Sourdough Starter | How to Make a Sour Dough Starter Kit from Cultures for Health - Cultures For Health (2024)

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  • by CFH Admin
  • June 23, 2022
  • 8 min read

Sourdough Starter | How to Make a Sour Dough Starter Kit from Cultures for Health - Cultures For Health (1)

Making traditional sourdough bread from oursourdough bread kit and other baked goods is so easy! No special equipment is required, and only basic ingredients are necessary to get started: flour, water, and a sourdough starter. Obtaining a sourdough starter is not difficult, and there are options to fit everyone’s needs. But first, let’s take a look at the different characteristics and types of sourdough starter and how you can put together your own sourdough starter kit.

Download our Sourdough Guide today, and it will show you how to make or obtain a sourdough starter that is perfect for making delicious sourdough bread. With our guide, you can have fresh, healthy, and tasty homemade bread.


1. Type of Sourdough Starter Flour

Each sourdough starter is grown on a specific type of flour and should be activated and fed using that same flour. It is possible to convert a portion of the starter to another type of flour.

LEARN MORE:How to Switch Your Sourdough to a New Type of Flour

A sourdough starter that is made and fed with one type of flour can be used for baking with other flours or combinations of flour.

2. Starter Sourness

The level of sourness in a sourdough starter can be manipulated to some degree. While a few starters are known for their particular tang, others can be sour or mild, depending on the starter’s hydration level, the flour used, and the proofing time.

LEARN MORE:Manipulating the Sourness of Your Sourdough

3. Sour Dough Starter Proofing Time

Some sourdough starters are naturally quick proofers, which can be handy for those with a busy schedule. However, there are benefits to a longer proofing time, as well.

LEARN MORE:Short Versus Long Fermentation in Sourdough Baking

Purchase an establishedsourdough starterfrom us! We carry several varieties of sourdough starters originating in different areas of the world, from Alaska to New Zealand. Each starter requires a specific type of flour for feeding, from white flour to rye to gluten-free brown rice flour.

Best for Sourdough Beginners

Now, if you're a beginning sourdough baker we generally recommend sticking with either aSan FranciscoorWhole Wheat Sourdough Starter. They're just a little bit easier to work with. For the San Francisco Sourdough starter we recommend using white flour and for the Whole Wheat Sourdough starter, we suggest feeding with whole grains. TheRyeand theGluten-Free Startersgenerally require just a tad more attention during baking, so keep that in mind. Our Gluten-Free Sourdough Starters are tested in an independent lab to less than 5 parts per million (ppm), which is a great option if you’re pursuing a gluten-free diet. We also offer a fullsourdough starter kitto get you all the basics you need to get started.

A Comparison of Sourdough Starters

Take a look at our sourdough starter comparison chart to choose a starter that makes sense for you and the type of sourdough bread you want to make.

Sourdough StarterSourceSourdough Starter Characteristics
White Flour Sourdough Starter
AlaskanAlaskaTends to proof more quickly than other white-flour starters. Perfect for people who want to move through the bread making process quickly.
CamaldoliCamaldoli, ItalyCan be fast in warm conditions. Very robust starter, proofs in 3 to 8 hours depending on ambient temperature. Fairly mild; adapts well for non-bread recipes (pizza crust, muffins, etc.)
IschiaItaly (island of Ischia)Tends to be more sour than many other varieties if the flavor is allowed to develop fully with a longer proof period.
New EnglandNew EnglandRises fairly quickly. An excellent basic sourdough starter; makes good all-purpose bread. Originating in the 1800s.
Parisiannear Paris, FranceA mild, reliable sourdough starter suitable for a variety of artisanal bread.
San FranciscoSan FranciscoTangy flavor. This classic culture is famous for producing a rich, sour flavor.
Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter
DesemBelgiumTraditional whole-wheat sourdough starter; can develop a tangy flavor when proofed for 18 to 24 hours.
Rye Sourdough Starter
New ZealandNew ZealandThe fastest proofing among the rye starters; generally proofs in 3 to 5 hours.
Spelt Sourdough Starter
SpeltNew EnglandAn excellent choice for people who bake primarily with spelt flour.
Gluten-free Sourdough Starter
Brown RiceNew EnglandVery fast, needs frequent feeding. Can be used to create gluten-free baked goods.

