better chicken pot pies (2024)

  • Andrea

    Oh gosh perfect for rainy days. Will try soon!

  • That pumpkin is massive! It looks like it must weigh at least 15 pounds. Who knew Jacob had Super Boy strength?!?

    I received the most pathetic bunch of leeks in this past week’s CSA. What would you estimate the cup measurement for your two medium leeks? 1 cup? 1.5 cups?

    1. deb

      Molly — Wait, were they really skinny and looked like scallions? Because I got those, thought they were scallions, got annoyed, didn’t use them, made the pies, missed the leeks I’d normally put in a lot. (Yes, all in one sentence.) I’d say 2 cups, or more, if you like them as much as I do.

  • These look delicious! I love pot pies for colder weather. It reminds me of my childhood (we’d have it on a weekly basis)!

  • What kind of bowls are those? love the idea of one less dish to wash (or freeing your pie pan for dessert pie, because this is America and 2x pie in a day is perfectly acceptable)

    1. deb

      Katie — These are part of the dish set (now discontinued) we got via our wedding registry. I’ve bought extra bowls (in weird) colors from over the years. I’m sure there are easier to get ovenproof bowls. A lot of mass-produced dishes these days are ovenproof and I always look for it because you never know when it will come in handy.

      1. Psylvia

        Handmade ceramic stoneware bowls are ovenproof. They’re fired in a kiln that gets to about 2000 degrees f.

  • Ellen W

    I have everything but the leeks. I know what I’m making for dinner. Thanks Deb!

  • Katie

    Looks great! Because I am a lazy person I usually grate frozen butter into the dry ingredients when making scones or other pastries. It’s certainly faster than cutting the butter in, and it has pretty good rise, too. :)

  • I’m sure there are, I work in a kitchenware store so I should know but I cannot honestly say if we sell (good) ovenproof bowls off the top of my head, haha…thanks for answering my question, now I’m starstruck ;)

  • susan

    what do you suggest to use to bake these in?

  • These looks sooo yummy! I want to try one! Abi :)

  • I absolutely love the “lids” from your cookbook pot pie, and it is now my go-to savory crust. I usually wing the insides with what I have on hand but will def. try the thickening trick here next time. FWIW I use fiestaware soup bowls for this and they work just fine.

  • Maggie

    I have one leftover pie crust (your all butter recipe) staring at me in my freezer whenever I open the door. Any reason you’d advice against using that instead of the lid recipe here? Also the only oven-proof bowls I have are ramekins which seem much smaller than your bowls .. 6 portions with this recipe, you think?

  • Jen

    I misread the title of this post as “Butter Chicken Pot Pies”. I might have a weekend project on my hands… with flaky paratha tops… uh, oh.

  • Jess

    Well, I guess I know what (to tell my husband to) do with the leftover roast chicken from last night’s dinner! I’ll have to fiddle with steps and directions but shouldn’t be too difficult – and it helps that he makes a mean pie crust!

  • ATG

    What was your total cook/prep time on this?

  • Marsha

    Can this be made in one large dish–a GIANT pie, if you will?

  • These look mouth-watering! I always remember my college roommate making these for dinner. I never had a homemade chicken pot pie before. It blew my mind!

  • Courtney

    My go-to recipe for chicken pot pie is from Pam Anderson’s “The Perfect Recipe”.

    So far, I have yet to find a recipe in that cookbook that wasn’t fantastic. I particularly love the mix & match cobbler recipe from the dessert section. I latched on to the cookie-dough topping paired with blackberries, and it’s all I can do to keep people from licking the pan when I bring it to pot lucks.

  • spence

    they are blanched to preserve color

  • Madeleine

    If you’re looking for a perfect pot-pie size baker try pier one large white ramekins….I use them all the time. 3 bucks a piece

  • Cate

    Oh, man. I just got back from the Hawk’s Head Publick House in Oak Glen after a weekend of apple picking. Their chicken pot pie is amazingly good, and your chicken pot pie recipe just pops up?! Once Los Angeles isn’t so bleeding hot, I’m making this.

  • There are few things that I miss more from my meat eating days than chicken pot pie. You have me considering making the switch back with these beauties!

  • Susan in CA

    My family always has “hangry meltdowns!” :-)

  • Valerie

    Deb, Thanks for sharing your updated version. Funny enough I made a pot pie on Friday based on Ina’s recipe, but wanted to use the bulk of a leftover whole chicken. Like you, I followed a similar method to cook the veggies, build the sauce and reheat the chicken in the rich stock and herbs too. I hadn’t throught to add the roux later on, but will try that next time. I also added mushrooms, celery, a leek and a red potato. The end result had that luxurious velvety mouth feel, everything was tender and delicious together. I look forward to trying your recipe next time!

    Have you tried Better than Buillion paste? It’s perfect since you can make as much or little as needed, control the intensity of chicken flavor and takes up much less space than cans or containers of chicken broth. I swear by it :)

  • I would liken them more to lemongrass stalks than scallions. But a really pathetic stalk of lemongrass. I’ve been constantly disappointed with this summer’s CSA. (New farm for us.) But I wonder if I’ve just become jaded because the good produce store wouldn’t dare put out anything less than perfect when it has competition from places like Whole Foods down the road. That being said, the squash from last week is so small it could fit into a doll house collection.

  • Katie

    This looks fabulous! Do you think it would be freezer-friendly? I’d love to eat two and freeze two, but I’m not sure if it would mess up the texture or flavor of the filling. (I know the crust should be fine.) Thanks so much!

    1. Diane

      Thinking of using leftover turkey. Can I freeze these? If so, do I bake first or freeze the pie unbaked? Thanks!

  • Norma Reynolds

    I just wanted to know if the better chicken pot pie can be made in one Pyrex dish, I have no small oven ware. Thanks

  • I actually always roast the chicken when a recipe calls for it to be poached – I find that poached chicken is always slightly tough, while bone-in skin-on roasted chicken that is added at the end of the cooking process is lovely and tender.

    So, I’d stick with roasting the chicken, but otherwise this looks amazing.

  • Barbara

    I’m new here – but I LOVE pot pies, so had to head here from a shared Facebook post. A couple things – blanching actually allows the veggies to absorb MORE of the goodness they get cooked in – opens up some pores or something. And – the pie-top recipe is VERY similar to my mother-in-law’s pie crust recipe, which is the best in the world – and it’s the only one I’ve ever seen w/vinegar. I’ve always wondered if that’s what allowed it to keep for a few days…

  • Marianne A.

    I have made chicken pot pie only a few times,always using the Fannie Farmer recipe. It is worth every. Single. Calorie.

  • JP

    After one dinner when you all get a pot pie, who gets the extra? Hope you had a nice lunch…the rewards of being the chefess! Will have to make this when summer ends in the CA bay area. Right now I would only think of pies that are chilled in the refrigerator, it is that hot. But the time will come, because chicken pot pie is one of my husband’s favorite dishes and yours look delicious! Thanks for the update.

  • Emmie

    Do you think you could make these and then freeze them whole (a la those made by a famous Marie?). There’s a baby coming in a couple of weeks and I want some decent food in my freezer! (The sweet potato blintzes and black bean ragout from the cookbook are already frozen away awaiting D-day, but I’m looking for more ideas!)

  • Mary

    I’ve also used 1 -2 T of grits to thicken pot pie and soups with great results. Add them near the end of cooking and let simmer 5 min or so. Creamy texture without extra fat.

  • We just made six pot pies with your previous version last week — it’s our go-to frozen dinner for our pregnant friends — and we made a huge batch for ourselves (due in Nov)! But now I think we might need to try out this version. You know, for science.

  • This looks like something I wish someone else was making me for dinner tonight. I’m also interested to know if you think they could be frozen once full made, or if you suggest freezing the dough and the filling separately? If not, I guess an option could be to make 2 for dinner one night, and have the rest the next night…

    1. deb

      Freezing — I think you could definitely freeze the filling and unbaked dough separately. You could even freeze the dough in rolled-out circles separated by waxed or parchment paper so when you defrosted it, they were ready to go.

      JP — Ha! Hoping to pass it off as the kid’s dinner tonight so we can order spicy Indian food. Mmm, baighan barta…

      Baking in one big dish — Yes, should not be a problem. Look for an 8-cup dish.

      Valerie — Yes! I used it for years and for some reason, I can’t find it at my usual haunts these days. I never liked it for soups where the broth is the main flavor, but they’re so great in broth/stock-as-ingredient recipes, like this, or to make rice-cooking water more tasty.

      Time estimate — For this, I think you should give yourself 2 hours (from prep to taking them out of the oven) plus however long you need to get the meat off the chicken (this takes me forever, but had I used just 6 breasts, it would have been quick work). It’s a while, I know. The dough (10 minutes prep plus chilling and rolling time) could be prepared in advance. Also, if you have leftover cooked chicken (sadly, did not see how many cups 4 pounds was but I’d estimate 3 or more cups) you want to use instead, you could skip the chicken browning and braising steps.

      Maggie — You can use that pie dough here, for sure. This one, with the added yogurt/sour cream and vinegar, is a little softer and bit flakier but either will work well.

      Susan — Any ovenproof bowl or dish. Or, you can make minis in ramkeins.

      Jen — Whoa. I love that idea. Should we next? Mmm, ghee…

  • Terri

    This looks fantastic, on the plan for the weekend. I usually add a couple of tablespoons of apple juice to my chicken pot pie, sounds weird but really adds a lovely subtle flavor.

  • Jane M

    Just what the doctor ordered on this OH SO FALL day here in the Jerz! Love the recipe, love your kitchen equipment, and love the new kitchy with all the light! WINNING! My mouth is watering!

  • Susan

    I used to use the flour-butter roux all the time to thicken gravies and sauces but questioned it (and mostly quit using it) when the TV chefs insisted that the flour had to cook a few minutes in the butter to get rid of the raw flour flavor (which didn’t really taste as raw as they made it sound that it would). I love the texture that the raw roux gives the sauce and find it superior to the cooked flour roux. It dissolves so much better and does not lump in your sauce. Glad to see it used here.

  • Hhm, Deb, your sour cream-pastry sounds quite interesting!
    We already have a great chicken pot pie recipe (with buttery puff pastry) but we’ll try this pastry next time: it really does look nice & flaky. And to be honest, the best bit about a chicken pot pie is when some pastry is crisp & some has soaked up the lovely sauce – yummy. N.

  • Could this be baked in one big pan, rather than the individual bowls? And do you think using a biscuit crust rather than pastry would affect the outcome?

  • Helene

    Your recipe sounds amazing. Can you suggest how to modify it to make it kosher?

    1. deb

      Helene — I think the crust would be trickier to modify than the filling (you could use olive oil or margarine). The crust should work with shortening but the yogurt… You might use a regular pie dough instead, using shortening instead of butter.

  • Randi

    I LOVE when I find things I love about several recipes and get to bastardize them into a perfect food item love child! Yes! When great minds get together food wins (and so do my taste buds! Maybe my thighs, not so much…)

  • Alicia

    Deb, you are maybe the only person who won’t run in horror from this suggestion: I skin the chicken (gets flabby in the sauce anyway), chop and gently fry up the skin to render it. Then I use the schmaltz instead of butter, and purée the grieben into the sauce. Super duper chicken-y flavor.

    1. deb

      Alicia — I think I love you. (I am also working on something for my next book where we would never, ever throw the chicken skin away, so you’re totally on my page.)

  • It’s look so delicious an pretty easy, thanks for inspiration!

  • For some reason, my boyfriend loves pot pies, so he buys tons of frozen ones. I’m cooking for him more and more out of sheer concern for his health. Maybe, because of some love, too :) This is great! It will make both of use happy and help him eat healthier, home cooked meals.

  • Sara

    So you brown the chicken in the dutch oven — is it cooked the whole way through first? Or do you just cook it most of the way and finish it up in the sauce?

    1. deb

      Sarah — At the end of the third paragraph, you nestle the chicken back into the sauce you’re building to simmer it for 30 minutes, until cooked through.

  • I love pot pie/warm comfort food season! These look yummy! On a vegetarian(ish) kick – might make these but (gasp!) leave out the chicken and add more veggies?? Probably keep the chicken stock though – the traditional flavors seem more comfort-y than the bean/chard version…

  • You know what, I’ve never had chicken pot pie before. Can you even believe that? But this recipe looks really good, so I might just have to try it. Thanks for the post :)

  • Also curious about freezing these… usually when I feel like making a large pot pie, I make one extra and freeze it before baking the whole thing. Do you have a recommendation for these? Freeze before baking?

  • Nancy Travers

    i made this and added fennel and it was magnificent! Regards, nt

  • Kath the Cook

    I make lots of things and freeze before baking – lasagnas, casseroles, etc. Disposable aluminum loaf pans do great for this (heresy, I know). Works great and things don’t get all dried out. You just need to think ahead a day or two before and thaw as needed and then bake away!

  • Frances

    I place a whole chicken with water, an onion, carrot, leek, bay leaf, parsley and s&p in a pot and gently bring to boil and poach for an hour or so – then remove cooled meat from bones and put bones back into pot for a couple of hours to make stock. Use the strained stock in roux to make gravy for chicken pies and there are leftovers for a soup base in future.
    This makes for super delicious succulent chicken.

