Naval Warfare Roblox Tips (2024)

These are the best tips out there! (Make sure to read till end!).


  • 1 Bombing 101
    • 1.1 Methods of Bombing:
  • 2 Dive Bombing
  • 3 Torpedo Bombing
  • 4 Carpet Bombing
  • 5 Fighters
  • 6 Intentional Engine Stalling
  • 7 For all ships.
  • 8 Crazy tips
  • 9 Rosie the Rocketer
  • 10 Destroyer
    • 10.1 Tips:
  • 11 Submarine Packs
  • 12 "Marines"
  • 13 Blitz Tactics
  • 14 Flanking
  • 15 "John Paul Jones" Tactic
  • 16 Off-Guard Tactic
  • 17 Plane formation.
  • 18 A/C Tactic
  • 19 Team Strategy (works if your team is working together and 99% dosent speak ukranian/russian.)
  • 20 Full Island Force Tactic
  • 21 Small Cruise RPG Tactic
  • 22 Harbour to Harbour Refuel
  • 23 Airplane Battle Winning
    • 23.1 Airplane
    • 23.2 Carrier
    • 23.3 Battleship
    • 23.4 Subs
  • 24 Submarine Tracking
    • 24.1 Battleship
    • 24.2 Other Submarines
    • 24.3 Carrier
    • 24.4 Aircraft
  • 25 Tricking Tactic
  • 26 Sneak Attack
  • 27 Uprising First Attack Aircraft Launch
  • 28 Backup Beating Submarine-Aircraft Launching
  • 29 Big Ships Destruction
  • 30 World War II Axis Land Tactic
    • 30.1 Ship Destructing
    • 30.2 Island Success
    • 30.3 Harbour Success
  • 31 Kamikaze Success
  • 32 RPG Bombing
  • 33 How to instantly destroy any ship that gets too close to an island or harbour
    • 33.1 For islands:
    • 33.2 For the harbour:
    • 33.3 Countering:
  • 34 Gliding

Bombing 101

Methods of Bombing:

1. Low Altitude Bombing: This is the most accurate and dangerous way to bomb. Low altitude bombing means that you fly low and because of this, you might be shot down easily by enemy planes or AA guns.

Tips: Try around to avoid enemy fire.

2. Dive Bombing: This method is a bit safer because you usually fly higher than usual to avoid being detected before diving and dropping the bomb. The downside is that you will get spotted by enemy AA aboard the target.

Tips: For big targets like Harbors, Islands, and Capital Ships (Carriers and Battleships), intentionally stalling the engine to dive faster is another way but it takes practice.

3. Reverse dive bombing: Going above your target and going straight up. This is not recommended because you will lose sight of the enemy when pulling up. Or you will get shot down when you are about to drop the bomb

Tips: Try to move side to side while diving so that it’ll be harder to get hit by enemy fire. If you are using a torpedo bomber, you have to dive in front of the target so the torpedo will do damage.

4. High Altitude Bombing: Basically, you go up like dive bombing, but you only dive when you are landing at your harbor/island/carrier to refuel. This is the safest technique because if you fly high enough, you can only be targeted by enemy planes flying up. Even then if you go high enough, they won’t notice you.

Tips: Drop the bomb when you’re propeller is lined up with the front edge of your target to get maximum accuracy, if you try to bomb while flying over the middle of the target, the bomb will sink into the water.

Kamikaze: This is not intently bombing, but if your out of bombs, ammo, gas, or about to die you can crash your plane into a ship to inflict 100 damage. However, this is not recommended as it is a tactic that has a bad reputation (people says insults like "you cant aim" and other stuff related to it)

Dive Bombing

  • This is slightly more dangerous mission compared to normal bombing because you can be shot down before dropping bombs. Bomber is best for this mission as it is one of the fastest plane in game and is faster to climb up after you dive.
  • If you want to use Large Bomber it is okay to use it but be careful when diving because it may not be easy to climb back up.
  • When you spawn a bomber, go to higher altitude than other planes so you will be the least to be spotted.
  • When you dive try to dive against the ship (on the front of the ship tip) and dive at a 70 degree not 90 because if the ship would to turn it will be harder to dive on it.
  • Be careful of heavy AA fire and shells trying to hit you.
  • For Bomber, you can dive really low and have a 100% chance of your bomb hitting the target.
  • For Large Bomber, you can take the risk of diving very low and all your three bombs will hit, but most likely you will die. If you were to not dive that low the ship and the ship driver did not run away, your 3 bombs will have a 70% chance of hitting on the ship. 80% for 2 bombs and 90% for 1 bomb.

