Sambar Powder Potato Fry Recipe (2024)

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    Sambar Powder Potato Fry Recipe with step by step pictures. Delicious potato fry recipe flavoured with sambar powder.



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    2.Sambar Powder Potato Fry Recipe

    3.Sambar powder Potato Roast Recipe Step by Step Pictures

    Sambar Powder Potato Fry Recipe

    Hai guys, wish you a great monday. Hope everyone had a great weekend. And for everyone who celebrated tamil new year, how did the day went for you. Did you had fun. I had a lots of it, we started our day with a visit to our favorite temple and made lots of sweet poha. It was amazing. Then we watched our favorite movies and shows on TV..Nothing can get better than this right.

    Now for todays recipe, I came across this recipe through a cooking show, guess what after 5 mins, i was in the kitchen making it. That is because of its simplicity i wanted to try it immediately. Sambar Potato Roast, the name sounds kind of weird but not the taste. Imagine the flavour of sambar infused into the crispy potatoes. How could that go bad.

    We had this rasam rice and it was divine. But it will equally taste great with plain rice and dal, or curd rice too. I can assure you that.So try it and let me know how it turned for you.


    How to Make Sambar Powder Potato Fry Recipe

    1. Take boiled potatoes in a bowl. Add in salt and ginger garlic paste. Mix this well.
    2. Now in a heavy bottom pan add in oil and heat it up.
    3. Add in mustard and curry leaves. Let it sizzle for a min.
    4. Add in sambar powder and rice flour, cook this for a min.
    5. Add in the potatoes and toss well with the masala.
    6. Let it fry for 10 mins on medium flame.
    7. Serve with rice.


    If you have any questions not covered in this post and if you need help, leave me a comment or mail me @[emailprotected]and I’ll help as soon as I can.

    Follow me onInstagram,Facebook,Pinterest,YoutubeandTwitterfor more Yummy Tummy inspiration.


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    Sambar Powder Potato Fry Recipe

    Sambar Powder Potato Fry Recipe with step by step pictures. Delicious potato fry recipe flavoured with sambar powder.

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    Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

    Cook Time: 15 minutes minutes

    Total Time: 25 minutes minutes

    Servings: 4 servings


    • Oil - 2 tblspn
    • Mustard Seeds / Kaduku - 1 tsp
    • Curry leaves - 1 spring
    • Sambar powder - 2 tblspn
    • Rice Flour - 2 tblspn
    • For Marination:
    • Potatoes - 3 medium size cubed and boiled with some salt
    • Salt to taste
    • Ginger Garlic Paste - 1 tblspn


    • Take boiled potatoes in a bowl. Add in salt and ginger garlic paste. Mix this well.

    • Now in a heavy bottom pan add in oil and heat it up.

    • Add in mustard and curry leaves. Let it sizzle for a min.

    • Add in sambar powder and rice flour, cook this for a min.

    • Add in the potatoes and toss well with the masala.

    • Let it fry for 10 mins on medium flame.

    • Serve with rice.

    Tried this recipe?Mention @yummytummyaarthi or tag #yummytummyaarthi!

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    Sambar powder Potato Roast Recipe Step by Step Pictures

    Take all your ingredients
    Boil some potatoes with some salt
    Add some extra salt...not much
    Add in ginger garlic paste
    Mix well
    Heat oil in a kadai, Add in mustard seeds
    some curry leaves
    Now add in sambar powder
    Give it a good mix
    Now sprinkle some rice flour
    give it a good mix
    Now add in cubed boiled potatoes
    Give a good toss
    Cook for few more mins till it gets crispy..
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    Sambar Powder Potato Fry Recipe (29)

    About Aarthi

    Over the past few years I’ve been on a mission to find and create recipes that I can make from scratch. I hope you enjoy the recipes on this blog as they are tried and true from my kitchen to yours!

    Reader Interactions


    1. Veena Theagarajan

      Looks great.. I can have it as snack


    2. nayana

      wow yummy sabji looks so simple yet tempting, would be great for lunch with rotis....


    3. Preety

      love this simple yet Delicious recipe


    4. Apu

      Yumm! My Mom makes potatoes this way!


    5. Sangeetha Nambi

      wow ! Real flavored and well roasted Potatoes...


    6. chitrawo

      wow very yummy potatoes aarthi.


    7. Anonymous

      What kind of sambar powder you use?


    8. Aarthi

      @AnonymousI use Aachi Sambar Powder


    9. Anonymous



    10. ktsue

      I made this today and it was wonderful... you are right, all the flavor of sambar mixed into soft, fluffy, crispy potatoes. So tasty!!


    11. Anonymous

      Ho do youmake sambar amsala. I am in South Africa and our spice shops do not stock sambar masala.


    12. sathya eartheque

      i am try this today, came out very well, thank uuu


    13. Ganeshwari Singh

      Could u suggest any substitute for rice flour?


    14. Aarthi

      @Ganeshwari SinghYou can use gram flour


    15. Aarthi

      @AnonymousHere is the link


    16. Anonymous

      Looks awesome... Wanted to taste it right now ! ☺


    17. Anonymous

      Can I add onions to this roast?


