Rice-Broccoli Casserole W/ Nutritional Yeast Recipe - Food.com (2024)


Submitted by SW. Moonshadow

"As a Vegetarian, I'm always trying new things to get all the nutients my body requires. I found this recipe in a magazine a few years ago, it's become a family favorite. The nutritional yeast gives this a bit of a cheesy flavour. Great for veggie potlucks too."


Rice-Broccoli Casserole W/ Nutritional Yeast Recipe - Food.com (2) Rice-Broccoli Casserole W/ Nutritional Yeast Recipe - Food.com (3)

photo by Michelle L. Rice-Broccoli Casserole W/ Nutritional Yeast Recipe - Food.com (4)

Rice-Broccoli Casserole W/ Nutritional Yeast Recipe - Food.com (5) Rice-Broccoli Casserole W/ Nutritional Yeast Recipe - Food.com (6)

Ready In:





  • 2 12 ounces broccoli
  • 12 cup white rice
  • 18 cup soy margarine (I use regular low cal)
  • 18 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 78 cup boiling water
  • 12 teaspoon salt
  • 14 tablespoon soy sauce or 1/4 tablespoon tamari
  • 38 teaspoon garlic powder or 1/2 garlic cloves
  • 14 teaspoon onion powder
  • 14 pinch turmeric
  • 14 cup nutritional yeast
  • 14 to taste salt and pepper
  • 14 pinch paprika



  • Steam the broccoli about 6 minutes. Prepare the rice according to package directions.
  • Spread the cooked rice evenly over the bottom of a 13 by 9 baking dish. Sprinkle the broccoli over the rice and set aside.
  • Preheat oven to 350.
  • Melt the margarine in a medium sauce pan over low heat. Beat in the flour with a whisk over medium heat until the mixture is smooth and bubbly. Then whisk in the boiling water, salt, soy sauce, garlic, onion powder and tumeric. Cook the sauce until it thickens and bubbles, stirring constantly. Then whip in the yeast. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Pour the sauce over the broccoli and rice, sprinkle the top with paprika and bake for 15 minutes. If desired, place pan under broiler for a few minutes until the sauce is browned and crusty.
  • This sauce is great over Lentil loaf as well.

Questions & Replies

Rice-Broccoli Casserole W/ Nutritional Yeast Recipe - Food.com (7)

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  1. Mmmmm....this hit the spot. I loved how quick it all came together. I used half the amount of earth balance (margarine) called for and didn't precook the broccoli. I chopped it pretty fine but wanted it to have a little crunch to it when served. This is such a flexible recipe. I'm looking forward to adding some mushrooms, a little red bell pepper, zucchini, maybe some chopped spinach and sliced almonds or sunflower seeds just to up nutrition. But it was yummy as written. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

    Lucky in Bayview

  2. Absolutely delicious! Even my omnivore husband enjoyed it.

    Michelle L.

  3. I did this recipe two nights ago. Let me tell you... this recipe is BLOODY DELICIOUS!!! Both me and my boyfriend loved it.I added some shredded carrots as I needed to use them and saw that in other recipes similar to this one they used it too.I highly recommend this recipe and I will be doing it again soon.Thank you very much for posting it!Joana


  4. Well, I'm not sure I can give it five stars yet since I haven't even assembled the casserole. But I had to sit down, while waiting for my rice to finish cooking, and comment on this cheese sauce. This sauce ALONE is ... holy cow wow!! I've tried so many different "cheese" sauces since I have a dairy allergy child. None of them come close to this sauce! This is going to be my go-to recipe from now on!!! <Shaking my head trying to find the words to sum up my amazement at how delicious this sauce is.> Thank you!!!


  5. I am pretty impressed! I didn't know what to expect. This was my first fake "cheesy" type dish (I'd been scared) But honestly there's barely any difference! This tastes so much like the real cheesy rice and broccoli casseroles I had growing up! Only I might cut back on the garlic powder a smidge next time. Other then that I thought the spices were perfect! That pinch of smoked paprika on top is genius. I used half rice and half tvp (mainly because I ran out of rice! But the idea worked great!) I also roasted my broccoli (and didn't really measure). Really great recipe!


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  1. I added mushrooms, subbed veggie broth for the water, subbed chickpea flour for the all purpose, and cut the margarine quantity in half and added an extra 1/4 c coconut milk. It was delish and reminded me so much of my mom's (non vegan) recipe that she used to make when I was a kid.



SW. Moonshadow

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Rice-Broccoli Casserole W/ Nutritional Yeast Recipe  - Food.com (2024)
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