Torpedo Bombing

  • Try to go perpendicular to the ship that has a higher chance of hitting the ship.
  • Try to go very high altitude as you will not be spotted as much.
  • Crazy tip: but if you can let a swarm of dive bombers to dive on the ship, the ship will try to dodge the bombs by going starboard and by the time they spotted you it is too late for them to dodge torpedo. (Hard to do because if the AA gunners are pro or enemy fighters shooting down your bomber than you will be spotted and die). And you need a sever of people to do your plan and it is hard.
  • Torpedoes can be used against enemy island or harbour.
  • You do not have to go so close to the enemy ship as your torpedo can travel a distance but of course the closer you are the higher chances of hitting the ship.
  • Try to have a swarm of torpedo bombers with you. 10 bombers 5 of them fighter and 5 to bomb once you see a ship and can fire all 10 torpedo. If there are enemy fighters trying to shoot you, 5 of the planes can be a fighter and the other five can fly to the target once the first 5 torpedoes are fired, then the roles switch.
  • Torpedoes, when dropped on an enemy deal 1000, the same as a bomb

Carpet Bombing

  • Large Bombers are more suited for this task as they have more health than normal planes and have more bombs.
  • This tip is meant for islands, not for ships (There is a chance that one of your bombs hitting is near to 40% to 30% of hitting unless of course the carrier which is big and slow).
  • Have 5 Large Bombers to follow you and go to very high altitude so you can‘t be shot down easily.
  • If enemy fighters are trying to shoot you down, break formation and turn it to FFA, after the dogfight re-group and bomb your target.
  • There is a bomb lag so you wont hit your target as often you would like to so that why it’s recommended to use this tactic for islands or against the Harbor.
  • Try to bomb from the sides as there is a 90% to 95% chance of hitting the target.
  • A front bombing run will work 75 to 80% of the time.
  • You can strafe the island or harbor if you want but be warned, you will most likely get shot down by the large amount of AA fire.
  • Because large bombers are slow, use lighter bombers like torpedo bombers and bombers to protect them.


  • A good strategy to use is "boom and zoom" which is Climbing to a higher altitude than your enemy and when you get close enough to lead your shot when you dive, dive and fire full auto since boom and zooming can hit every shot you fire if you lead your shots ahead of the target (Not too far ahead).
  • The best planes to use are bombers (because they are cheap, reliable and good for guarding large bombers) or large bombers (because you have more ammo and more health to fight)
  • If your goal is to guard the island or guard the fleet or harbor, and surround the target you are protecting so please cover a bigger radius.
  • You can escort Bombers or torpedo Bomber to let them hit or sink the target.
  • For a non stop attack by the enemy to your fleet (fleet means battleship and carrier and some random ships together.) Large Bombers will be best for this mission (For fleets that is why you should not be too close to the enemy islands.) They can remain in the air for a longer periods of time and have more ammo.
  • In a dogfight try to go on the enemy’s 6 o‘clock (their backside) to shoot it down.
  • If the enemy is on your 6 (backside) perform evasive maneuvers and then turn a tighter circle than them to get on their back and shoot if they are in your cross-hair.
  • If the enemy is diving down on you and it is a normal bomber go up and fire back bu if u are a Bomber and the enemy is a Large Bomber avoid them.
  • Try to dodge enemy plane machine gun,if the enemy plane machine gun ran out of ammo,now its your turn to shoot the enemy plane( don't please don't they have 300 or 600 is it is a large bomber and besides some pros shoot in burst.)
  • If the enemy is on your 6 (Which means they’re behind you), you can try to do what I call the “Death Circle” and start turning and turning tighter than your enemy and fire when they are in your cross-hair (do not fire full auto) after doing the death circle, you want to try flying upwards (go there for 3 FULL SECONDS) then do the same while going down .Try to change your pattern so the enemy is not 1 steps ahead u should be 1 step ahead of the enemy make your moves unpredictable.
  • Try to have a wing man or a squadron of dedicated fighters and protector of the carrier or island or base or a task force of ships ( task force means ships surrounding the carrier).
  • Go high, because you have an advantage of height and surprise on your side.
  • Stay close to what you are protecting, they could open up with AA fire.

Intentional Engine Stalling

Turning off a plane's engine mid flight to gain an advantage in dog-fighting or dive-bombing.

  • Can be used while dive-bombing to gain a much higher velocity thereby making it significantly more difficult to hit the plane with AA fire.
  • During a dogfight stalling an engine is a faster way to dive below your opponent which if done properly will catch him off guard and will give you the advantage.
  • Other uses: Can be used for hijacking or dive bombing ships, landing on islands, staying in one spot in the air, mid-air tricks.
  • Fuel saving: Engine stalls can be used to save up to 30% of your fuel if you are waiting over one spot such as an island or harbor. (Difficult)
  • WARNING: You have to know what you are doing to do this trick. It takes practice to actually stall just enough to not fall too far or too little. If done properly it can give major advantages otherwise it can be very dangerous as you can lose control of the plane. It is likely that you will fall into the ocean if you do not start the engine within a second of stopping it, unless you are high up.