  • Kim


    I LOVE your Pancetta, Bean and Swiss Chard pies, so can’t wait to try these! One problem I’ve had with the lids on the former is that they sometimes separate along the rim of the baking dish and fall into the pie. Any ideas why? Am I perhaps pressing them too firmly against the dish?

    FYI, you have a typo near the end of the second paragraph, “…assumed I’d did something…”

    1. deb

      Kim — Egg wash, I think. If you paint the rim of the bowl with it before pressing the lid on, it should stick. It still may drape a little in the center, especially if your vents are larger (mine always are), but it should stay attached to the bowl. This time, I, too, forgot to paint the rim and you could lift the lids off like saucers. Delicious, flaky saucers. :)

  • I LOVE chicken pot pies! They are the ultimate comfort food! This is a must-try idea! :)

  • these look awesome! I love that there is no soggy crust underneath the pot pie – just delicious comfort food filling and a perfect crispy top. Now this is a chicken pot pie I would actually make at home – I don’t know why I never thought of making just the top part of the pie!

  • Everyone at my workplace was just talking about how it’s casserole weather, and I know what they mean…only now, after seeing this, I’m re-christening it “Pot Pie” weather. Yum!

    And you’re so right about cooking things in sauce. Roasted chicken is great and all, but…SAUCE. Thanks so much for sharing!

  • I have been looking for a chicken pot pie recipe for a long time, and this looks like it takes the cake. That crust looks so flaky! I just found your blog on bloglovin, and now I know I have to follow. Looking forward to more recipes to help beat the cold.

  • These pot pies look so good. They are my favorite thing to eat during the Fall season. I will be pinning this recipe. :-)

  • Heather L

    This sounds great…I made the chard pot pies from the cookbook just last week! Not my first time but I had forgotten how Amazing that pastry is. Amazing! I want to make a million things with that yummy pastry. ;). Will bookmark this for next time I feel like pot pie.

  • jwg

    The last time I painted the rims with egg was for pot pie it required a sharp knife followed by course steel wool to get the residue off. The next time I just greased the edge and let the lid hang over the side a bit.

  • Chicken Pot Pie is one of my all time favorite recipes – excited to try this out!

  • Ryann

    Oh wow so making this for nice fall Montana evenings… big casserole dish I hope works! And do you think it might freeze well?

  • tami

    I love chicken pot pie – I’ll be trying this recipe soon. If you are ever in Seattle – try Pies & Pints, not far from the Roosevelt Whole Foods – I love all their fillings, and my kids love the mac and cheese. I’ve not figured out how they get the pastry top to dome. I find it really appealing.

  • So comforting! and i thank you for using bone in chicken wings and thighs in your chicken pie. Nothing is sweeter than meat on the bone.

  • jan dash

    Can I make the filling,freeze it in the bowls… and later remove frozen discs to plastic wrap and keep them until another day when I want the pies and I feel like making the crust? I assume I would have to thaw the filling before baking, but otherwise…would there be a problem?
    I don’t mind longish recipes- but I do like to be able to do them over more than one day.

    1. deb

      Jan — I think that would work fine, but should offer the caveat that I’ve never frozen these; it only makes four and we go through them!

  • This looks delicious! I will definitely be making this once the weather cools down. Thanks for sharing!

  • Louise

    This recipe sounds great. Love the flavours and leeks definitely have an affinity with chicken. I’d make it with skin-off bone-in chicken thighs, though. Results in a more succulent meat and I’d ditch the bones before assembling. Thanks for the recipe. Love your thoughtfulness when you write a recipe.

  • Paula O in Richmond, CA

    Do you have any control of the advertisem*nts posted on your site? I live in Richmond, CA and just saw here on your site a political ad slamming Eduardo Martinez, a progressive candidate for the Richmond city council who is being attacked with money from Chevron Oil with these horrible political ads. I’ve lived in Richmond for 20 years and know what great things the progressive members of the city council have done for Richmond. I was really shocked to see this attack ad on your website! I very much like your website but not this attack ad!!! Please look into it. Thank you. Paula O in Richmond, CA

  • Dear “Recept”!

    Lovely, the chicken one I like´d, will be on table next week.


  • Sally

    In one of Ina’s recipes for roasted shrimp she explains why she roasts chicken: it tastes better. When you poach chicken in liquid a lot of the chicken flavor goes into the liquid and the chicken is less tasty. This probably also explains why she makes.chicken stock with whole birds and then discards them.

    1. deb

      Re, making this dairy-free or Kosher — See my response and suggestions to Helene in Comment #45 above.

      Sally — I do remember hearing that, but here, the chicken is cooked IN the final sauce, so the flavor stays, the chicken is very succulent and the whole process involves fewer steps. There isn’t a wrong and right here; I just knew I’d prefer it this way, hence the updated recipe.

      Paula — Blech! I have some control in removing them (and will try to remove the one you mentioned), but I don’t often know about ads before they show up. It’s not like some Evil Politician approaches me and asks to buy your attention — these things are done in batch buys through the ad placement agencies I use here; it’s all very third-party. I communicate that I only want ads that relate to the cooking or home; stuff still slips through. See more here about the process and why ads show up, FWIW.

  • Lila

    Hi Deb
    Firstly thank you so much for your incredible recipes! I absolutely love every one of them that I have tried! I did your broccoli slaw last night and it was amazing! I wanted to ask if it’s possible to make this recipe dairy-free I. E. Cut out the yoghurt and cream?

  • Ann

    Great recipe!
    I read that some people are considering freezing the stuffing. I have found that any sauce containing a roux does not reheat well. The flavour is still there, but the sauce tends to split and so you loose texture and presentation.

  • Pamela In Tokyo

    This looks so yummy and I want to try it. I had an idea. I think roasted chicken is tastier than poached chicken as well. I could pick up one of those roasted chickens from Costco and use that to make chicken pot pie. That would certainly make it go a lot faster as well.

    My husband won’t eat green peas so I am thinking that mushrooms and leaks along with the carrots and perhaps celery would be perfect.

  • Ruby

    10/7/14 Deb…love your website/blog. Myself a cook and pastry chef/baker…I certainly appreciate all your hard work that went into developing fabulous recipes. However, this will be my first criticism…if you want to call it that…I don’t really mean this as a criticism. We are vegetarian…there is no almost vegetarian. It is or it isn’t. Pancetta is a deal breaker as far as being vegetarian…I’m sure you know that. Should either you or any of your readers be interested in a vegetarian pot pie…what I do for pot pie is make a thick vegetable stew or you could even say a thick vegetable soup…onions, potatoes, carrots, celery, string beans, lima beans, fennel (yes there is more than one starch) peas, tomatoes and may even add a little pasta such as Alfabeto or Occhi di Passero…a very small pasta or may add lentils instead. I do different combos..use what you like…but, the multiple starches will thicken the stew/soup and they taste good together. You don’t need to make a vegetable stock as the stock is automatically made by all of the veggies. I start out by sauteing the onions, carrots and celery in olive oil with a little unsalted butter added, sea salt, fresh ground pepper and a number of herbs and spices which always include powdered ginger and powdered mustard both of which are very underused. Once all of this starts to brown a little…I want the caramelization…I then add tomatoes (if fresh tomatoes are out of season I use Muir Glen Organic whole tomatoes which I cut in half/thirds)..tomatoes & white wine create the liquid to cook the veggies in..if necessary you could add some water.. and then start adding everything else…slow slow slow cook….once it starts to thicken up I will then add the pasta or lentils which will really thicken up the stew/soup. I may even throw in a couple of handfuls of baby spinach at the end…I do add an additional layer of the same herbs used during the saute process…also, I may add a cup of grated parmesan or may have added left over parmesan rinds early on. Then I pretty much follow what you do for your chicken pot pie. It is outstanding…I doubt it would even dawn on anyone that there is no meat/poultry in this dish. I’ll keep following your web/blob….your book is wonderful!

  • Deb,
    How did you know I was hoping you would update your chicken pot pie post? I made your swiss chard pot pies last Friday and we are still raving about how good they were! You are so right….it had the richest flavor with only 3 TBSP butter in the sauce. Since you brought up Instagram….that’s exactly how I discovered your recipe. I posted a photo of beautiful rainbow swiss chard and asked, “what should I make?” and the response was Smitten Kitchen Pancetta, white bean and chard pot pies! Thank you!

  • I was distraught when I saw this post last night AFTER I made chicken pot pie IX from all recipes — it did still turn out fantastic. Then I read this recipe this morning — as to my SO’s dismay is now a habit — and realized we’ve come to a similar process as I’ve modified the recipe a bit. I’ve been trying to adhere to a One Pot process, which had me sear the chicken in butter then take them out,next cook the veggies and broth in that same pot. I love the leek idea and will definitely try your recipe next time.Keep it up Deb!

  • Easier to buy a rotisserie chicken from the grocer. Use chicken broth with a powdered gravy mix/country gravy mix. Frozen veggies and puff pastry. Done.

  • Payal

    Jen (commenter 15), Deb, believe it or not McDonald’s in India actually created – and then removed, damn them to hell and back – a pot-pie-ish butter chicken dish. Yes, McDonald’s. No, I don’t think our country took to it in great numbers but I on the other hand – let’s just say sales of McDonald’s spiked in one particular outlet of one particular city for the year this was on the menu. The crust wasn’t just a topping but a full pastry case inside which thick, luscious butter chicken was baked and it was incredibly good; the crust was more parantha than pot pie, but flakier than many paranthas end up. I’d say give it a shot at home – and share the genius with us, please!

  • AJ

    Ruby – the “Almost-Vegetarian” pot pie IS vegetarian if you leave out the pancetta, which is what Deb is recommending if you want a vegetarian pot pie. (I’ve had it both ways and it truly is delicious without meat, just like she says.)

  • Devora

    Hooray for a chicken pot pie recipe! In need of a comfort food recipe to soothe my Midwestern ex-pat soul, I turned a few years ago to your Swiss chard pot pie recipe as a method for creating the most delicious savory pie I have ever eaten, which involved using some leftover roasted lamb instead of pancetta or chicken. I am humbled to say I know now what “happy” tastes like.

  • Birgit

    I have always loved chicken pot pie and have tried several recipes that did not meet my expectations. This one looks perfect and I can’t wait to make them this coming weekend. Thanks, and I love you site!

  • Maggie

    I’ve been adamantly refusing to acknowledge any other chicken pie filling except the base of your Chicken & Dumplings recipe since you published it back in ’07, but I do recognize it’s a bit fiddly. So perhaps this simplifies the process, and I should give it a go.

    Glad to see the leeks and sherry from that recipe were left in here, but I’ll also be including the tarragon. Those three elements elevated that chicken stew to celestial!

  • Margit Van Schaick

    Norma Reynolds–I often make the pot pie recipe in my 9×13 Pyrex dish, rolling out a 2-crust top into a rectangle. Just make sure you don’t over-fill, leave at least 1/2 inch space (or more) for bubbling while baking! This is an impressive dish for when you have guests or to give as a gift. Freezing works great–I have frozen 2-cup ramekins or similar size portions from the Pyrex dish and just re-heat in microwave or 350 degree oven on days when all you need to do is add a green salad. Also, I always add potatoes cubed small to the mix. A handful of left-over veggies, such as green beans (cut small like the other veggies) can be added at the end of the cooking. Deb, thank you so much for this wonderful recipe! The roux at the end is something my Hungarian mother almost always added to soups/ stews. It made the simplest veggie soup glorious!

  • Marnie

    So it would be a gargantuan challenge to make this entire recipe non-dairy/parve?!?! Would you advise a different pie crust recipe to keep this “kosher”?

  • I am not a big chicken pot pie eater since I never grew up eating it. But I just discovered my husband really loves them a few weeks ago. You have impeccable timing Deb. Now I know what to make him this weekend =)

  • Sweetfannyanne

    I’m with Alicia – I often use chicken fat to brown chicken and pre-cook the vegetables: lots of it, hot, and then drain it all in a big colander while I get on with the next part (saving the drippings in the freezer for next time, so it gets richer, and richer, and richer).

    For the pastry, it’s rather nice to crumble some hard feta in while you’re cutting in the butter. It’s deliciously tart-and-salty against the rich creamy chickeny vegetably heavenly filling once cooked.

    Lovely little dishes – I think a big part of food should be nice dishes! I love Apilco – tableware that’s utterly ovenproof.

  • Leah

    FWIW, I also found that my Ina sauce didn’t thicken the way I wanted, so I just reduced the chicken stock by a cup and all was well. I’ve also never done the blanching step and no one seemed to miss it.

    I’d be interested in giving something with a little less butter a try because, much as I love Ina’s recipe, it is very, very rich, sometimes more so than one wants in a cozy meal on a weeknight. Perhaps the apex of butter overload was when I made Ina’s filling and served it over your perfect (and very buttery) biscuits. No one could actually finish his meal that night – it was just too much, even for people who appreciate the finer points of churned, cultured milk fat.

    Re: freezing – I have frozen the filling and dough separately and had success with defrosting. In any case, I always make the filling a day before I plan to use it; the flavors come together nicely in the fridge, and then assembly is a snap.

  • ok – YES. yes,i need to make these, yes, i need to eat these. Adding the roux at the end – smart. YUM!