Sourdough Starter Instructions

Instructions for activating our white flour, whole wheat, rye, or spelt starters are included in the box or can be found below. The instructions for activating and feeding ourGluten-Free Brown Rice Sourdough Starterare slightly different and can be foundhere.

If you're new to sourdough baking, our helpfulHow-to Videoscan be useful for beginners!

Before you Begin Working with your Sourdough Starter Kit:

  • Our sourdough starters are shipped in a dehydrated state, to be shelf-stable and safe for shipping.Store the starter in a cool, dry place until you are ready to activate it.
  • Useunchlorinated, unfluoridated waterwhen feeding your starter.
  • Feed the starter with thetype of flour that matches the starter: white flour for a white-flour starter, rye flour for a rye starter, etc.
  • Usenon-metal utensilswhen making a sourdough starter. Stainless steel is acceptable.

Sourdough starters are fairly resilient cultures. When working with sourdough there are several methodologies for activating and maintaining a sourdough starter.

Below you will find both ouroriginaland anewer methodologyfor activating and caring for a sourdough starter culture. The methodology you use to activate and care for your starter iscompletely up to you based on what you find easiest for your lifestyle.

With that said, sourdough is a veryforgiving cultureand one of the easiest to work with, so we are confident that you will besuccessful despite which methodology you choose. If you have any concerns regarding your starter culture feel free to reach out - we're here to help!

Activating the Sourdough Starter

Original Sourdough Starter Methodology
  1. Pour the entire contents of the package into a quart-sized jar or similar container.
  2. Add ¼ cup room-temperature water; mix well.
  3. Add ¼ cup flour; stir vigorously.
  4. Cover with a tight-weave towel or a coffee filter, secured with a rubber band.
  5. Place in a warm area, 70°-85°F, for 12-18 hours.
    1. NOTE: Maintaining a warm culturing area around the clock is important for successful activation. Consult our article onCold Weather Care for Starter Culturesif your home is colder than 70°F.
  6. After 12-18 hours, feed the starter: mix in ½ cup water and a scant ½ cup flour. Stir vigorously to incorporate plenty of air.
  7. Cover as before and return to the warm spot for 12 hours.
  8. After 12 hours,discardall but ½ cup starter.
  9. Mix in ½ cup water and scant 1 cup flour; stir vigorously. Cover as before.
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 every 12 hours, until the mixture becomes light and bubbly, typically 3 to 7 days.
  11. Once the starter is bubbling reliably within a few hours of being fed, feed for two more cycles before preparing to use it in baking.
New Sourdough Starter Methodology
  1. Add a packet of starter to 1 tablespoon flour and 1 tablespoon water in a quart-size glass jar and stir thoroughly. Cover the jar with a coffee filter or breathable material secured with a rubber band and culture in a warm place for 12-24 hours.
  2. After 12-24 hours, feed the starter with an additional 2 tablespoons of flour and 2 tablespoons of water. Stir vigorously. Your starter should have the consistency of pancake batter, and you may need to add more flour or water.
  3. After 12-24 hours, feed the starter with an additional ¼ cup of flour and ¼ cup water. Stir vigorously.
  4. After another 12-24 hours, feed the starter with an additional ½ cup of flour and ½ cup water. Stir vigorously.
  5. Every 12-24 hours, discard down to ½ cup of starter and then feed the starter with ½ cup water and ½ cup flour. Continue this feeding schedule, and after 3 to 7 days, your starter will be bubbling regularly within a few hours of feeding.

While it may seem wasteful to discard extra starter, maintaining a large amount of starter for infrequent baking would use large amounts of flour over time. For more information on why we recommend discarding starter, and for recipes for using the discarded starter, consult our article,How to Use Discarded Sourdough Starter.