  • Angle your plane upwards after turning your engine back on and it will significantly reduce the distance that you fall.
  • Practice over harbor or islands until you are good at it.

For all ships.

  • The AA guns are very dangerous when used correctly.
  • For the driver (Carriers and battleships please follow this tip), if you are being chased by enemy bombers, turning your ship can prevent it from taking heavy damage and cause them to miss their bombs (even better if the AA gunners are pro).
  • The AA guns need time to hit their target so you must adjust your gun to hit the plane or else the ship will get hit.
  • If you are a pro in the AA department, you may be able to shoot down the plane before it can damage you.
  • The carrier and battleship must be together because battleships are weak against air attacks whereas carriers can send in fighters to protect the battleship. Carriers are weak against ship attacks while battleships can DESTROY the ship and protect the carrier.
  • Having a fleet of 1 battleship, 1 carrier, 3 destroyers, 2 heavy cruisers and 2 subs. That fleet is OP almost nothing can stop this fleet (except if the enemy follows this tip). Once close to their harbor, stay at a distance where the battleship shells can hit but not close enough for the enemies to spawn bombers and annihilate your fleet (there are exceptions for this tip for example, going near the enemy spawn and spawn killing them with the AA guns).
  • If you want to shoot an enemy ship from a distance, try to estimate how much drop there is and where they are going to be.
  • If you are driving a ship, DO NOT go near any places where you can spawn them. If you do and someone spawns something there, your ship will despawn and be replaced with the other ship. This applies to planes as well and there is no limit to how many can despawn at once (I've lost countless capital ship due to this).
  • Remember to turn your camera down periodically to check for submarines

Crazy tips

  • Have a fleet of ships and go right when carrier spawns and when you go to the side of the map ( avoid island B ) and go all the places where they can launch planes
  • If both side has no more capital ships, you can spam heavy cruiser and rush them, it will work. The only way to counter it is to spam torpedo bomber and attack when they poor spam rush ships
  • If your ship is badly damaged and is far from a health regenerator, a good tip is to just try taking some other ship out knowing you’ll take damage that would result in the sinking of your ship. Even if you don’t sink a ship before you die, at the very least you damaged them and someone can have an easier time finishing the job.

Sneaking tips

  • If you want sneak to end of the map, you must look where is the location the enemy first island (island A or C) that island is on the right or left, if that island on right,you must sneak your ship to left, etc.
  • If you have more than 1 battleship/carrier, have one of the battleships or carriers sneaking but have the other battleship or carrier not sneaking (just as a distraction until it's too late to intervene).
  • If you using submarine, just dive and wait till the submarine reached enemy harbor,then you do a peek-a-boo attack by surface-fire-dive,etc.
  • Capital ships are good for sneaking because you can teleport into it.
  • Destroyer is good to for sneaking because it small and fast,so you can dodge enemy anti ship gun or enemy plane bomb.
  • If you want to sneaking with plane,try to use heavy bomber because its bomb stock is 3,then if you drop all bomb, don't kamikaze because it not decreased enemy harbor.
  • If you want to sneaking with submarine and attack island,try to do peek-a-boo from a long-mid range because if you near enemy island,maybe you get detected.
  • You can troll enemy that spawn in a island by use ship or subs AA and shoot them, so they can spawn ship or plane (good if you a troll).
  • If you look a enemy ship that sneaking,try to tell others and spawn ship or if you have battleship gamepass just spawn it and intercept the enemy ship that sneaking.
  • Wanna get some info of tactics and then be a traitor? Try to be a spy. It's very easy. Enter the enemy team, and then in the chat tell somebody else from your real team, to not shoot you, and also pick somebody in your real team to tell the others what info you have. Now, after your real team's harbor health is the half, switch teams and then tell the truth to those guys that don't believe you are a spy and they shoot you. Remember! To chat with the real team, always do it with whisper mid flight to avoid any enemy knowing. Fly high, and watch the fuel, as they can run out pretty quickly

Paratroopers without gamepass

  • It's actually pretty easy and it can be very useful if you have RPG gamepass.
  • Fly a plane, always choose the bomber as we don't need the bombs except we encounter some enemy ships.
  • Find for an enemy ship (avoid capital ships and ships with more than 5 players!)
  • Align your plane to that ship (drop bomb if possible)
  • (The hard part) JUMP! If there is only one player there, try to shoot the ship so the ship stops. It will be easier.
  • Kill the captain with the rifle.
  • Kill the other crew (if existed).
  • Wait until one of your team's ship come and rescue you or just simply commit suicide.
  • If you have RPG gamepass, try to do this on an ilenemy island, go to a hidden place, and shoot the RPG to the island.
  • Repeat it on other ships.