  • Ha! I am excited that I may be starting to think like the guru of Smitten Kitchen… we made Chicken Pot Pie last night as well! ‘Tis the season I guess! My husband requested that we use biscuits (substituted cottage cheese for buttermilk to make them a little more hearty and cheesy for dinner – it actually worked well) on the side to accompany what became more of a chicken stew. I started with onion and carrots sauteed in olive oil and thickened with ap flour like a roux before adding stock and seasoning. This eliminated the butter issue altogether, thickened nicely and saved the added fat for the biscuits. (Although I am a butter lover myself!) I also added a bit of local homemade pork sausage (from the butcher) to simmer in the broth for added flavor! I am psyched to try your pastry next time!

  • Ann

    You are a Goddess.

  • I love chicken pot pie!! These look so delicious I will for sure be trying this recipe :)

  • Kate

    This looks delicious.

    Can I ask why the “extra” step of cooking the chicken through before it goes into the oven? I’ve always made my potpies with raw chicken, that way they don’t get dried out. Am I missing something?

  • AlyssaM

    Hi Deb! Total commoner question, but what type of onion? I know it seems silly, but nobody ever specifies in recipes and there are SO many varieties with such different flavors! Thanks so much!

    1. deb

      Alyssa — I usually specify; for stuff like this, I almost always use a yellow onion. I tend to use white or red onions mostly for raw uses.

      Kate — I thought it might have been weird to de-bone and chop seared-but-raw chicken, and I suspected it would take longer to cook through in the oven than the top takes to brown. But mostly? I’ve just always made it this way. The chicken does not taste overcooked when it’s done. I am a NUT about dry chicken and this is about as juicy as it gets, even the white meat.

  • Bobbie Kramer

    Hi Deb,
    This sounds awesome. I love chicken, but my husband is a ovo-lacto-piscatarian so I am going to use some leftover salmon or maybe some tuna as the protein.

  • Kris

    I see it doesn’t seem to bother you, but it really bothers me so much how people feel so comfortable asking stay-at-home-moms and mothers who work from home “what they do all day”! Even if you didn’t work, taking care of home and family, feeding them etc, is a full-time job far more meaningful than the jobs that many people do at the office. And on top of that you DO work. I hope you respond to those questions with a characteristically witty reply, like “Oh, well my next cookbook is writing itself and my toddler can safely cook a casserole for his dinner, so yeah, I do nothing!”

  • I use frozen puff pastry for the tops when time is short and the pot pie craving is too great to ignore. Love the serrated edge on your pastry created by the white bowl. I’ve got the serving bowl version (from Crate & Barrel), and see that they have mini-bowl size. They’d be good for pastry cutting, too.

  • This looks like the food equivalent of a warm, cozy blanket or a hug. It sounds very time consuming to make, but wonderful.

  • Jeanie

    That crust looks divine!!

  • Erin

    Hi, Deb. I’m a big fan — love the cookbook. I’ve even earned serious kudos from my kids by preparing various of your recipes. This, however, is the first time I’ve commented and it’s because I need help! I’ve made the dish and it’s presently cooking.. 20 minutes to go. BUT, the crust was a nightmare. So, so, so wet that it ended up in blobs. I managed to get most of it onto my dish, but there was no chance that I could leave space between the filling and the crust. I basically had to plop it in the dish and hope for the best. I often have challenges with baking because I live at 5,500 feet above sea level and am constantly having to adjust recipes. Now I will honestly say that I have never been stellar at pie crusts of any sort. They are like my kryptonite. So, my question is, did I just not put in enough flour? Is this an elevation issue? It seems unlikely given that I’d not even baked anything yet when the problem arose. I’ve never made a crust with sour cream. Maybe I mis-measured. Who knows? I’m sure it will be delicious regardless, but the crust may dissolve into the sauce before it makes it out of the oven. Any tips for my next batch? Thanks for all you do and for any advice you can offer.

  • Liz

    Susan I was trained in classical French cooking by a French chef and i can tell you there is another name for a raw roux. Yes, it must be cooked and simmering broth certainly cooks it. Browned roux has a different character and is on an equal footing. As I recall it was called a Beurre Manie, but the spelling may be off as I did not see it in print.

    I freeze these all the time for my husband’s lunches ever since Deb’s first round got me on the kick. I throw the whole thing in a quart ziplock bag after it has cooled and they make wonderful single servings. People get very jealous of his lunches.

    To me it is Deb’s crust that makes these amazing. Lots of fillings taste good, but the crust…. ahh the tasty crust.

    I cut out shapes with the scraps and stuck them on the top, such cuteness.

    My dishes are the kind I like for French onion soup and look like little souffle dishes. I got them cheap years ago at Ross Dress for Less

  • Kate

    I usually make chicken pot pie after two things happen: 1) I have left over chicken and 2) I have made broth from the chicken carcass (and since we usually have chicken once a week, there’s always broth in the frig). Then I basically do what you did, but cook the vegetables in the broth, toss in the left-over chicken at the end and then thicken the concoction. Chicken pot pie, like a pot roast is supposed to be easy and comforting, not rocket science.

  • Sweetfannyanne

    @ Liz – would you be talking about beurre meuniere, do you think? Takes me back to me cheffie days!

  • Jen

    Payal, that’s amazing. I’ve been thinking about it since I misread Deb’s post title. Far too ingenious and delicious to not have existed already. I would certainly have been in line with you! When I eventually take a stab at it, I’ll share for sure but I’d love to see what Deb could do with it! Excuse me while run around the block a few hundred times before I start my experiments. Mmm…

  • This is amazing!! Chicken pot pies are my all time fave, and these ‘better chicken pot pies’ need to happen in my kitchen asap!

  • Looks soooo amazing! I am going to make those happen ASAP! Great post and I look forward to what is next.

  • Megan

    This looks so yummy and perfect for fall. My little one is allergic to eggs :( Any suggestions to replace the egg wash but still allow dough to stick to bowls and turn out golden? Thanks so much.

    1. deb

      Megan — Don’t worry about the egg at all. You can brush with milk or cream, it may not do as much but you’ll probably bake yours darker than I did, it will be no less lovely.

      Results? — Has anyone made these yet? I confess that no matter how long I’ve been doing this site, I kind of bite my fingernails and hold my breath until at least one person responds that they made the recipe and it worked. What, me, neurotic? Anyway, I suspect this being a longer cooking project, nobody jumped in on a Monday night, but let us know when you do. All feedback is welcome and helpful!

  • Susan

    I haven’t made the whole recipe, yet, but I did use the crust on your Tomato Pie filling (CA still thinks it’s August!) Wow! Great top crust. It was so flakey, almost like a faux puff pastry. I was reluctant to use the vinegar because I have a similar recipe that doesn’t use it, but I trusted the look of the picture and your expertise. Perfect crust for a top lid. Due to the soggy nature of cooked tomatoes, I decided to use only a lid and it was enough…perfect, in fact. I didn’t have to drain the tomatoes so I got all the flavor plus crisp, flakey crust.
    I’ll respond to the filling once I make the entire recipe, like when CA decides it’s winter.

  • Kathy K

    I’ve made Ina’s pot pies and can’t wait to try this recipe, along with the one in your cookbook! (FYI, I found the white oven-proof footed soup bowls pictured with Ina’s recipe at Crate and Barrel.)

  • Looks great. And chicken pot pie always reminds me of this little diddy:

  • Rachel

    I love pot pies! I put a variation together last year using pheasant and Maggie Beer’s pheasant pie recipe as inspiration. It was lick your bowl good!

  • Dee

    It’s Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend, and because I’m rebelling against the turkey dinner thang this year, this has just zoomed to the top of the list of possibilities! I’ve been using your sour cream pastry ever since I first made the caramelized onion/squash galette–it never fails to impress people Deb, so give yourself a big pat on the back from me. I’m a real pig for pastry though, and miss having a bottom crust–have you ever tried using the same pastry as a base, and blind-baking it? Do you think it would work?

  • Kudos to you for seeking to perfect such a classic recipe. Agreed, nothing’s more annoying that unnecessary steps. These pies look to-die-for.

  • Sandra

    Love a pot pie! Thanks for the delicious details. For those who commented about “beurre manie” (accent on the final e, my keyboard can’t do this) – Liz in post 115, replying to Susan. It means “handled butter” from the French verb “manir”, to handle. Related to the English word “manual”. So, it’s butter that has been handled, in this instance worked with flour into a paste.You’ve done it every time you’ve made white sauce (bechamel sauce), and yes, when you’re thickening a stew.

  • Catalina

    Can these be frozen before baking? If so, would you bake them frozen or defrost first? Thank you!

  • Susan

    Thanks for the great explanations, Liz #114 and Sandra #130. I know the actual term, just couldn’t spell it! It’s a great thickening technique.

  • nicole

    I made this tonight. It worked beautifully. I know it’s such bad etiquette to change a recipe the first time through, but I needed to use up some odds and ends in the fridge and ended up adding about a cup of broccoli to the pot with the peas. I also added the carrots early, soon after the leeks and onions, as I like them softer. I also only used 2 cups of broth. Gosh, totally bad form. I’m sorry! The crust I followed to a T, and it was really flaky and chewy- perfect for a top lid. Just one of these was very filling- even filled up the resident bf who normally eats 3 servings of everything. I’ve basically learned to cook from this website, which I found while in college 4 years ago now, and all i can say is Thank You!!!!!!!

  • ahh, I love pot pies!! but alas, I am a vegetarian. I’m going to try the almost veg one without pancetta. Thank you! Good job for cutting back on that butter, 12 tbsp?? that is crazy!!

  • Elana S

    Deb- you asked for feedback, so here it is. Made this tonight for dinner. Started with the crust at 5:00 and the pot pies finally emerged at 7:40 PM (to hungry husband and kids). Not difficult, just more time-consuming than I realized and would hesitate to make again on a weeknight, but a definite keeper for the weekend. I added the carrots at the end of the leek/onion step b/c I didn’t want crunchy carrots, but might’ve been fine to add with the peas. Used cream rather than milk. Filling is delicious, chicken tender and flavorful.
    The only slight problem was the crust. It was very soft and wet, so much so that when I originally mixed it, I checked to make sure I followed the recipe correctly. (I had, weighing the flour rather than scooping into cups). B/c it was so soft and saw comment above (Erin , #114) about it falling apart, I actually put it in the freezer for 10-15 min before rolling it out. Then made the mistake of lining one bowl before the others were rolled out. (note- the instructions say roll all the dough, then place over the bowls.) I realized why- the crust softens quickly over the hot filling and begins pulling and sinking. (duh) So made the other 3 as instructed. Nevertheless, despite working quickly and putting each quarter back in fridge after rolling, once placed over the bowl, it started pulling from edge and sinking somewhat. I did brush the edges with egg wash as instructed, but my bowls have a thin edge that may have cut the dough, rather than allowing something to cling to. I was initially demoralized when placing in the oven, but trust me- despite some pulling and sinking on top of filling, the crust was browned and delicious. Not soggy at all. So overall a success and something I will make again. Declared by my very family as not only the best chicken pot pies I’ve ever made, but the best they’ve ever had.

  • Jan

    hello Deb! I’m a new fan of your blog and recipes. I love the detail and tips you provide. I, like you, have been a big fan of Ina Garten for years. I’ve learned so much from her but this was one recipe I just couldn’t accept. I always thought it had a crazy amount of butter. Normally I’ll take her recipes and just cut down the salt but that’s about it, but the butter content through me off. Yours looks absolutely delicious and I can’t wait to try it. What would you think of baking the top crust separately? I was even thinking of making more of a white cheddar cheese crust from a cracker recipe? Maybe float on top of the chicken pot pie for the last few minutes to keep it super crisp?

  • Hi there Deb! Premade everything this morning. I found out too late that I didn’t have any sherry, but I used some Shaoxing rice wine instead and that worked out fine. I followed the rest of your recipe to the T. The dough felt lovely and is now resting in the fridge, as well as the filling, which tastes absolutely awesome! I never thickened a filling this way before by adding a paste of butter and flour at the end, so thanks for teaching me a new technique :) I’m sure we’ll have a very good dinner tonight, kudos and love from The Netherlands!

  • m o o n marked

    I’ve not made this exact recipe, but have previously made pot pies with various fillings using your galette crust. I’ve successfully frozen the unbaked pies to be cooked as needed as well as frozen cooked pies to be reheated at lunchtime.

    A favorite comfort food from childhood were inexpensive frozen pot pies,two for a dollar, which we were allowed to take from the freezer and bake ourselves as we straggled in from school or on the weekends, one of the very very few things we did not make from scratch/on demand in our migrant/immigrant home.

    I make my pies in fairly shallow baking dishes (maybe 1 1/2- 2 inches deep) so there is a high ratio of crust to filling, a bite of pastry with every spoonful!

    I think that this is why my frozen unbaked pies work out so well. The shallowness of the pan/filling makes it possible for the frozen filling to heat quickly and be bubbling hot by the time the crusts are brown. I prefer the frozen unbaked pies because freshly baked. . .is freshly baked, but when I have prepared and baked more than what is eaten that day, it’s been fine to pop the dish into the freezer for eating another day. In both cases the pies go straight from freezer to oven.

    It’s not hard to make a double recipe to freeze for a rainy day and it’s easier, actually, to put the lids on when the filling is room temp or cooled. I save the egg wash for when the frozen unbaked pies pies are just about to go into the oven, and brush the still frozen dough and maybe add a slash or two if the original one looks closed up.