    18. Aarthi

      @Anonymousofcourse you can add


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    Sambar Powder Potato Fry Recipe (2024)


    What can you use sambar powder for? ›

    Sambhar powder can also be added to curries, vegetable dishes, soups or stews toward the end of cooking to impart a typical south Indian flavour to the dish. Store sambhar powder in an airtight container and keep it in a cool dark place. If you have prepared in bulk, avoid opening the main container every day.

    Should you boil potatoes before frying? ›

    There are lots of recipes that call for par-boiling the potatoes first to reduce the amount of cooking time, but it's an extra step and an extra pan to wash. If you cook the potatoes over medium heat and keep them covered for most of the cooking time, the lid traps in steam, which helps cook the potatoes through.

    How do you make potatoes soft before frying? ›

    I prefer to do my soft-fried potatoes by peeling the potatoes and steam them first before pan frying, resulting in a super tender and creamy inside, while having a crispy hash brown like exterior. The key for my method is that you must first steam fry the potatoes covered.

    How to make potato flour swallow? ›

    Cooking Instructions
    1. Put the amount of water you need allow to boil.
    2. Start pour the flour little by little and keep turning it with your turning stick to a smooth desired thickness.
    3. And it's ready in few minutes.
    4. Enjoy with any soup of choice.
    Mar 17, 2020

    Is sambar powder healthy? ›

    Mustard seeds are a good source of B vitamins as well. Sambar powder has a significant quantity of iron, which may also be found in coriander seeds and chana dal. Mustard seeds are rich in magnesium and contain a lot of selenium. The majority of the ingredients in sambar powder are high in dietary fibre.

    Why is my sambar powder bitter? ›

    Methi (fenugreek) has a bit of a bitter flavor on its own, so if you are eating the spice mixture plain, it may end up tasting rather sharp or bitter. Once you add it to a sambar recipe, it should taste good! If the resulting recipe tastes bitter, then I expect you likely roasted your whole spices for too long.

    Why won't my fried potatoes get crispy? ›

    This sure sounds a lot like potatoes that have been stored too long, in too cold of an environment before cooking. When potatoes are held below 41°F for too long a period, the starches convert to sugar and it changes the cooking chemistry.

    Why do restaurants soak potatoes before frying? ›

    The reason is to prevent the potatoes exposure to air, which causes dehydration, oxidation, and discoloration.

    What happens if you don't soak potatoes before frying? ›

    Soaking potatoes in water helps remove excess starch. Excess starch can inhibit the potatoes from cooking evenly as well as creating a gummy or sticky texture on the outside of your potatoes. Cold water is used because hot water would react with the starch activating it, making it harder to separate from the potatoes.

    What do you soak potatoes in before frying? ›

    Use russet potatoes and soak them in lukewarm water with a couple tablespoons of sugar for 1 hour. It will remove even more starch and make then taste better and crispier.

    Why are my potatoes still hard after frying? ›

    Potato Variety: Different varieties of potatoes have different textures when cooked. Some potatoes are naturally firmer than others. It's possible that the variety of potatoes you used may have a firmer texture, even when fully cooked.

    Why do you chill potatoes before frying? ›

    Fries made from peeled potatoes should be chilled after cutting in cold water for 30 minutes to 2 hours before frying to ensure maximum crispiness. Add citrus acid or vinegar to the water solution to prevent darkening. Spin-dry before frying to avoid spattering and reduce fat absorption.

    What is fufu made of? ›

    It consists of starchy foods—such as cassava, yams, or plantains—that have been boiled, pounded, and rounded into balls; the pounding process, which typically involves a mortar and pestle, can be laborious. Fufu is often dipped into sauces or eaten with stews of meat, fish, or vegetables.

    Why use potato flour for frying? ›

    Frying food

    Potato starch could serve as a suitable fried food coating. It can coat foods, such as chicken, fish, or vegetables, before frying. The potato starch coating can give the foods a golden and crispy outer layer during the frying process.

    Is potato flour anti inflammatory? ›

    So, consuming resistant starch from foods like potatoes means that your gut bacteria will ferment it and increase butyrate production. Ultimately, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, you will have increased protection against some chronic digestive diseases.

    Can I use sambar powder instead of garam masala? ›

    Pav Bhaji Masala is a popular Indian spice blend with hot, fiery, piquant notes used to season many Indian street foods. Sambar Powder is a South Indian spice blend containing many of the same spices as garam masala, with the addition of dry red chiles and dry coconut. Both can be used at a 1:1 ratio for garam masala.

    What is the difference between curry powder and sambar powder? ›

    Sambar powder

    It includes coriander, mustard, black mustard, cumin, and peppercorns. The spice blend is almost an almost identical taste to curry but with a more pronounced presence of flavor. Use this spice in recipes for broths, soups, stews, vegetable dishes, and cooked lentils.

    What is sambar good for? ›

    Sambar is packed with vitamins and minerals like iron, folate, zinc, and magnesium. The herbs and spices used in sambar, like curry leaves, mustard seeds, turmeric powder, etc. have many health benefits like improved digestion, high immunity, and weight loss.

    What goes well with sambar? ›

    This sambar pairs best with short grain rice, some stir fried vegetables and papad on the side will compliment your meal. It can also be served for a breakfast with idli, dosa, bonda, pongal and even with vada.

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