Rosie the Rocketer

Charles carpenter was a major who had attached bazookas to his spotter plane. Using them to destroy German tanks in ww2. He is also known as bazooka Charlie.

  1. You must have the RPG gamepass.
  2. Grab a bomber because they are good for this kind of tactic.
  3. Go to an enemy ship, harbor or island.
  4. shoot your RPG at the target while inside your plane since the rocket has no collision.
  5. Circle around the target and keep shooting
  6. Only do this after you have dropped your bombs since bullets don't do much against islands, ships or a harbor


  1. This ship is the fastest ship in naval warfare and has the longest range of all ships (tied with cruiser and coastal anti ship gun). It also has the shortest reload in game at 2 seconds.
  2. It can fire an unguided torpedo by pressing b. It cannot attack subs unless they surface.
  3. It can be use as a carrier escort or used to destroy enemy ships if you use it correctly (See tips)


  1. Use range as your advantage against other ships. Avoid all close quarter fighting, you have the speed and range advantage. you will get shredded by shells.
  2. It is good to have 2 to 5 destroyer. But don't bunch up, give space so that u can dodged bombs and torpedo and shells.
  3. This can be useful to take back islands( saying if they did the bombing and is giving fighter cover and calming the island. Let the planes do to claiming.) After they did those stuff you can protect them from ships or planes ( enemy planes must get shot down at all cost they are the fastest and can try to strafe on the island which will mostly kill your teammates.)
  4. This is the best escort plus, it is also cheap
  5. 3 + Destroyers can deal serious damage to the enemy harbour so take a group with you if you decide to be a destroyer

Submarine Packs

A Submarine pack is effective against large fleets of smaller ships or 1-2 larger ships.

  1. Its recommended to have a pack of 3-7 submarines and be in a triangle formation, in this way, bombers or other submarines cannot attack all at once.
  2. It's also a good idea to go as low as possible to avoid any random torpedo bombers or other normal bombers from taking shots.
  3. It's the dumbest idea to go against the aircraft carrier alone, even with the pack, you can get shredded by aircraft.
  4. Submarines are good for flanking, specifically, take the far left or right ( edge of the map ),these are usually ungraded or rarely patrolled, and if patrolled, they’re mostly from smaller bombers.
  5. IF you're spotted by a aircraft, scatter, don't stay in formation since splitting up can cause the planes to have difficulty picking targets. The only time you should be above the water is when firing torpedoes or shooting the AA guns.


Marines is a type of style of the game to win, it involves using the large bomber or medium sized ship and pack it with soldiers and transit them to a island.

  1. Smaller ships such as the patrol boat or destroyers are effective with transiting a team of "marines" to islands, the bomber can also be used but are ineffective in small amounts.
  2. The Submarine can also be used, but may be harder to transit people without being spotted.
  3. During transit, the "marines" should use AA Guns and/or Missiles against enemy ships and aircraft, however, you should get the marines to cover to avoid being killed by enemy fire.
  4. Bombers should have already have caused serious damage to the island.
  5. Once landing the marines, GET OUT OF THERE.

Blitz Tactics

  1. The Aircraft needed are mostly heavy bombers, a group of 3-10 will be effective, however, torpedo bombers and bombers should be used as escort.
  2. Your team should have a squadron commander and a backup, these aircraft should have a tail gunner because they would be needed.
  3. Once taking off, CLIMB HIGH!, As stated in other pages, the bombers are slow and are subjected to flak and aircraft, so climb very, VERY, High.
  4. Get in a Line with your Commander in the front and Backup Commander in the middle.
  5. If a aircraft is engaging you, bombers should not attack, the escorts should intercept the aircraft.
  6. If being intercepted by Flak, Scatter and do maneuvers, such as Engine Stalling, however, be careful to not make yourself a target.
  7. After releasing your bombs, its not a good idea to return to base, either because of your fuel or other fighters would be after you, if you have enough fuel, ditch at the closest island nearest to your friendly one, if you don't have enough fuel, fly low until you run out of fuel and ditch.
  8. Its a good idea to start at A to avoid being shot down, and use other friendly islands to repair, refuel, and get more members.
  9. You better don’t hope that the fighters will actually help. Break formation the moment enemy fighters attack. You will die if you stay still.