    As an aside, I used to keep circles of the gallette dough stacked in the freezer; I’d put one in to chill and not gotten back to following through for several days and found that it was easy to arrange the fruit or potatoes/sweet potatoes on the frozen dough, pull up the edges when it had softened, and pop right into the oven. I don’t know for sure, but it seemed frozen pie dough right to oven makes for a fantastic flaky rise. It’s what encouraged me to think that it would be fine to do the same with the pot pies.

  • lovely lovely lovely….

    I made Ina’s Lobster Pot pie last night and there are some wonderful leftovers in the fridge calling to me right now….

  • Tanya Dobbs

    You had me at sherry…a great addition I think. I normally don’t eat pot pie because I’ve never had good one until now. OMG, I/we loved it! Out of laziness, I planned to use a puff pastry crust but when realized I had all of the ingredients on hand, I made your recipe…thank goodness because it was superb!!
    My only problem (which was probably my own fault) was that the sauce liquified a bit while it cooked in the oven. It was thick when I ladled it into the bowls. I did cut a vent so I’m thinking maybe I didn’t leave enough space between the filling and the crust? Didn’t matter anyway because my husband and I cleaned our bowls without one word spoken until we were finished. So good we couldn’t stop eating.
    I also used large boneless breasts (because I already had them), cooked them in the sauce the same way just for a shorter period of time. These were Bell & Evans chicken breasts…so good, not tough at all.
    If I were to freeze these, it would be before baking correct?
    Thank You!

  • hallucigenia

    So I gotta ask…why do you skim the chicken fat off and then use *butter* to make the roux?

    1. deb

      hallucigenia — Such a good point! Will update to note your excellent suggestion. (I mean, I know why this happened: I usually make the roux in the beginning of the recipe, thus with butter. Forgot that with my new method — roux at end — you have this option.) Thanks.

  • Janet

    I made this last night, and I love all of the improvements from the old recipe. I found the texture of the lid was superior to the old recipe–much less brittle. I also liked the new flavor, but my boyfriend found it to be too sour. Any thoughts on how to preserve the texture, but take out the sour flavor?

  • Kitt

    Thanks for this interesting recipe. Do you have recommendations for modifying it to make left over turkey pot pie around Thanksgiving??? Thanks.

    1. deb

      Kitt — What a great idea. Once again, I am kicking myself for not knowing how many cups of chopped chicken this recipe yielded but let’s say we estimate 3 cups. I think you could add 3 cups of leftover chopped turkey when you add the cooked chicken back to the sauce.

  • Kaytee

    Do you know anything about gluten free baking?? You see, your pot pie tops are my husband’s absolute FAVORITE thing and he just adores them and dreams about them and talks about them all the time. Then he got diagnosed with celiac disease about 6 months ago and was SO bummed when he realized this meant no more pot pie tops. I would love to find a way to make them for him again using gluten free flour but just don’t know where to start. Any ideas or resources you could point to to? I love how easy this recipe is to make and would like to avoid having to use a tedious puff pastry recipe. I know this is a long shot but I just thought I’d check. :)

  • Mariby

    May I say, “I just love you!” I am new to the joys of cooking (menopausal with time on my hands) and having a delicious time discovering and taking on recipes once very intimidating. I have become the baking mom, I never knew was in me, wow, really! I am inspired by your posts, how you share your stories, your recipes, your search for the best, your challenges, etc., and I will tell you that I look forward to your posts – well worth the time. THANK YOU!

  • Bookmarked, as chicken pot pie is probably one of Jackie’s most favorite dishes. This is a real beauty, Deb. Love how you disassembled the recipe and rebuilt it, piece by piece. Gorgeous!

  • Liz

    Erin I live at altitude too, turn your oven down 15 degrees from whatever any recipes says. That is the only change to make for this one. Leavened foods are a different beast. The no knead breads do wonderfully at altitude, I believe Deb covered them here. No adjustment on those other than the temperature drop. Sounds like not enough flour to me. When my dough is to wet I plop in flour on a counter before rolling and fold it a few times. It should be about the texture of playdough.

    As for the egg, my husband can’t eat egg and I don’t do anything to the rim at all or even to the top and it comes out great. Mine browned up fine. My filling touched the crust because I did not want leftover filling and I used a different one made of leftovers. It is less perfect, but absolutely tasty and wonderful still. Mostly it cooks over the edges a bit.

  • Danica

    @kaytee #145 Trader Joe’s gluten free flour seems to work decently for pie crusts (and reasonably priced!), I struggled a little bit when I made one of Deb’s slab pies because it didn’t hold together as well, but for normal pies etc I’ve been quite successful.

  • Michelle

    I made these the other day for my roommate and my boyfriend and we loved it! I made one change though in that I plopped your favorite buttermilk biscuits on top and they loved it with the gravy. I love it with the biscuits because it soaks up the sauce, it’s how my mom made it when I was little (from the back of the bisquick box), and it seems less finicky than pie crust to me.

  • 13 tbs butter or 6 1/2 oz? Which is it? Isn’t 1 tbs 1 oz?i

    1. deb

      Birute — 13 tablespoons is 6.5 ounces. Each tablespoon weighs half an ounce.

  • Lizzy

    I made this tonight and I *loved* the stew. I happened to have some green beans from my garden so I threw those in with the peas and carrots (I figure, there aren’t really any rules when it comes to vegetables in stew). I did not love this crust. It handled beautifully, but it just seemed sort of heavy and greasy on top of my pie. My husband liked it, though. I think I’d make this again but maybe do dumplings or biscuits on the side (my husband bakes a mean biscuit) instead of crust.

    Also, bravo to the people who suggested making the roux with the leftover chicken fat. That never crossed my mind, but I tried it this time and it worked perfectly. I’d definitely do that again!

  • Janice

    So, not to complicate things too much, but I made this with fresh cod. So that could be one way to have it be kosher! I didn’t cook the cod (which was cut into 1/2 inch cubes) separately — just in the oven with the prepared veggies. I wasn’t sure how thick to roll out the crust — did I miss that in the instructions? I wasn’t sure my crust was going to work — it didn’t seem to want to roll into a ball. But after resting in the fridge, and with plenty of flour on the counter, it rolled out and baked beautifully. Loved this recipe!

  • Katherine

    Thought I’d share that I made this with turkey this evening and it turned out great! Happy Canadian thanksgiving, eh!

  • Badmommy

    I admit to not having any idea about the blanching – I saute the vegetables lightly in a little butter or schmalz for this kind of thing. But since pot pie is usually an answer to the age old question “what can I do with all this leftover chicken?” – that is why the chicken is made ahead. But this looks fantastic! And it occurs to me that I have not treated my family to a chicken pot pie in ages. I’ve been making chicken enchiladas (suisas) instead. But the weather definitely calls out for pie crust. ;) Thank you for another gorgeous recipe!

  • jeanneb

    I, too, follow (mostly) Ina’s wonderful recipe. But here’s a tip for those who don’t want to fool with making the crusts. I found this in an old Cooks Illustrated book.

    Using store-bought crusts, cut TWO for each pie. Brush the edges of the bowl with egg wash. Then brush egg wash on one of the pie crusts. Place the second crust on top of that (the egg wash is in between the two crusts). Now drape the crust over the pie. Don’t worry too much about crimping down the sides….they’ll droop by themselves. Brush egg white on top crusts and around edges. Cut slits in top.
    Cover with foil for first 30 minutes (at 375). Lower heat to 350 and cook, uncovered for 20 or 30 minutes, until crust is nicely browned.

    What I like about the double crust is: you get a nice crispy crust on top. But inside, the bottom crust touches the filling and stays moist. It’s doubly good!

  • jeanneb

    Above should have said “Brush egg WASH on top crust and around edges”.

  • Made this for Friday night dinner exactly as written (although I only had chicken breasts on hand so it was all-white meat) and it was awesome!! Perfect cold-weather meal. My only recommendation would be to fill the bowls much less than you think as mine overflowed and the crust got a tad soggy.

  • Smirker

    Made a huge batch of filling and froze it portioned in my favourite big ramekins, then I transferred the pot piecicles into a freezer bag ready for use later.

  • Johanna

    I made the lazier version of this last night because it was cold and rainy, we were hungry, and we wanted pot pie!! In fact I couldn’t stop thinking of this recipe since you posted it. I already had some homemade chicken stock in the freezer, so my idea was to grab a store-bought rotisserie chicken for the meat, use a frozen pie crust instead of homemade (i KNOW but I wanted these pot pies fast and I didn’t have any dough ready), and then make the stew as instructed just without all the chicken braising and such at the beginning. My local grocery was out of chickens last night, so I subbed in a pound of french onion and Gruyere chicken sausage from the butcher counter (mmmmmmm – it worked beautifully). Even with my lazy substitutions, this pot pie was GREAT. I can only imagine if I had taken the usual homemade approach. Thanks for another great recipe. And I will say – the sherry should be a REQUIREMENT except for those who teetotal. You could really taste what it brought to the dish.

  • StephanieR

    I made this last night and it was phenomenal! The crust was super buttery and flaky and it worked beautifully with the filling. Thank you so much!

  • You inspired me to make Gluten-Free Chicken pot pie last weekend. I didn’t have the cute ramekins, but I did do it your way, with just the lid and not bothering to try and do a bottom crust. I had a roasted chicken that I pulled the meat off of and then turned the bones into stock later. I was really proud of myself for getting three different dinners out of one chicken.

    I didn’t have any shortening for my pie crust, so I used half butter and have BACON GREASE for my fat. It came out really good. I have a hard time getting a flaky crust with gluten-free, but having the kitchen smell like chicken+bacon for an hour was pretty awesome, and it turned out very tasty.

    Is it possible to freeze heavy cream? I buy it and this half of it ends up going bad because I don’t have other plans for it : (

  • Jolie

    I made these nearly as written (my carrots were, sadly, used up without my knowledge, so we had some frozen corn along with frozen peas). Had I started earlier in the day with the chicken cooking and pastry-making, dinner would not have been so late, but the end result made up for the late hour.

    The chicken stew was delicious, although I’ve decided I’d be okay short-cutting with leftover chicken to make this quicker to assemble. I will not, however, shortcut with the pastry. The pie crust absolutely made the pot pies, and I had no trouble with the recipe as written. I am comfortable with pie crusts, however. I’m just glad I didn’t default to my own butter pie crust instead, since this version added a tangy-ness that was just perfect with the stew.

    My only other change was using mini pie plates (Pyrex brand). I’ve got four kids, and some are big eaters and some are not. The smaller size (maybe 3/4 cup?) allowed me to get eight pies, which worked well for us. I still have a quarter of the dough in my fridge promising me a lovely treat sometime later this week. :)

  • Kelsie

    I made this semi-vegetarian last night for dinner, and it was delicious. I used one pan (this Canvas dish, a relatively deep, 6X8″ or so: and substituted the chicken for yukon gold potatoes and a few mushrooms (maybe about 3-4 cups total). I skipped the chicken-browning step and just made it all together, beginning with the potatoes, onions, and leeks. I did still use chicken broth, however, since it is delicious. The crust was like a perfect, tart, flaky blanket. We loved it!

    1. deb

      Macushla — Was your butter softened? No worries, regardless. It’s more about making sure the flour isn’t totally dry or it will leave lumps in the sauce (not that anyone will notice them with all the other stuff in there); when it’s a butter-flour blend, the flour melts in evenly as the butter liquefies.

  • amy

    The stew and chicken is phenomenal. However, I ended up in tears (yes, tears!) Because after hours of assembling this dish, I just could not get the crust to do what I wanted. I wasn’t sure how thin/thick it was supposed to be, and I found it to be sticky, and break easily when I tried to put it over the baking dish. Maybe it was because I was using a bigger dish, but it sank immediately into the stew. It’s in the oven now and I’m sure it will taste delicious, but wish I had better luck with the lid.

  • Jill

    Made this for dinner tonight, and it was phenomenal! No problems with the crust, which was flaky and delicious. Since it’s just my husband and me, we halved the recipe and cooked it in five ramekins (because we realized we didn’t have the right kind of oven-proof bowls). There was enough filling for six ramekins, but I’m not sure we could have stretched the crust that far. The process was fairly time-consuming, but not a bad way to spend a Sunday evening — especially with such a delicious end result!

  • Sterling

    I made this tonight – so delicious! I used leftover turkey from (Canadian) Thanksgiving. I also had some extra crust and made it into little biscuits – which disappeared in about 5 seconds. Thanks for the recipe!

  • Megan

    Made these tonight and they were amazing! I want to put those lids on absolutely everything.
    Took a big longer than anticipated, but had I read the recipe in it’s entirety first like I know I’m supposed to…
    My only mod is that I only used about 1/2 of the chicken called for – all thighs – and I found it to be plenty.

  • HOLY MOLY! I have been on a chicken pot pie binge as of late. This looks AMAZING! Will have to add it to my repertoire of CPP recipes. Thank you for sharing!!

  • Barbie

    How timely. I just made Ina’s recipe last night and was shocked at the 12 tbsp of butter, but followed it to the letter. I too thought i had done something wrong because it wasn’t very thick, but after all the chicken and veggies went in, it was delicious. So I used 2 rotisserie chickens and made broth from carcasses. ( Your tip for thickening roux is how my grandmother taught me to make gravy 60 years ago!!!
    I’ll def try your “skinny” version next time! Love your website!

