bern making significant gains in diet quality.

To do this they spending times more now on what they eat than at the beginning of the war, Last year these same low Income people added. more meat, poultry, fish and by about 30 per cent. They added 20 per cent more milk and. Its. products except butter: They also ate more fresh vegetables and fruits, Dr.

Stiebeling said tables Buick Cuts Prices Of '50 Model Cars FLINT, Dee. n- UP Price cuts ranging from $65 to $310 were announced today by Bulck Motors on certain of Its 1950 model cars. The reductions include a cently announced 1 cut of $40 on Buick's torque converter transmis- Engineering and atyling detalis at models closed. tomorrow, The new lower price tags affect models in the new Roadmaster and super series. No change la made On the special Introduced last August.

-In the Roadmaster series $65 and $76 outs are made respectively Is the sedanet and four-door sedan, while $190 reductions are made on the convertible, $310 on the so-call. ed har4-top convertible and 1290 on the estate wagon. In the super series the convertible' la cut $85 and the estate wagon $300 Gas Explosion Wrecks Home, Injures Ten HAMPTON, Dee, 21-UP explosion wrecked a four-room cottage near Buckroe Basch rester day and injured ten persons- none critically. Eight of them were brought to hospital here wit burns Injured in the explosion were seven members of the Ilogge Ily--C, G. Horre, 29, his wife, Hilda, 25, and their children, Sandra, months, Douglas, Charles, Thomas, 1, and G.

C. Hogge and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powell and their son, Gary, 3. Hogge said the accident occurs he lighted cigarette in the cottage which had been ed by Powell.

Hogge said he was certain man inlet was leaking. been Improving for long time. Americans still don't eat enough calcium, but city people are doing lot better than a few years ago. Then they ate only third much they needed; now they modest Income Americans have 'get two thirds. Bet You Don't Know This About Advertising by Susan Quiz No.

10 What does it cost to advertise a quart of milk? 34? 54? 74 8 quart? Answer: It costs less than a quart to advertise the best known brands of milk. That's only half the story. two ways: Advertising lowers your cost MILL Cuts the selling costs. And by helping make mass production possible, lowers the production costs, too. So advertising saves you many times the cost of that.

per quart. and, seven other schools, Include. ing Virginia and The Citadel, have been. cited for tion of the code. This code requires that ath.

leten hold legitimate Job In tura for any benefits tuttion they receive from their schools. Virginia's stand has been that there: aren't enough jobs to go around on small campus like the one here, Can't Comply Officials have said that It la impossible for student to apply himself to a major. sport, work, and still pass his subjects--a dition that the University: Insists Pritchett said that he and some of the University conches would also attend the meeting. they leave the coal bed. A stream of fresh air which enters the furnace at this point enables the smoke to burn completely.

GET, THE AD-READING HABIT Wise Mothers FIND NEW RELIEF! For STUFFINESS, COUGHS of COLDS Vicks Wise mothers know how really you elective Now, rub it for Vicks on. amazing VapoRub new is relief when' A AN STEAM when colds cause coughing, upper bronchial congestica, or that "stuffed-up" feeling, modern package. Then breathe in mothers use VapoRub this ape- soothing. medicated vapors. cial way, too In It Every breath cases coughing.

brings relief almost instantly. relieves that "chokey" feeling. Put 1 or 3 good spoonfuls of Por continued relief -even VapoRub in a vaporizer or bowl while you sleep of balling water, Use it as in directed steam- in -Rub -rub it it on, on, tool too. VICKS 5.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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