Flanking is an easy way to avoid fighting and getting an almost free pass to the enemy’s harbor. In Naval Warfare, The big battles usually take place in between or on the islands which are usually in the center or side of the map. Both teams send ships and planes hear which causes huge battles and ends in sunken ships and shot down planes. When you flank, Go to the very end of the map but DON’T FALL OF THE EDGE! Sneakily drive the ship past the islands and toward the enemy harbor. A good ship for flanking is usually a battleship, destroyer, or a cruiser. Don’t use a carrier because they are pretty big and can easily be seen. When you approach the harbor, Come close and fire as much as you can. This is where a battleship is handy because it does a lot of damage when you have a person on the front turret. Both teams are so distracted by the islands and each other that they won’t notice the harbor health till it’s too late. This method is great but you must make sure your crew obeys orders because missles, AA fire, and turret fire can bring attention to the ship. Another con about this this tactic is if your spotted by another ship or plane. Usually, if someone sees a battleship flanking and getting closer to the harbor, they would inform their team which would result in a fail and also a waste of time if you travel halfway across the map for nothing without sinking or damaging anyone. The closer you go away from your base, the more dangerous it is. But in most games, this tactic works very well but it is not one you can repeat because the other team will discover the plan.

"John Paul Jones" Tactic

John Paul Jones was one of the greatest naval officers since the American Revolutionary war, having single-handedly taken on the Royal Navy right on their shores. He used pirate tactics against them, leading to different victories.

This tactic helps a lot with taking on multiple ships if you have enough coins or you're dedicated on sinking it., it can be applied to multiple situations in any circ*mstance.

Using a plane against ships (note that you can do this with others as well)

  1. Launch any plane from the harbor or island (highly recommended to use the normal bomber if you're going solo).
  2. Find your desired ship target (highly recommending the battleship/carrier).
  3. Use up all your bombs.
  4. Crash it, but jump before the plane crashes.
  5. Head straight for the drivers' seat or take out the AA gun users.
  6. Kill the rest of the crew and camp the ship.
  7. Wait till your team sinks the ship.

If you die, that's okay, as long if you delayed them, you're good.

Using a plane against their harbor

  1. Launch any plane and head straight for harbor.
  2. Use up all your bombs and ammo (if you can use up your ammo, it's fine)
  3. Crash the plane on a ship that hasn't left the harbor, but jump before it crashes.
  4. If there's someone inside that ship, please do kill them before they might alert someone.
  5. From there, snipe the AA gunmen or anyone who comes near that ship. (Use the rifle and make sure you go first POV. Point your mouse carefully to your target, and make sure you don't miss.)
  6. Keep holding them off until your team gets their harbor.
  7. If you die, do it again until your team finishes them off.

Using a ship or sub against their ships or islands (rare to do!)

  1. Grab as many men (best of 5 to 7) as you can and tell them to board your ship/sub. (Tell them to arm their rifles too.)
  2. Drive off, don't get detected.
  3. If you get detected by any plane, that's fine, just gun the hell them out. If you get detected by any ship or sub, sink them before they know what you're doing. If you get detected by any capital ship, RUN.
  4. Find your desired target.
  5. If your target is a ship, but you're also in a ship, board it, and kill their bloody crew, and go back inside. If your target is a ship, but you're in a sub, use the submarine turrets or torpedoes to kill them, or try to board them by surfacing (risky!).
  6. If your target is a sub, but you're in a ship, try to board it when it surfaces. If you're in a sub, use the torpedoes.
  7. If your target is an island, board it and spawn camp everyone, and make sure to take out their AA gunner first. If some are still inside the ship, tell them to open fire on everything on the island.
  8. If you managed to take out the island, kill anything that tries to approach the flag or the island itself with that ship. If you're still using a sub, I highly suggest that you wait for backup, because planes are a nightmare while capturing the island.
  9. If you did it, nice job! Now keep doing that tactic until you managed to take them all out!
  10. If you sink, switch to your usual plane tactics and finish them off.

Off-Guard Tactic

A lot of players in the game capture the nearest island to their base and leave it alone (Bases don't defend themselves. This is a WW2 depiction). This makes the perfect opportunity to take it and surround them on both sides. Here's how to do it:

  1. Make sure to let the enemy team have B, or in case you lose B (don't sit around, thinking your tactic will work immediately, as the enemy will instantly have the upper hand. Strengthen your defenses to make sure your base doesn't lose health rapidly, or else you will lose the war)
  2. Second, spawn a bomber and then go to island A/C (nearest enemy island)
  3. Third, bomb it and destroy it
    • If you don't have the RPG Game Pass you can restock in aircraft carrier or the nearest island
    • If you have the RPG gamepass you just shoot the island with your RPG
  4. Fourth, capture it
  5. Fifth, spawn a ship like a heavy cruiser for damage or a destroyer for speed and go to enemy harbor
  6. Sixth, shoot the enemy harbor with the heavy cruiser battery till the enemy harbor HP is 0
  7. Seventh, enjoy your win.