  • Julie

    Just made this! Pretty nice. Next time might add mushrooms and shallots.

  • Kim

    They are in the oven right now but it’s a disaster! The filling is delicious but the dough is melting off all over the oven. The dough looked a little wet but I weighed the ingredients. :(

  • Robyn

    Made this tonight and it was FABULOUS. I was lazy and just used puff pastry for the crust. :-) The filling was delightful and oh so tasty. It was quite time consuming. From about 4pm to 6:40pm start to finish. Not something I could do on a weeknight, but FOR SURE something I will do again in the future. The only problem was I ate so much of it, I am STUFFED. There will hardly be room in the am for your chocolate swirl buns :-)

  • Nancy in CA

    I started with these Friday, and finished them today. I used chicken leg quarters on sale, and ended up with a pound of roasted chicken meat. Yes, I know I was supposed to simmer it in the liquid, but it was a timing thing. I finishd up today. I added a parsnip along with the carrots and peas. I’d thawed one piecrust worth of my own piecrust dough, and it made five tops. I left the other nude, and I’ll biscuit-top that one to see whether Huz prefers one to the other. I put them in little foil pie pans and they’re freezing right now. I ended up with six. I love the idea of throwing a couple in the toaster oven on a chilly night when we don’t have time to prep!

  • Devon

    Deb, I made these wonderous things this past weekend. Absolutely delicious! I made the crust 3 nights prior to making the actual dish, and it kept well. I was worried about the consistency of the dough when i first made it – seemed too wet – but I followed the directions exactly (opting for greek yogurt over sour cream) and lo and behold! I had nothing to worry about. I even rolled out a bit to make a bottom for the pies. Half the recipe is now sitting in my freezer for a warm and happy meal in the upcoming weeks.
    Thanks for a delicious and well written recipe!

  • Kathleen

    Just a quick question: I love the bowls you made these pies in and think my kids would love getting their very own pot pie for dinner, do you know what size your bowls are? They look like they’d also work for French onion soup, fish pie, etc…

  • molly

    Question–I prefer to make my chicken pot pies in one large pie pan with a bottom crust. Would this filling be solid enough for that?

    1. deb

      molly — Probably, especially if par-baked. But you’ll probably want to make more, just to be safe.

  • Cas

    I made this for supper tonight, and, despite burning my finger dramatically, will totally make it again. Three quarters fed three hungry people, and provided a lunch for a housemate, and the remainder is going to be frozen for later.

  • RaineyB

    Can you use frozen carrots? I’m lazy and don’t want to dice.

  • Francesca

    I made this using a chicken that I had used to make broth. So, I chopped the meat and added it at the last moment to the sauce. I added mushrooms too, and shallots instead of leek. Delicious.

  • Tiffany

    Can you use this dough recipe for a pie crust?

  • sarah

    best chicken pot pie filling i’ve ever made/have! the chicken actually tasted good — so often it’s dried out and flavorless. i was worried about the absence of potatoes, but my husband and i didn’t miss them one bit. this is a winner. thanks!

  • Timbo

    W0w!!This filled my tumtum right up! My only complaint is that it gave my little turtley poo the runs. yuk!

  • Brenda B

    My boyfriend “doesn’t eat pot pie” but on a hunch I made this last month.. Since then? He’s requested it every week :) Only change I made was swapping leeks for 1 diced russet potato (I put it in with the carrots) and pour it into a 2qt glass casserole dish because I don’t have individual oven proof bowls. Thank you, once again, for providing us with a yummy recipe!

  • Hilary H.

    Going to try this for Christmas Eve since we are hosting a bevy of family and I don’t want to be standing over the stove all night. My question is, what else can I cook this in if my dutch oven isn’t big enough? My Le Creuset dutch oven is only 3.5 qts and I don’t plan on investing in a new one (budget blown on Christmas gifts already). I have a Le Creuset deep sauté pan that is 4 1/4 quarts with a lid. Will that be ok? It’s not as tall as a dutch oven (only 6 inches deep) but same cast iron and enamel. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

  • meredith

    Made this last night- no leeks at the store so I skipped ’em, added one diced sweet potato in with the onions and ribbons of chard at the end. Baked in one big dish. Amazing!! Rave reviews from all dinner guests.

  • Stephanie

    Any suggestions/recipe on making the pie dough with a food processor? I’m a newbie to pie crust making and the food processor route feels more foolproof!

    1. deb

      Stephanie — You can pulse the butter into the dry ingredients with a food processor. But I recommend then dumping the mixture into a bowl and stirring in the wet ingredients with a spoon or rubber scraper so it doesn’t get overprocessed.

  • Cassandra

    So I have no idea how I’ve never made pot pie before, but this is totally going to be my NYE dinner as I bet it’s going to go great with lots of wine and champagne :)

    On the crust though, unlike many here, I LOVE the double crust! I plan on making individual pot pies in oven safe bowls.. Would you suggest I par bake the bottom crust before filling them up? Most of the double crust recipes I’ve seen don’t require it, but it seems like it’s a logical step? Any thoughts for a crust loving gal? Thanks!!

    1. deb

      Cassandra — Probably best to blind bake and it double (at least) the crust recipe. It still might get soft because the filling is wet but less so.

  • michelle

    If I want to make these to freeze for later, should I par bake, cool, wrap and then freeze, or just bake fully, etc.? I’m going overseas for a few months and want to leave some re-heatable food for my sweetheart.

  • Julie

    I made this last night (with some variations). It was AMAZING.

    I used buttermilk instead of sour cream or yogurt in the crust, because it was all I had. It was perfect – soft and thick and flaky. I could have eaten just that and been delighted. Also, for the sauce, I added a teaspoon each of soy sauce and tomato paste per Cooks Illustrated (was kinda freaked out to do this, but did it anyway; it did add a little depth to the flavor). I did not have leeks, so skipped that. With my bowls, I ended up with enough for five – used the scraps from cutting to fit pastries to form the fifth crust and had enough filling to distribute. Definitely a make again. My hubby declared it both “happy” and “restaurant fancy.” High praise from him.

    So, yeah, I get grouchy when people give feedback after changing stuff, but… it was 99% yours and fantastic. Thanks!

  • Made this last night and we all agreed they were the best pot pies we’ve ever had! Even though I had some kitchen mishaps in the process (read about them on my blog!), I’d make them again!

  • Madison

    I’ve made this three times now and with the addition of several tablespoons of dijon mustard, it is perfect. It is a wonderful Sunday meal as it does take some time, but the leftovers are worth it. This is the Chicken Pot Pie I never had and have always pined for.

  • Mels

    Deb!! I’ve never made chicken pot pie before!! But I decided to give it a try – bf loves it, and it totally seemed doable…and it was!!! I took longer than most any human might, but I made the dough, made the filling, put it all together, and it’s simply delicious!! Thank you so much for creating recipes that aren’t scary, and that taste amazing!! Bf loved it and me too! :)

  • Claire

    Does this really say 4 1/2 tablespoons of flour for filling? =2 tablespoons?

  • Claire

    Ohhh. =4.5 tablespoons. Right? Got it.

  • deb

    Yes, 4.5 tablespoons. a.k.a. 1/4 cup + 1/2 tablespoon.

  • Eliza

    I made this with plenty of substitutions and it was still SOO good. Thank you!

  • Betsy

    I am looking for bowls to make pot pies. I have your cookbook and Ina Garten’s but I can find bowls to make pot pies in. I have used my best searching skills. Help.

    1. deb

      Betsy — What size are you looking for? I agree they can be tricky to find, especially because I like mine in the 1.5 to 2 cup size. Once you know what size you want, you should be able to do a search on Amazon or another cooking store and find something good. (I recently bought a couple dozen of these with dreams of a Pot Pie Party. But I also wanted them to be useful for individual gratins or desserts, i.e. not solely for pot pies.)

  • Trisha

    I’m looking to make a chicken pot pie for Easter and was envisioning just one large instead of smaller individual pies. Do you think this recipe would work well for that?

  • Nicky

    Hi Deb– If I was going to make these with lamb instead of chicken, should I switch up any of the spices or ingredients?

    Thank you!

  • i never kenw about your butter ‘issue’ until now.
    i realize why i like and use so many of your recipes.
    we feel the same the way – people are using WAY too much!


  • Tracey

    I have made this recipe twice and they came out wonderful both times. I used 10 oz pyrex dishes, as those are the only ones I could find at the time, so the whole recipe made about 8 smaller portions. The size was a perfect serving for me and my pot pie loving husband didn’t feel too guilty eating two :). Another fantastic recipe! Thank you Deb!

  • What a fantastic idea Deb! The strange thing is, even though we ADORE any type of savory pie here in Greece (from spanakopita and other phyllo pittas to tyropitakia made with puff pastry), we DO not have pot pies!
    So this is a great way to try something really different and interesting. Being so popular abroad, pot pies must be really good!:)
    We can’t wait to try this, thank you!

  • Heather H.

    I started craving these the moment summer became fall, so I’ll be making them again tonight. Because I’m cooking for myself but want leftovers, I make a full recipe of the filling but only two lids. I freeze two portions of the filling to make later. The last time I made these, I happened to have some of your caramelized onion and gruyère biscuits in the freezer, so I baked some of those to eat with the leftover filling, instead of making new lids. It’s the perfect mash-up of two Smitten Kitchen recipes!

  • Kate

    Hi Deb! So excited to try this recipe! We’re taking a cue from you in preparing for our upcoming addition and making a bunch of food to freeze for when it’s baby time. I adore chicken pot pie, and was wondering if you had any thoughts on making this in advance and freezing it? Any advice would be great!

  • Summer

    I love your crust recipe. This is how I got my man to eat chard and beans! But because it is getting colder and we don’t wan’t to repeat Chicken pie, dumplings, matzo balls…have you ever thought about doing a biscuit topper?

    1. deb

      Summer — You mean a biscuit topping on top of a pot pie (yum) or a new recipe built on a base of biscuits? Happy to oblige, either way!

  • Minik

    Hi Deb! I made this recipe the third time. This time I didn’t have peas, substituted them for blanched fava beans I had in the freezer… The filling was delicious. The crust, I remember from last time, was the best tasting crust ever. Seriously, why don’t we make ALL savory pie crust with this crust recipe?! There must be an explanation for that.
    I have to say that this time my crust slid off all over the oven. It was too soft and I kind of suspected that but didn’t want to mess with the numbers. I read through the comments and saw others complaining about this issue. Well, if it feels too soft, never hesitate to put in more flour with this one! Every batch of flour has different moisture levels, even if you weigh your ingredients (i always do) sometimes it just needs more flour. I’m a crust person so I was disappointed to see my delicious crust melt away into the bowl and all over the baking sheet…

  • Sarah

    Made this last night and it was amazing, the crust worked perfectly. I didn’t use chicken pieces, just chopped up a few chicken breasts to make the filling quickly, I loved the butter/flour technique for thickening the sauce as well, that was a new one for me. Thank you, my first shot at chicken pot pies was a huge hit!

  • I LOVE chicken pot pie…and these sound incredibly yummy. Can’t wait to give these a try…if people are lucky I might share!!

  • kathy w

    I, too, was worried about the damp dough; I wrapped it in plastic wrap and put it into the fridge for several hours. I worried for nothing, rolled out like a dream. I just had to use a bit of flour and a plastic mat for rolling pie crust. I’d baked the chicken breasts the night before and added partially cooked cubed Yukon Gold potatoes and ½ teaspoon cayenne to filling. All this takes a long time so next time I would bake the chicken and make the crust and filling the day before, refrigerate everything, then assemble and roll out crust just before baking. (That crust was incredibly delicious; I rolled out the sections, place one on parchment paper, plastic wrap on top of that and so forth, wrapping top one well with the plastic wrap and kept in fridge.

    It was a lot of work but so delicious. I can’t stand frozen pot pies, except for the small, expensive ones from Whole Foods (I guess those are refrigerated, not frozen!)

  • I made these tonight after your Facebook post prompted curiosity. I love love love your Swiss Chard and white bean pot pies; the crust is to die for! This recipe is currently in oven and I failed on the lids. They all fell into the bowls or off the rim. After reading others’ comments, I had the same exact experience as a few, such as Elena (135). I think the soft dough didn’t care for a sharp rim with hot steam? How can I avoid again? Meanwhile, the chicken component is phenomena!! I cleaned the pot! (With a spoon, not a sponge)

  • Trace

    rainy day, PERFECT way to spend it – making these pot pies! wow – so good… first time using chicken fat and substituting the butter in the roux — what a taste! And if I were to really admit the truth – I fried up those pulled off chicken skin and pureed it with the flour and fat rendering… yup, will be making this again! thank you for this recipe!

  • Iris

    Deb, you will likely judge me for this, but would it be possible to make one large recipe out of this and use premade crust?

    1. deb

      Iris — I don’t judge. I definitely think you could. I’d use storebought puffed pastry (which half the people who eat these homemade lids think they are anyway!).

  • Lisa Bee

    Thank you for an excellent and delicious recipe. My daughter requested a pot pie for her birthday dinner last night and as much as I love to make a fuss over birthdays with Maryland in full-on snow panic I was not happy with the idea of attempting such an involved dish (on top of trying to prepare for the end of the world). The pot pie took some time to come together but was easy and my daughter (and family) LOVED it! And I was so proud of myself for making home made crust (bonus!). You are forever a part of our family memories of my daughter’s 12th birthday dinner.