Option #2: Obtain a Sourdough Starter from Friends or Family

Ask around. You may be surprised at how many friends or family members keep a sourdough starter, or at least know someone who does. Find a sourdough baker who is happy with his/her well-established starter and can give you some tips on how best to care for it.

The Benefits of Obtaining an Established Sourdough Starter

Whether you purchase a starter or get one from a friend, there are definite advantages to using an established sourdough starter:

  • It is more reliable.
  • It is more stable, active, and resilient.
  • It can guarantee a more pleasantly flavored bread.

If the established sourdough starter is refrigerated, make sure to follow the steps forpreparing fresh sourdough starterbefore using it to bake.

Option #3: How to Make Your Own Sourdough Starter

If you'd rather create your own homemade sourdough starter from wild yeast and bacteria, this method is a little less reliable, but may also produce surprisingly delicious results. Making a sourdough starter requires some basic ingredients, equipment, and conditions.

What You'll Need to Make a Sourdough Starter

  • Flour
  • Water as free from contaminants as possible
  • A warm temperature, 70°-85°F
  • A non-reactive vessel in which you make and store the starter (glass or plastic)
  • A non-reactive stirring device
  • A breathable lid such as a clean towel or coffee filter
  • A space to ferment with no other cultured foods nearby


  1. Combine¾cup flour and ½cup warm water in a glass or plastic container.Make sure the container can hold about 2 quarts, to avoid overflow.
  2. Stirvigorously to incorporate air; cover with a breathable lid.
  3. Leavein a warm place,70-85°F, for12-24 hours.Feeding every 12 hours will increase the rate at which your sourdough starter is multiplying its organisms; feeding every 24 hours will take a bit longer, but may be more sustainable depending on your time commitment.
  4. At the 12 or 24 hour mark you may begin to see some bubbles, indicating that organisms are present.Repeat the feedingwith ½cup warm water and ¾cup flour.
  5. Stir vigorously,cover, andwaitanother12-24 hours.
  6. Repeat feedingsevery12-24 hoursby removing half of the starter before every feeding and discarding it.Feed with½cup warm water and¾cup flour.
  7. After about5-7 daysthe sourdough starter should have enough yeasts and bacteria to be used for baking.


Once you’ve activated or created your sourdough starter, you’re one step closer tomaking sourdough bread. Make sure to keepfeeding the sourdough starterat least two more cycles before using sourdough starter to bake.

No matter what sourdough starter you choose, they can be used to make not only bread but other baked goods like muffins, pancakes, waffles, cookies...the list goes on and on.

Cultures For Health is here to help you unlock the hundreds of uses of a sourdough starter and transform your bread game to a whole new level. We haveeverything you needfrom the starters to every piece of equipment you'll need to start making your own bread at home now!

Click here to check out our Artisan Sourdough Starter Kit with everything you need to start making your own bread at home now!

Download our Sourdough Guide and Recipe book today and make your delicious sourdough bread!

Ready to Start Using a Sourdough Starter?

  • San Francisco Style Sourdough Starter
  • Gluten-Free Sourdough Starter
  • Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter
  • Rye Sourdough Starter


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Sourdough Starter | How to Make a Sour Dough Starter Kit from Cultures for Health - Cultures For Health (2024)


What is the healthiest sourdough starter? ›

There is no single best ratio, but I've found a ratio of 1:5:5 fed twice daily at 12-hour intervals to produce a sourdough starter that's strong and healthy. This ratio corresponds to 20% ripe starter carryover, 100% water, and 100% flour (a mix of whole grain rye and white flour) at each feeding.

Does sourdough starter have health benefits? ›

May support gut health

Although the beneficial microbes in the starter tend to be lost during the baking process, the fibre and plant compounds, called polyphenols, become more bio-available. These act as an important fuel source for our gut microbes, which explains why sourdough is a gut-friendly choice.

Is it safe to make your own sourdough starter? ›

Sourdough bread can safely be made at home, following best practices to cultivate a healthy and viable sourdough starter, or culture. Maintaining a sourdough starter involves managing an ecosystem of microscopic yeast and bacteria.