Plane formation.

  1. When planes are in formation, it will offers them some protection against enemy fighters.
  2. The "V" formation is one example of a defensive formation. Front planes should be large bombers, with the pilot as experienced.
  3. It is actually quite menacing to see 12 bombers all in "V" formation and form a box.
  4. The wing man formation is also quite good if you only have a teammates who will team with you.
  5. The line formation is better for torpedo bombers that are going to attack e.g a carrier as it will give an increase chance of hitting the carrier with your torpedo.
Naval Warfare Roblox Tips (1)

Wing man formation/ line formation

A/C Tactic

This Naval Warfare tactic is a way to defeat the enemy quicky in a fast fight. Basically, At the start of the game, either try taking A or C depending on the team. Let’s say I’m on Japan. A is closest to the American Harbor but is very far from Japan’s harbor. The idea is to take a plane and claim A before the enemy. This way, You can spawn boats and planes to attack the harbor without being far from your lines. A/C tactic is a great tip to a fast and easy game of Naval Warfare. This tactic will only work when the enemy team neglects to capture the said island, so once the said island is starting to get captured, you should abort the tactic.

Team Strategy (works if your team is working together and 99% dosent speak ukranian/russian.)

DARPA is a research and development agency of the US Department of Defense. Currently, they are simulating a new type of warfare that will be most likely effective against the traditional Combined Arms warfare, called Mosaic warfare. This includes A.I. that provide info about their enemy and the battlefield, and also includes the use of 3D Printers to help the squad adapt to a situation. I have adapted this strategy into Naval Warfare, and threw in a mix of John Paul Jones and Off-Guard Raid strategies to make the perfect (not exactly, only works when your team is working together) strategy.

Here is how:

  1. Get your team to spawn Small Bombers and get to B, followed by Large Bombers, who will defend B from enemy fire and planes, while you and your team capture it.
  2. Once you have B, the enemy capital ships and planes will surely attack it. Attack the capital ships first, as Island defenses are a bit weak. After they sink, tell your team to distract them and push them back. (If enemy captured B, proceed to Step 4)
  3. (If you have B) Push them back with full force. If they retreat, take A/C, but if they don't, you have only one option: Damage the island secretly (with sub or RPG) and work your way out. Do this with caution.
  4. (If you don't have B) Use the off-guard tactic and do this stealthily. Make sure to slip past enemy defenses or they will realize what you are doing. Once you have A/C (your enemy is surrounded on both sides now), flush them out of B and take the islands
  5. Force them to retreat, and destroy their base with FULL FORCE

Full Island Force Tactic

  1. Invade the nearest island (A or C)

2. Have a mate or two defending Island A or C and flying to harbour to prevent enemy planes, ships, or subs entering the base of the harbour (lucky if they died trying to step into the harbour)

3. Secure B from enemy forces and capture it (like before, have a mate or two defending B)

4. Try to fly to the nearest island to enemy harbour (A or C), capture it, and report it to your teammates

5. With all your might, rush the enemy forces and destroy the harbour

6. Enjoy your victory

Small Cruise RPG Tactic

Note: You can only use it if you have an RPG (buy it for 100 robux)

  1. Using your aircraft, bomb the harbour and jump to a ship that just spawn and carried away (make sure it's not a capital ship and make sure it's not to close but not to far so you can hit damage and the enemy soldiers cant get in)
  2. Kill the captain and the rest of the crew
  3. Use your RPG to one by one destroying the harbour
  4. Keep doing that until your team sinks the ship (oh no) if they dont, keep doing it

Harbour to Harbour Refuel

From your harbour, spawn an aircraft and take off. After 50 fuel is down, make sure to go to Island B to refuel. If the enemy spots you, use an aa gun or try to hop in to kill the pilot (risky!). Then, fly very high and go straight to the harbour, making sure to bomb first and use the Small Cruise RPG Tactic if you eagerly have an RPG. Remember, read the strategy above before performing it!

Airplane Battle Winning

When you are on your way to the enemy harbour and you see an enemy plane, here are tips. (It depends on what vehicle your in)


If you are in an airplane and another plane spots you, here some tips

  1. Fly around in circles and don't use any bullets to attack them. Keep doing that until the enemy runs out of bullets.
  2. With no bullets, go straight because it can't attack you!


If you are on the carrier, you should problaby use the AA Guns to shoot it down or spawn a plane to shoot it down using the same tactic as above.