  • Maya

    I’m snowed in and I’ve been shoveling in the freezing cold all day. So, I decided to make these! However, I didn’t have small oven safe bowls, so we made one big one instead. I also just chopped up the chicken prior to cooking so no shredding necessary. This was delicious! It was so creamy and warm. The lid was so tasty. It was so fun to make our own pot pie and have it on a chilly blizzard day. Thanks Deb!

  • Andrea

    I made the filling yesterday and put it over your favorite buttermilk biscuits. It turned out delicious, even if my filling wasn’t quite as thick as I would have liked (I didn’t want to take the time to add more flour). I guess that means I had chicken and dumplings rather than pot pies! The only other thing I did differently was add four ounces of chopped creminis a few minutes after adding the onion and leek because, why not? If I were to make a biscuit-topped version, would you do it at the same temp and approximate bake time as the biscuit recipe?

  • Kate

    5 of us enjoyed this recipe last night, served with a leafy green salad. Great flavor! I love what the leeks added.

    I did make some adaptations based on what was convenient: threw in some garlic, 4 or 5 potatoes that needed to be used up, old celery wasting away in the fridge, and extra peas so I wouldn’t have an open bag hanging out in the freezer. We also used maybe half the amount of chicken, since it’s so expensive around here (and we’re trying to eat less meat). All that resulted in a lot less fat at the top of the stew, and I guess the potatoes already thickened it up a bit, so we added less flour.

    The only thing I’d do differently next time is perhaps try boneless chicken thigh meat to speed things up. In my opinion, the browning and shredding of the chicken were the most time-consuming parts of the recipe.

    We only used about half the stew/dough for our first pot pie, so we also have leftovers. Yay! I will brown the topping a little longer next time. It tasted really good but was slightly soggy on the bottom, which some liked (reminded them of dumplings), but others wanted more of a crispy topping.

  • Jeri Lynn

    Om Nom Nom!!! I wanted to make this on Monday for Pi day, but life happened and it didn’t get made until today. So totally worth the extra few days wait!

    I’m not an apple cider vinegar fan (don’t like and am sensitive to the taste), so I used rice vinegar in the crust instead. Seems to have worked fine! I also baked a single pie. It cooked closer to 45 minutes but turned out great.

    I really like the extra steps for fancy occasions, but I can also see streamlining for a faster weeknight meal. (I’m especially thinking of just adding chopped boneless skinless breast meat to the long simmer and getting rid of both the first browning and the skinning/deboning steps)

    Thank you for another fabulous meal!

  • Jeri Lynn

    Out of curiosity, have you ever experienced the roux being all nice and thick before baking and then coming out of the oven back to thin and soupy? I don’t know if it’s because I had to let the gravy sit a bit between finishing and baking because I had to go pick up my husband, if it was because I had to bake longer because single pie, or maybe something else. It was still super tasty, but my husband commented that he wished the gravy was thicker…

  • Ashley

    Just made this with a gluten free crust (glutino brand) and subed all purpose gluten free flour (King Arthur)in the filling. I don’t like peas so omitted that and used more carrots to make up for it. Turned out delish.

  • xiaoyinli

    I made this but substituted mushrooms for the chicken & added a couple of chopped stalks for celery plus 1 diced potato. Still DELICIOUS. Thank you for a worry free recipe, Deb!

  • Yes! I totally agree with the changes you have made to Ina’s recipe. I had all the same questions! Really that much butter? And why am I wasting my time and making more dishes by cooking it all separately! Love the alterations in this recipe.

  • JessB

    Delightful! I just made the filling w pre-cooked chicken and served it over biscuits. It was soooo good. I didn’t use sherry, either.

    1. Laura B

      Made this exactly as your recipe called for and I would not change a thing!! It is easily the best chicken pot pie I have ever had. Thank you!!

  • Robert Casey

    I made this yesterday, exactly as offered, for the first time. Hearty compliments from the family. My new go-to recipe. Thanks!

  • amy h. abrams

    Thank you for this delicious recipe. I love Ina, and butter too, but knowing how to modify the quantity of butter while maintaining the delicious tummy satisfying taste of this comfort food special is so so helpful. I have followed other pie crust recipes from your site and found that I can follow your recipes and substitute my Cup 4 Cup flour (Gluten free) and achieve near perfect results. I am looking forward to trying this recipe out!

  • fenchurch24

    I just made this tonight and it might be my favorite Smitten Kitchen recipe ever, which is really saying something!

    A few adjustments:
    – I added 4 baby yukon potatoes, diced about the same size as the carrots. I was worried they wouldn’t cook if they were raw but this was unfounded. Adding them the same time as the carrots and peas worked perfectly.
    – I cooked in one big 9×4″ (ish? I’m guessing) was fabulous.
    – I used store bought pastry, in my case, Leadbetters brand that came as a 9″ circle that I cut down to fit on top of the mixture.
    – I had four leftover chicken thighs from a previous meal. I cut the meat off the bone and it didn’t come close to the 3 cups required in this recipe (which is why I added the potatoes). For this reason, I didn’t add the chicken until after the carrots/peas/potatoes step. For those worried that it would be overcooked after 30+ more mins in the oven, in fact, it was MORE tender than it had been, so don’t stress.

    Also, I made a mistake early on when I added the milk (1%) with the broth/leeks/onions and had the heat too high. My mixture split, the milk curdled, and it SUCKED. I was freaked. I quickly threw in some butter, whisked it, but that didn’t fix it. What did was adding the flour/butter mixture Deb describes later. Even then I could see the tiny curdles but it did not impact the taste at all. If this happens to you, power through, it’s not the end of the world!

    Finally, I baked for 10 minutes at 400 which is what my store bought pastry told me to do, then lowered it to 375 for another 30-40, just monitoring the top of the pastry. Everything else cooked perfectly, at this point I was worried about raw dough.

    1. Alex

      Final reply to myself (sorry, I wish I knew how to edit!): this was so good that this will be my go to recipe for any guy in the future I wish to say “I love you” to but can’t quite say the words yet. Delicious, comforting, and is KILLER with a side salad.

    2. Jo

      Thanks for the tip re if sauce splits. Real cooking and great ideas. Loved your comments.

  • Stephanie

    Just finished devouring this dish….so, so delicious!!! Thank you- it will definitely become a family favorite!

  • Abby

    I really love Pearl onions in pot pie but is that something I would just add to your recipe or would it be to many oniony things and I’d need to leave out the leeks or yellow onion?

    1. deb

      Maybe skip the yellow onion. I like the vegetal vibe of the leeks (and the color).

  • Abby

    Ah… thank you so much for a recipe that made coming out of my first trimester cooking hiatus worthwhile! The family loved it and it’s getting added to our dinner rotation. I would have taken a picture but I used store bought crust (for the first and last time) and most of it fell off and landed in the bottom of the oven. Good thing looks don’t impact taste! :)

  • Caitlin

    I made these back in January and they were amazing 👌👌 but wondering if you had any thoughts on making the filling in a slow cooker/crockpot and how I’d go about doing so? I have a baby now and the only downside to these little pies was that I found the cooking process a bit time-consuming? Just wondering 😬😬

    1. deb

      I haven’t done it but I’d think that everything but the butter-flour paste could go in and cook and then you could thicken it in the last 30 to 60 minutes with it. If you could pre-saute the leeks and onions, you might get a richer flavor.

  • Karen

    Took my first stab at chicken pot pie tonight, using my go-to recipe for crust and this recipe for the filling. It was a huge success. I was asked to create a double-crusted, traditional chicken pot pie. This filling recipe thickened beautifully and held its shape pretty well when I cut into the pie. We loved the traditional and chicken-y flavor and didn’t feel we were missing out on any indulgence with the reduced butter. Cutting the breasts in half worked well for me (easier to fit more pieces in the pot for browning). Thank you for this adaptation and for all of the great tips.

  • Tonight we had home made potpies for the first time and they were delicious.

  • Esther Yun

    This worked perfectly as a large pie with a puff pastry crust. Not a bite left.

  • Elena

    This was delicious. I made Ina Garten’s pot pie last fall and then yours last night. My chicken-pot-pie-loving family declared that yours is the clear winner! I agreed. The sauce and the flaky crust are amazing. Although it is still a time consuming dish it took me almost two less hours than Ina’s. The sauce very is rich but not as heavy. I made it in one oval stoneware dish and had left overs to put in two smaller dishes. I did not have any sherry on hand so I didn’t use it. And btw, I have made many many of your dishes and love them all!

  • I tried this today.Really tastes good.Thank you so much for sharing.

  • Anne in Yardley

    so pleased to realize i’m not the only one to measure liquids in “glugs” !

  • Anita W

    I never bother with pastry making but used frozen puff pastry, Pinot Gris instead of sherry, and boneless/skinless chicken breasts that I had on hand (took them out halfway through the cooking time to avoid over cooking). Fantastic!

  • Your writing is delightful. The recipe sounds wonderful, also.

  • Juliana Claeys

    I made this last month for my husbands birthday, making it again tomorrow but with leftover turkey and homemade turkey broth from the carcass. I used Madeira instead of sherry because I had it on hand (we use it for gravy and it’s so so good). You and Ina are my two favorite cooks and your books sit in their own special section together. Thank you for making great food!

  • Jessica Beattie

    This was such a huge hit with my family and totally worth the effort. Thank you so much for this blog. FWIW, I think the reason for Barefoot Contessa blanching the veggies is so they retain a little more texture and distinct flavor. I cooked mine a little Long like a stew and my son thought the peas got too mushy. He’s a picky one but I might try roaring the carrots and just adding those and the peas right before baking if I get the energy to try this again. Thanks!

  • Julie

    The pastry for this recipe is phenomenal…totally makes this recipe so much better than all others. It’s flavorful, with a tangy savoriness and a wonderful flaky, chewy texture. I used a food processor to incorporate the butter into the flour mixture, then continued the recipe as written – worked perfectly.

  • Augusta

    These look lovely! Can use this recipe to make a double crust pie (aka will it cook well)? Also, i intend to stock my freezer with a slew of comfort foods for those lazy nights ahead – do these freeze well? And if so, should I undercook a bit to allow for the warming from frozen cook time?

    Thank you!

  • djohnyal

    Whoa, this is awesome!

    I love chicken pie, I can’t wait to give this recipe a try!

  • Marty

    Could I use phyllo dough (store-bought) for the lids?

    1. Yes! Just posted that I did this (and worked great). Used melted butter in between the sheets, and used at least 10 layers (less and the lid won’t crisp up)

  • Kristin McGee

    I have made these pot pies twice. The flavor is amazing! But my kids always droop into the filling. Anything I can do to correct this?

    1. Lara H.

      Same problem over here! The lid totally caved in, and is sog-city :( All I can think of to do is to make sure that next time I roll out the lids a bit thicker and use smaller bowls? Any hints would be great!

  • Sara U

    2 things:
    I don’t have ovenproof bowls. What is the alternative?

    And I have leftover meat. The recipe is cumbersome to read and modify. What’s different?

    1. deb

      A casserole dish can be used with a single pastry lid. I am not sure how much meat came from 3 1/2 to 4 pounds of chicken parts, but theoretically you could add yours when the meat goes back into the dish at the end.

      1. Jennifer Smith

        I also do not have oven proof bowls but have sevycasseroke and baking dishes. If I use a casserole dish and one single pastry lid, how do you suggest adjusting the baking time and/or temperature?

        1. Jennifer Smith

          Let’s try this again😊. I have many casserole dishes and am wondering how do I adjust the baking time and temperature for a larger dish. Thanks!

        2. Sana

          Hi! Long time stalker, first-time commenter here :) I made this recipe to its specifications yesterday, and while the flavor was INCREDIBLE, my filling was quite soupy. I don’t know what I did wrong? I made the butter flour mash, whisked in the ladles of liquid, and added that to the pot. The mixture thickened up wonderfully at that point, but somehow lost that consistency in the oven. Any advice on what to do differently? Perhaps, post butter-flour addition, I let it simmer on the stove for too long while shredding the chicken? I also subbed frozen corn for peas since my bf doesn’t like them, but I didn’t think they would throw off the water content to this extent.

          I realize this post is years old so a response is highly unlikely, but would appreciate any insight!

      2. Abby

        Made an amazing dinner with tons of leftovers. I added mushrooms to the onions, subbed 1/2tsp of poultry seasoning for the thyme, added corn to the peas, and then skipped the pastry lid for Deb’s amazing buttermilk biscuits. It took almost 2 hours start to finish but I was able to make the biscuits while the filling simmered so that was nice. Exactly what you want for a cold evening.

  • Really loved this recipe. I added tarragon (in addition to the parsley) as I really love that flavour with the chicken. Also instead of making a dough lid, I used leftover phylllo pastry, brushing melted butter in between the sheets (10 layers in total). Was a total time saver and actually makes for a lighter dish!

  • Ana

    Heads up that this recipe can be made as one big pot pie rather than individual servings! I made it in a 9 inch cast iron skillet (I don’t have ramekins or oven-safe bowls), and it was fantastic. I halved the filling, which was an absolutely perfect amount. I made the crust as written but used only about 2/3 of it. So delicious.