Is homemade sourdough bread good for gut health? ›

Sourdough bread may be easier to digest than white bread for some people. According to some studies, sourdough bread acts as a prebiotic, which means that the fiber in the bread helps feed the “good” bacteria in your intestines. These bacteria are important for maintaining a stable, healthy digestive system.

Is sourdough actually healthier than regular bread? ›

The bottom line. Sourdough is a healthier alternative to regular white or whole wheat bread. Although it has comparable nutrients, the lower phytate levels mean it is more digestible and nutritious. The prebiotics also help to keep your gut bacteria happy, and it may be less likely to spike blood sugar levels.

What is the best flour to start a sourdough starter? ›

All-purpose Flour

It strikes a perfect balance of softness and structure, making it an ideal choice for various recipes. Due to its wide availability and affordability, all-purpose flour is often my top recommendation for creating and maintaining a sourdough starter.

Is it OK to eat sourdough bread everyday? ›

Is it healthy to eat sourdough everyday? You could eat sourdough every day, but it isn't necessarily healthy to do so. A healthy diet is characterized by balance and moderation. Whether or not it is healthy for you to consume sourdough every day depends on the rest of your diet.

Is it cheaper to make or buy sourdough? ›

Yes it's cheaper to make your own sourdough at home, as oppose to buying it from a bakery. When you consider that sourdough is literally just flour, water and salt (including the sourdough culture), then depending on the type of flour you use, you could bake a loaf for as little as $1.

What is the healthiest flour for sourdough bread? ›

Compared to whole wheat flour, rye flour is said to be the most nutrient- and amylase-dense option for a sourdough starter. Overall, it has a lower gluten protein content than wheat flour, which means it produces slack, sticky, and dense doughs.

When should you not use sourdough starter? ›

It's usually pretty obvious when your starter has gone bad. You will either see mold or discoloration (generally pink or orange). If you see either of these things, you will need to toss your starter. The smell is usually a big give away.

What can ruin a sourdough starter? ›

The only things that are gonna kill your starter are if you heat it up to > 110F or if you neglect it so badly that it starts growing pathogens that it can't get rid of itself (mold basically). Feeding your starter will never ruin it. Feed it 6x a day if you want!

How do I know if my sourdough starter is safe? ›

Typical signs of food spoilage and mold include pink, orange, or green colors, white fuzzy spots, or sometimes areas that are darker with white areas on top. If you see any of these signs, I would recommend throwing your starter away and creating a new one.

Is sourdough good for gut bacteria? ›

Yes, sourdough contains the gut-friendly lactobacillus bacteria, but the high heat of baking destroys these probiotics. So, unless you'd like to eat the raw dough, sourdough is not a probiotic food. However, it does have some digestive benefits.

Why is sourdough bread anti inflammatory? ›

Sourdough bread contains lactic acid, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can lead to a variety of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Adding sourdough bread to your diet can help reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

Why is sourdough bread not fattening? ›

Sourdough bread's fiber, potassium, phosphorus, and sodium content all support a heart-healthy diet. The soluble fiber found in sourdough bread binds to dietary cholesterol in the small intestine, helping pass this fat through the system instead of absorbing it.

What are the healthiest types of sourdough? ›

Whole wheat sourdough contains more fiber, while sourdough made with enriched white flour may contain more iron and B vitamins. One slice (56 grams) of whole-wheat sourdough gives : Calories: 100. Protein: 4 grams.

What is the best material for sourdough starter? ›

Glass and plastic are both excellent choices for sourdough starter containers. They're clear, durable, and dishwasher friendly. So while ceramic sourdough crocks are absolutely gorgeous, I don't find them to be as functional as glass or plastic.

Is whole wheat sourdough healthier than white sourdough? ›

However, when sourdough bread is made with whole wheat flour, there are extra health benefits because of the whole grains used. Whole grains provide additional fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, whole wheat sourdough bread is a highly nutritious bread option and is healthier than classic white sourdough bread.

Is brown or white sourdough healthier? ›

"Sliced white bread is 'just as healthy as brown', shock findings reveal," The Sun reports. A small study looking at the effects of eating different types of bread – white versus brown sourdough – found no significant differences.

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