  1. If you are on the underwater missile, do nothing.
  2. If you are the air missile, try to aim the missile to the plane
  3. Use the AA Guns to shoot it down.


If you are using a sub, hope is all lost, because even though you can go underwater you can't move that quickly and avoid the bombs. SO just don't get aircraft attention.

Submarine Tracking

Usually subs that hit the high ground are easy for the aircraft to spot. If it's deep down below, here are some tips.


Use the underwater missile to hit the sub a few times. Then, some smoke will rise. This is one of your chance to hop in and kill the captain and stop the sub.

Other Submarines

If you encounter an enemy submarine when your in a submarine, use the bullets to hit them or go EXACTLY their angle point and press f, firing a missile straight at them. If they change angles, try again.


Use the AA Guns to shoot at random sea spots, and when a big cloud of smoke rises, it's your chance to hop in and kill the driver.


Like before, bomb high sea leveled submarines that the drivers are noobs and they don't even know how to go down or up.

Tricking Tactic

Trick the enemy ship into thinking the battleship and carrier are down while you are actually doing a sneak attack.

Sneak Attack

Go to the side and when you pass the turning point island (A or C), turn to the harbour or capture it. No need to worry about B:)

Uprising First Attack Aircraft Launch

This is similar to the Harbour to Harbour Refuel Tactic, but different. Instead of starting from the harbour and refuelling, you start from the nearest Island or the carrier and you have to make the first attack to the enemy harbour. If someone else attacks WITH an aircraft first, theyre doing this tactic, and you have to wait next round.

Backup Beating Submarine-Aircraft Launching

You need five players for this tactic. Four players spawn an aircraft and fly in a square lowly. The sub (one or three players) goes in the middle, and do that so it is hard for the enemy to choose a target. The Torpedo Bomber is the perfect aircraft for this. Then, when reach, the sub goes and evade the nearest island to the harbour (A or C) and the four planes attack the harbour.

Big Ships Destruction

  1. Destroy the carrier
  2. Destroy the battleship
  3. Destroy the harbour
  4. Enjoy the victory

World War II Axis Land Tactic

Naval Warfare is about the Pacific, but you can still do what the Axis did in World War II.

Ship Destructing

Have two capital ships go around an enemy capital ship. The two capitals need to destroy the ship.

Island Success

Again, have two ships circle around an enemy island. Penetrate it and capture it.

Harbour Success

Have the capital ships do it again, but this time to the harbour.

Kamikaze Success

When you are attacking enemy harbour or capital ship, drive your plane and crash it. You can either sacrifice yourself and die in the kamikaze, or jump off. If you jump off in the harbour, you need to jump to a ship that just spawned. Or else you die. If you do it to a capital ship, kill the driver and prevent anyone from driving.

RPG Bombing

RPG Bombing is a strat that is commonly used by experienced bombers, mostly to bomb the island, then rpg it. (rpg the aa guns and the enemys trying to spawn a plane.)

How to instantly destroy any ship that gets too close to an island or harbour

WARNING: This strategy is not that well known but it is super unethical. You might get a lot of hate for doing this but it can turn the tides of any game.

Make sure you have enough coins to do this. 16 or more coins is enough.

For islands:

Make sure the island is owned by your team. When a battleship, carrier, or any other large ship approaches, spawn a ship at the island dock. This will instantly destroy the enemy ship.

For the harbour:

For this tactic, it is recommended to buy either the Carrier or Battleship gamepass. Carrier is recommended as it is larger.

The tactic changes depending on where the enemy approaches.

  • Sides of the harbour: This only works with Carrier or Battleship gamepass. When the ship gets too close, spawn a Carrier or Battleship, preferably carrier. This will instantly destroy the ship. It also is a quick and easy way to destroy any submarine that is at the sides of the Harbour.
  • Front of the harbour near the Docks: This tactic has a lesser chance of working. When a ship gets too close, spawn a Heavy Cruiser. It only works with that ship as the front partially protrudes out of the harbour. If you time it right, the ship will instantly b

If you do this tactic correctly, it can destroy any ship. This can prove useful if your harbour is getting flanked by a ship and your teammates do not notice.


Of course, there is a way to counter this tactic. Players can simply not get too close to the harbour.


Usually, all planes fall down when shot down or when the engine is off. However, there is a way to make them glide.

This tactic requires the Parachute gamepass and only works on Bombers or Torpedo Bombers.

  1. Spawn and fly a Bomber or Torpedo Bomber
  2. Equip the Parachute
  3. Shut off the engine
  4. To steer, turn on the engine and steer normally, then shut off the engine.

This tactic can save fuel when flying to the harbour. Do note that your plane will descend slightly and it cannot drop any bombs or fire any guns.