  • Jane Herriott

    So, so late to the party, but I have been on the hunt for good, multipurpose, oven-safe bowls since making this last fall. My current top contenders are the Hue series from Crate & Barrel, or the Fiestaware chowder bowl or small bistro bowl. It’s surprisingly difficult to find ovenproof dishes! (At least ones that I would consider bringing into my kitchen…)

    1. deb

      My most recent purchases for pot pies for a party was a set of 8 or 12 of these. (The store where I bought them has closed, but this brand is sold through a lot of stores.) It’s a touch less than what I recommend (2-cup bowls; these are 1.5 cups) but they somehow still seem just fine. If you’re having people over for pot pie, you’re still probably serving a couple other things.

  • Courtney

    Love love LOVED this recipe!! It’s totally fool-proof and all the flavors come together so well. I’d only had pot pies from the frozen foods section before (yuk) and now I don’t think I can ever go back.
    If I were to make it again for a weeknight dinner, I’d lighten this up. I feel I could’ve added a cup of broth and toned down the butter & flour thickener by about half. This will definitely give it more of a thick soup texture rather than gravy texture, and is totally my personal preference. This recipe is great and I’m saving it for another rainy day!

  • Looks delish, I love Chicken Pot Pie but I have never tried to make my own crust! Will need to give it a go next time. I usually make a few in advance to freeze.
    You site is very inspiring to me, from a new food blogger!

  • Carmen

    Made this last night, delicious!!

  • Tracee

    I LOVE chicken pot pie! And, I LOVE the phrase “make in the same pot.” Most pot pie recipes are way too complicated (read that, makes for way too much clean-up) for me. I’m really excited to make this one, crust and all. I cannot wait!

  • I am so impressed by your diced carrots! Good job girl!!

  • María

    Good moning! I have a question. Can I make the pastry lids with the kitchenaid? Thanks!

  • Jen

    Love your recipes! Really want to make this delicious looking one, one quick question. What would you Deb for the yogurt in the crust, and the heavy cream in the filling? (Kosher style?)

    1. Jen

      *Sub not Deb

    2. deb

      See my suggestion in this comment.

  • Jenny

    My family LOVED this. Instead Of making for a little pies, I made two large pies. Sooooo good!

    1. Laurie

      Hi Jenny, did you make two pies from the recipe as-is or did you need to double the ingredients? I also want to make two pies but want to confirm there is enough chicken and crust. Thanks!

  • Michaela

    I’ve made this several times, and it’s a great starting point. I find the crust far too buttery, in fact greasy, with 13 tablespoons of butter for 2 cups of flour; I’ve gone down to 8 tablespoons of butter for 2 cups of flour, with a slight increase in the amount of vinegar (and using vodka instead of water), but I don’t think 4 tablespoons worth. I also increase the amount of salt in the pie crust to 1 teaspoon.

    Adding chopped mushrooms, sometimes green beans (fresh or frozen), and shredded kale to the filling means I can decrease the amount of chicken needed, which I prefer.

  • Rachel

    Just wanted to share that I’ve been vegetarian for several years, but I have been craving chicken pot pie. I made a vegetarian version of this recipe today and it was soooo delicious. Not a vegetarian pot pie with beans and chard or chickpeas etc, but one that tasted similar. The lid I made exactly as written. For the filling, I started at the step of saute onions and leeks. As soon as the milk/cream/broth (vegan mock chicken bullion) came to a simmer, I added the butter/flour mixture and one peeled diced gold potato. Then with the carrots and peas I added two thawed and diced Quorn brand naked chick’n cutlets. Turned out beautifully. Thanks so much for satisfying this craving!!

  • Amanda Pecora

    I followed exactly and my crusts were sticky so I added more flour so they didn’t stick to the rolling pin. They melted all over the oven as if the ratio of butter was far too much. What do you think I did wrong? I have never had a crust melt like that :( I LOVE LOVE what the sherry did to enhance the flavors and I want to try again. Please help.

    1. deb

      I’m not sure except if there was less flour than needed. It shouldn’t melt all over the oven. And although these get soft fast, they should be firm enough to roll out in flour when cool from the fridge and hold their shape.

  • leskap19

    I made this for my book club this week. I made the filling the day before, then skimmed it and heated it up slightly before putting in oven. I made the dough and rolled and cut it the day before, and kept it in the fridge with parchment between each lid. I was soooo scared of putting on and cooking the crust but it turned out just like the photos, and very delicious inside and out!. Thanks Deb. I have already had a proud cooking moment in 2019.

  • Patti

    These were outstanding. The only ingredient change was white wine instead of sherry. We had leftover roast chicken so that saved a little time. I thought the amount of leeks might be too much but not at all and I can see now why leaving them out would be a mistake. Pastry lids were particularly good and really not difficult. I made the dough early then rolled them out about an hour before I needed them and put them back in the fridge, covered, and popped them on just before they went in. We had guests so I didn’t want to do that while they were here. Everyone raved about them. Thanks!

  • Scargosun

    Cannot remember if I posted before. I LOVE this recipe! The most recent time I made it, I doubled the filling bc I was making it for a few more people than the recipe called for. I froze the leftover filling in individual portions hoping that freezing it would work. I can definitely say it did! I made the crust today, thawed the filling then reheated it gently in the stove. Was excellent! I probably will not make again until fall since I still have a few fillings left but will ALWAYS double and freeze in the future.

  • N

    I really hope Deb or someone here can help me. I just made this dish and fully followed the recipe (except for leaving out leeks and wine). My problem was that my filling had much less “gravy” than shown in the pics above. I was surprised that after removing the chicken from the Dutch oven that there was not much liquid left, about three ladles worth of liquid, and the subsequent filling looked much more dry than the pics—could it be because I simmered the chicken on medium to medium high for 30 minutes???

    1. deb

      It could. No worries, though, you can always loosen it with a little more stock if you wish.

  • jjjeanie

    Sooo yummy–in fact, so yummy, we both ate too much! My changes:
    –added 1 pound fresh mushrooms
    –added 2 stalks celery
    –added 3 yukon gold potatoes (a bit smaller than a fist, each) cut into bite-size pieces
    –skipped the roux, and just mixed a bit of cornstarch with chicken broth before adding
    –didn’t measure, but used half a bag of frozen peas (maybe 2 C?)
    –added kernels from 1 ear fresh corn (and scraped cob with back of knife and added that too)
    –added ~14 oz chicken left over from previous night’s roast chicken–perfect!
    –used Lustau East India Solera for the sherry. This is an awesome sherry, but I use for cooking, as I’m more of a whisky gal than sherry.
    –Put it all in a 9×13 glass dish, and had enough left for a souffle dish too (but that one got no chicken)
    –Had to bake ~45-50 min to achieve browning.
    But oh, will I ever make this again!!! Thanks Deb for a real winner. (lots of work, but SO worth it)

  • Theresa

    Can I assemble and freeze?

  • Tracy Fitz

    Have you tried the tomato corn pie, also on this site? I did and I quickly fell in love with the biscuit crust, immediately thinking about other things to fill it with. Chicken pot pie was high atop that list. I made this filling recipe (almost exactly, based on what I had on hand) and put it in a 9″ pie plate with a top and bottom biscuit crust. This pie was glorious! I baked it for 40 minutes at 375 and it was perfect – the crust wasn’t soggy, but instead flaky and crisp. I brushed the top with heavy cream and sprinkled it with kosher salt before baking … too good. It gets a little soft when you microwave leftovers but is still delicious. I would definitely make it again (and have perhaps said goodbye to pastry crusts for this sort of thing!)

  • Melissa

    I followed the recipe exactly and it turned out amazing. The filling was incredibly flavorful and so comforting. Looking forward to trying more recipes!

  • Beth

    Going to try to adapt this for a large one pie. Suggestions are appreciated. On vacation and don’t have the little bowls that will stand the heat of the oven. Perfect for our rainy day today.

  • Kathy Johnson

    Could you make this in a 13×9 Pyrex casserole

  • Janice

    Can you tell me about bowls you used?

    1. deb

      They a mish-mash of old “rice” bowls from our (discontinued) dish set. Nowadays, I have a set of 12 of these I use for dishes like this — they should be 12oz. I paid quite a bit less, though, but the store where I bought them has closed.

  • Debbie IGIELNIK

    where are the mashed potatoes in the recipe, am I missing them??

    1. Debbie

      Never Mind………I kept reading mashed potatoes….but it was mashed BUTTER. Sorry, I can’t wait to try this

    2. deb

      There are no mashed potatoes in this recipe.

  • I have been previously unsatisfied with the various chicken pot pie recipes that I have tried in the past. This one is amazing and I plan to make it my go-to when I have a craving! I followed the recipe exactly and it came out beautiful.

  • Melinda

    I made this yesterday, a cool Sunday afternoon in Southern Indiana. I omitted the sherry and peas, but next time I’ll add the sherry, I just didn’t have any on hand, but I’ll never add in the peas..blech. I added in diced red potatoes w/ the skins on and I used store-bought crust since I am a dismal pastry maker. These things were delicious. The gravy was so wonderful and comforting, I immediately went for a nap after consumption.

    1. Gina

      I’m allergic to peas, so I get your “blech” reaction. But whenever peas are called for in a recipe, I use finely diced broccoli stalks – they still give you the veggie boost and are the same color as peas. It’s worked great for me in fried rice and shepherd’s pie – and I hope in this recipe as well!

  • Cindy

    Deb, I loved everything about this recipe! I made it for a girls luncheon with a side salad. The pot pies looked so delicious, one of the gals snapped a pictures and sent it to a friend who was unable to join us. As you suggested, I made the filling and pie crust the day before and assembled them the next morning. The filling hit all the right notes – tender chicken, and the the sautéd leeks and onion made luscious sauces. The pie crust was was a dream to roll out and it held its shape. Once baked, It was light, flaky and golden brown. This recipe will be the only chicken pot pie recipe in my fav cookbook. Well done Deb!
    Can you recommend other recipes I could us this pie crust??

  • Nancy in CA

    I’d made this exactly as written a couple years ago and we loved it. I had boneless,skinless breasts that wanted using, so I did this tonight with a twist: I baked the pastry as one flat piece, I halved the recipe for two of us, and having cooked the crust separately, we have crisp pastry for leftovers tomorrow! I added some (frozen) green beans that wanted using. I’d loved to have had a splash of cream to add in addition to the milk.

    Wishing I’d had leeks in the house, and neglected to add the parsley, but at least the bay leaf and thyme were from the garden. It’s very smoky here from all the fires here in NorCal, I didn’t want to stay outside longer than the time it took to fetch the bay leaf.

    I’m betting this tastes even better tomorrow. Don’t skip the sherry, or cooking it down til it’s nearly evaporated. Thanks, Deb!

  • Alice

    What is a nice side dish to serve these bad boys with, in your opinion?

  • Hi Deb,

    I see some comments below about using leftover turkey (it’s thanksgiving time!) but was wondering if you’d consider doing an edit of this recipe so we know exactly what to do and what to adjust to account for a pre-cooked chicken/turkey situation? I assume we can reduce the 30 minutes of simmering liquids and chicken a little bit. I guess that’s the part I’m most unsure about. Hope you can help 😀

  • Sheila

    This recipe is delicious! I made it in a deep 9X13 glass dish and topped it with the pastry crust from the recipe. I added one diced stalk of celery and one diced potoato. This recipe is a keeper!

  • Sheila

    This recipe is delicious!

  • KP

    I’m mostly here for the flaky buttery crust of magic on this one. The soup is good but with a full time job/infant/general life craziness, I’m in a throw everything in a pot and call it good kind of phase. I do use the thickening technique and love that. I make everything the night before and it thickens even more in the fridge. I’m sure following everything else to a T would be amazing but the lid is where it’s at. I could eat that everyday.

  • Cassie

    I’ve made this twice, both in a chicken version as directed but with gluten-free pie crust as well as as a vegetarian version, swapping in large cremini mushrooms for the chicken and sauteeing them as a stand in for the chicken browning phase (and seasoning them in the same way, plus a little bit of thyme) and then kept them out and reserved them until just before the pot pies were assembled. It worked great in this way as a vegetarian pot pie too because the base is really tasty.

  • Kay

    This tasted great and my family loved it. Mine was also runny after coming out of the oven. I cut the dough in half and use it to line the bottom of a casserole dish, and used the other half for the top. It filled the whole dish and had a small bowl of filling left over. Next time, I’ll try adding another tablespoon of flour or cornstarch to thicken it up more.

  • are you using a really big ramekin for the base?

    1. deb

      I’m using a 12-ounce/1.5-cup ramekin.

  • Nancy

    Is your cast iron pot in that picture a 6 quart, if not what size or quart is it? Also the pot pie cups is that a 14 oz?

    1. deb

      The Dutch oven is a 5.5-quart Staub. The dishes are 12-ounce ramekins, a touch less than what I recommend (2-cup bowls; 12 ounces are 1.5 cups) but they somehow still seem just fine. If you’re having people over for pot pie, you’re still probably serving a couple other things. The store where I bought them closed, but these are close.

  • Amelia

    Any thoughts on making this with boneless chicken? I’m sure the extra body and flavor from the bones and skin is great, but 2.5 lbs of boneless chicken thighs is what I have in my fridge right now.

    1. deb

      I think it could work but you might need even less. Sorry, I didn’t get a volume measurement on the deboned chicken shreds.

  • Emily Piontek

    We swapped a chicken of the woods mushroom & followed the recipe exactly otherwise. It was perfect.