Combining this tactic with intentionally stalling an engine can allow you to perform evasive maneuvers to avoid enemy planes.

This tactic also works when your plane is shot down and you need to glide just a little bit more.

Warning: When gliding straight, this tactic makes you prone to being shot down by enemy planes.

AircraftBomberTorpedo BomberLarge Bomber
ShipDestroyerCruiserHeavy CruiserSubmarineCarrierBattleship
Strategies & TipsNaval Warfare Roblox TipsNaval Warfare Guide 2 (Pro Ships)Basic Game StrategyGeneral Battle Tactics
OtherGamepassesKamikazeTeamsOutfitsHijackingEmpire of JapanUnited States of America
Naval Warfare Roblox Tips (2024)


How to get good at naval warfare Roblox? ›

  1. Make sure to protect all of your islands, even the closest to the Harbor. ...
  2. Try to use bombers to crash on the Capital Ships. ...
  3. If your Harbor has taken dangerous amounts of damage, use your harbor's AA guns or keep using the kamikaze-and-sabotage-enemy-fleet strategy with your planes.

How to aim in naval warfare? ›

If the target is moving away you need to over-aim, if the target is coming towards you you need to under aim (usually 1-500m). The rangefinders target indicator is for the center mass of the ship. You generally want to hit below the turrets so aim slightly ahead and slightly behind in order to do so. It did for me!

How to get more coins in naval warfare? ›

In Naval Warfare

The game automatically gives you coins just for playing every ~45 seconds, however you can buy additional coins or double coins perk with Robux.

How to drop bombs in naval warfare? ›

Bombs do around 1000 damage on average and are released by pressing B.

What is the hardest warfare device to get in the Navy? ›

Unsurprisingly, the submarine warfare insignia is considered one of the most difficult to earn in the Navy. The pride submariners feel in qualifying is amplified by the operations the Submarine Force performs.

How do you level up fast in naval action? ›

Sink more ships to level up

The bigger the ships that you sink, the more xp you gain. Video: Crew management.

What is the point of naval warfare? ›

The strategic offensive purpose of naval warfare is projection of force by water, and its strategic defensive purpose is to challenge the similar projection of force by enemies.

What is the rule of naval warfare? ›

According to the rule of Naval Warfare the Navy must achieve an absolute control of the sea. During non-wartime activity, what can be equally dangerous but less expected in terms of safety of the ship and operating environment?

How do you get stars in naval battles? ›

To earn Stars, Clans must complete missions from a special table. The opposing team's results can be checked via a separate tab. Naval Battles may grant bonus Stars for clearing bars for randomly selected ship types/nations.

How do you get military coins? ›

The most common way is to perform military service and receive a challenge coin from your unit or company, but you can also receive one through group membership or through unique personal achievements.

How do I get more battle coins? ›

There are several ways to get Battle Coins. - In classic battles and brawls: The better you play, the more you get. - For completing challenges. - For obtaining a new rank in Battle Career.

Who created Naval Warfare Roblox? ›

Naval Warfare is a naval strategy fighting Roblox game developed by l_11I. The game has a look reminiscent of classic Roblox, despite the game created in 2018. The game has its group dedicated to it named IllIllI.

Why did bombers fly so low? ›

US Army Air Forces heavy bombers in Europe typically flew at 20,000 to 30,000 feet to reduce vulnerability to antiaircraft fire. Flying many hours at high altitude in unpressurized aircraft, however, created other hazards for the crews.

What height did WWII bombers fly? ›

Greening depicted the B-17 as a “flying fortress.” Greening highlighted the slab sides of the B-24 by representing it as a boxcar with wings. Turbosuperchargers permitted USAAF heavy bombers to fly at high altitude (20-30,000 feet), where they were less vulnerable to enemy fighters and antiaircraft guns.

How do you increase naval superiority? ›

To be able to get naval supremacy, you have to have at least 40% naval intel efficiency. Naval supremacy of a navy depends on what type of mission it is running, how effective it is on the region, how many ships it has and how large they are.

How to train in Navy Simulator Roblox? ›

In order to start a Training, ensure you are or are above the rank of Sergeant [MR1], and go to the Rally. You can ask others in the chat if they would like to train, or ask the Base Commander to set the Objective to "Train at Rally." You are NOT allowed to bribe Trainees with gifts of Cash, Planes, or ships.

What is naval warfare Roblox? ›

Overview Naval Warfare is a ROBLOX game where there are 2 teams, which are the USA and Japan. When you join the game, you'll spawn in the lobby. You'll be able to pick 2 teams which again are the USA and Japan. After you pick a team, you will be given a choice on where to spawn such as the main base or an island, etc.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.