  • Jenna

    Help! Made this for the third time and it’s really delish! Used leftover chicken each time. My problem are the lids; they Always melt into the pot pies and down the sides of the ramekins. Any suggestions??

  • Rebecca

    I made this yet again tonight, but as I am now living in france used 00 flour- since weirdly that is what they sell everywhere here and the dough was such a dream to work with. This dough is always amazing (it is my go to for pies, galettes,etc.) , but with 00 flour it is stunning. I was able to easily roll out my half batch so thin that I was a to do a double crust on a 7″ diameter 3″ deep casserole dish and didn’t need the dough for the top I had set aside, since the dough was so large it just folded over the top beautifully like a galette, and then I had about 10 oz of filling left so stick it in a bowl and threw the top over it and baked it as well. After about 40 minutes @170c tented the large one and pulled the little one out and after 15 additional minutes pulled it out and the bottom and top crust were gorgeously baked and browned. Filling split slightly in the oven but was not noticeable. The dpigb was gorgeous, tender, flaky, and especially lovely where it overlapped when it folded over on the top. Cannot recommend the recipe enough, especially with 00 flour!

  • Heather

    Made this last night for my family,( second time making it, ) but this time I replaced the peas with chopped kale, and omitted the carrots. FREAKING AMAZING! Both ways are insanely delicious. Thank you so much Deb !! For all the recipes over the years! ….((( I actually also didn’t have enough chicken stock so I went against my OCD compulsion to go to the store and buy more mid-baking, and instead used what I had. Which was beef broth >< lol: Also amazing!

  • Trisha Bergthold

    Finally, a chicken pot pie recipe that I like enough to make again! Thank you. Of course, even though it was the first time, I modified it a bit. I had pastry dough in the freezer, and leftover chicken from a whole chicken cooked a couple nights ago. I added potatoes, because I always do that with pot pies. I cooked the whole thing in a 9-inch cast iron skillet, put the crust on top, and slid it into the oven. I’m a one-pot meal girl. Fantastic! Many thanks!

  • Eric

    Deb, I’m curious why you say to toss the dark-green tops of the leeks. I always use this part in any recipe, even those that call for the “white part only”. Why waste this perfectly good (and oniony, my eyes informed me as I chopped) part of the leek?

    1. deb

      Honestly I wasn’t even aware of how good they could be when I wrote this recipe; I just went with the default. Now I use them if there’s a long cooking time.

    2. Alexi

      I am with you Ina’s recipe. I made it once, then had a fit when I realized how much butter was in each serving. This is delicious. I had roux, peas and pastry in the freezer plus leftover roast chicken. It made it easier. Will try with a few of your readers suggestions too. Thank you very much again.

  • Sophia F.

    I’ve made this recipe multiple times, once for Christmas, and it’s always a hit, but for the crust, which we’ve swapped for another as it ends up a bit too tangy for my family’s taste (maybe our Greek yoghurt is extra sour?). Wanted to chime in to say if you are looking to add some extra veggies (Team One Item Dinner here!) parsnips are a glorious, wonderful addition, and IMHO really take it to the next level.

  • Roxlet

    Very delicious and that pastry is extraordinary. Now I want to try it with a galette or hand pies. Super flaky and delicious. My only complaint is that it sank as it baked.

  • Christine Eveland

    OMG that was so yummy! I cheated a little and used a pre-made crust and sub’d the carrots for sweet potatoes because my boyfriend won’t eat carrots. I’m in love, my new favorite comfort food dish!

  • GrammaSue

    Deb, This is almost identical to mine, but I have my husband grill bnls sknls chicken breasts (not smoked) bc it is quicker. I also add celery, onion, carrot, peas and one-half of a potato partially cooked to some chicken broth and boil for two minutes. I save that broth that the veggies were blanched in and use that along with another half-can of chicken broth. After the step adding the broth (which is after the flour addition), I add 1/4 cup of dry white wine rather than the sherry (only bc we don’t care for the taste of sherry in anything (sorry!) Then proceed as directed. I made mine in one big pie plate and partially baked the bottom crust about 10 min before filling and topping with the top crust. I made sure to include plenty of herbs (fresh: parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme) salt and pepper. My husband said it was the very BEST chicken pot pie he has ever had (I think he said that bc he cut all the veggies up for me! LoL!) I love your site and your recipes are not only inspirational but OUTSTANDING and truly much-very much, better than Ina’s IMO. Thanks so much!

  • Linda

    Can the prepared pies be frozen before cooking in the oven?

    1. deb

      I haven’t tried it, but I’d definitely think so.

  • Laura Bond

    I made this after my sister told me about it several times. I can not even believe how delicious they turned out. Yes it is a lot of work- but OH SO WORTH IT. This is going in my saved recipes cookbook. Deb it is out of this world. I especially love that you use leeks instead of those pearl onions usually in pot pies. Thank you for sharing this with the world to make it a tastier place <3

  • Jennifer

    Made this when someone requested chicken pot pie for a birthday dinner. And the birthday boy raved about it.

    Made per the recipe with the a few changes based on what was available in the kitchen – very adaptable! (Didn’t have leeks, added shallots. Didn’t have sherry, used brandy. Added celery because I had some that needed to be used.)

    I struggled a little with the crust – it was very sticky and I was skeptical that it would be good, but it baked perfectly! (Although I did use 1/4 per 2 ramekins because any thinner and I couldn’t peel it off of the Saranwrap to the top of the pot pie.)

    Thanks for a(nother) great recipe!

  • EK

    This recipe is delicious. I used a rotisserie chicken and frozen Dufour puff pastry that was in my freezer and it still managed to take a pretty long time/all the pots in my kitchen. Rest assured, it still tastes amazing if you go this route! I added some Worcestershire, chopped potatoes, and parm under the crust per this recipe: and it turned out great.

  • Nancy J Levenson

    These look incredible. Any reason I shouldn’t use my extra empanada dough for this?

  • Melissa Y

    Delectable! I used your “My Favorite Buttermilk Biscuits” recipe instead of the crust, dropped right on top of the filling in a cast iron skillet, and baked until the top browns. Wow… instant family staple. Thanks Deb!

  • Shelly

    These were amazing. Husband said it was one of the top ten things I’ve ever cooked. I made these exactly as written except that I used bacon grease I had to use up instead of olive oil. I will note, however, that this took about 4 hours to make from start to finish — not all active time, but still. Definitely a special occasion food/weekend project!

    1. Shelly

      Made these again, for Christmas Eve. Used more veggies than called for and added some celery. It was delicious. Took a bit longer to bake because the oven in our new house runs a bit cool.

  • Caroline Davis

    Made this tonight and it was delicious! Definitely a weekend recipe. I think the time is not listed because it might be a deterrent. It took me about 3 hours. I was tired and not moving very fast, so that might have been part of it. The recipe is not difficult, but making the crust, simmering, and baking made for a late dinner. Served red chard alongside, which was a nice accompaniment.

  • Kristen

    I made these to rave reviews, however my lids all fell/tore. Did I roll them too thin? Or not leave enough overhang? I used a lot of egg wash. I definitely want to make these again but not sure if I should make the lids separately.

    1. Judy McK

      I was afraid of this happening, but it didn’t. I didn’t make slits in the center of the top crust (made non-connecting slits between crimped crust edge and center only), hoping to increase structural integrity. And I also cooked the pie for about 15 minutes before adding a very skimpy egg wash on top. Crust came out golden brown on top, and stayed on top of the pie where it belonged. I should mention that I also made this with a crust on the bottom, crimped to the edge of top crust.

  • Judy McK

    Finally made this last night and so happy I did. Had to make a few changes — boneless/skinless thighs cooked for less time at each stage (just a bit over a pound) because that’s what I had; 2.5 leeks because my onion was a bit small; one 9” deep dish pie because I have no ramekins; added about 10 de-stemmed and biggishly-chopped Bella mushrooms to leeks/onions after 5 minutes of their initial sauté because I feared I didn’t have enough chicken; and added some rosemary and cayenne because I wanted to. Also had a huge time crunch problem, so I reluctantly used two store-bought pie crusts instead of making my own (will do better next time). Used two of them because I like bottom crusts on my pot pies.

    Despite all those changes, and because I was using this recipe to guide me in amounts, ingredients, and prep method, the pie came out better than I would’ve ever hoped for. I was really holding my breath about the two crusts, but though they were definitely not flaky or otherwise outstanding, they worked quite well and I’d do it again in a pinch. The filling flavor was wonderful. I had quite a lot left over; though I usually wouldn’t seek out a gravy-ish meal, the filling was so tasty that I save the leftovers and will use them to top some mashed potatoes for lunch.

    Thank you, Deb, for yet another fantastic recipe — making my life more enjoyable one meal at a time!!!

  • Nancy in CA

    We had leftovers from a half turkey we roasted, I used that instead of chicken. Because there are only two of us, I used a 1-qt. gratin dish instead of individual bowls. Half the filling/sauce worked perfectly. I did add a couple diced potatoes with the carrots, as we didn’t have leeks and we like more solids than sauce. It was heavenly. Half the crust was more than generous, we’ll freeze the other half and do this again after Thanksgiving. Thanks, Deb!

  • Victoria

    This was so so good! Ina has always been my go-to but this will replace it. The crust was maybe my favorite part, give it a good sprinkle of salt after the egg wash!

  • Anna

    I made these last night, and I think they were some of the best things I’ve ever made. The leeks and the sherry do so much for the flavor, and the crust is so tender and flaky!

  • Mal

    this looks divine! i’m wondering if i can assemble this in mini pie tins, wrap in foil, and then freeze to be baked at a later date? looking to make some freezer meals for friends expecting a baby and these seem like they would be a big hit!

  • Carrie

    Oh. My. Goodness. Wow! I just acquired some Fiestaware individual bakers and wanted to make something good in them to christen them. I used your crust recipe as written but did a mash-up of your filling and Carla Hall’s because I already roasted a chicken on Monday (Samin’s buttermilk chicken). I did use a bit of sherry and your liquid amounts but I thickened the more traditional way and used her herb suggestions. I skipped the leeks because I don’t like them and added two small yukon gold potatoes diced. My crust was just gorgeous! Brown, crispy and flaky and I love the tiny bit of bite the vinegar gave it.

  • Lori

    I somehow missed this post until today when I searched looking for some advice, but I have been using your chicken and dumplings recipe as the basis for my own pot pies for awhile now!
    Anyway, my question: I am making and freezing a bunch of these and wondered whether I should defrost before baking or put in the oven straight from the freezer as I do with fruit pies. Any thoughts?

  • Christina

    I just made this with chopped up leftover thanksgiving turkey (2.2lbs) and also added 1.5 potatoes with everything else being the same in the recipe. I used 8 ramekins bc with the recipe there was only enough for 8 pastry lids. I still had about 2 cups left of filling left over though so I might remake this in this future with slightly thinner lids and maybe stretch it out to make 10 ramekins. This recipe is so good and I’m so glad I didn’t have to use crisco or heavy cream (I used milk instead since her recipe was ok with that!)

  • Hillary

    I made this today and followed the recipe exactly as written. The sauce never thickened- I have no idea why. It was a lot of work for an ok not great result. I am an experienced home cook and baker.

  • Hillary

    I cannot seem to get the filling to a thick, gravy- like consistency. I made this twice and followed the directions with the exception of subbing white wine for the sherry. Any suggestions for thickening the filling more, it is more like a soup consistency. Flavor is great and pastry is great.

  • Andria

    Has anyone frozen this? This is one of my go to recipes on chilly days but I’ve never frozen it. I usually have leftover filling but no leftover crust (we like ours thickish) so I’m considering freezing it.

  • Bella Agrawal

    In the UK, our pies always also have bases. Have you tried the same recipe but doubled up on the pasty and used a shell and lid? Any tips on how to make it that way?

  • Sarah

    This was a lot of work, but was incredibly delicious. The steps are manageable if you have an afternoon. I didn’t have leeks, so I doubled the onions and added celery and chunks of potato. I had to crank the oven to 425 to get the pastry bronze. Do the sherry! Amazing! Thanks Deb!

  • Rebecca

    Notes to self- do not add the milk before cooking the chicken- almost always splits and adding it later doesn’t impact taste of chicken/sauce. 1 full recipe makes 9×13 le crueset (top and bottom lid). Add an extra cup of stock to ensure there is sufficient sauce. Sub corn (1 cob) for peas.

  • Moe

    THE BEST POT PiE RECPE!!! Will never even consider another recipe! Thank you!!! Only problem is my husband wants these every night!!
    Ha ha!!

  • Simone Gibson

    Oh my goodness what a pie! Absolutely delish – I made one change only and that was to add some ham left over from Christmas. It was a total winner! Thank you 🙏

  • Steph

    Absolutely delicious. Makes a lot of filling, so you could easily get six servings out of this. Very clear directions and the leeks are absolutely ESSENTIAL. They taste incredible after the softening in chicken schmaltz.

    One thing: my pastry didn’t really work. It was delicious, but the overhang essentially melted off the sides and onto the sheet pan that I had placed the ramekins on. Any idea what could have gone wrong there (note: I used labne instead of sour cream or greek yogurt, as it was what I had).

    1. Steph

      Oh, also, this took about 3.5 hours to make from pulling the first ingredient out of the pantry to digging in with our forks. Definitely a weekender!

    better chicken pot pies (2024)
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