6 impressive toiletry bags for six different kinds of travelers (2025)

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Cramming your toiletries into a plastic gallon food storage bag is not going to cut it anymore. In truth, it maybe never did. The time has come to graduate: You need a case that keeps all of your hygiene essentials organized and easy to grab. These six options fit the needs of different travelers, from the stylish to the simple. If you already have a toiletry bag, this might your signal for an upgrade.

For the overpacker: Away large toiletry bag

6 impressive toiletry bags for six different kinds of travelers (1)

(Image credit: Away)

This water-resistant nylon travel kit is "deceivingly compact-looking," Elle said, with three interior pockets and an exterior pocket that can be stuffed with all your necessities (and a few extras). Perfect for the person who travels with the contents of their medicine cabinet and bathroom drawers, the Away bag has space for hygiene items, skincare, grooming products, brushes and medications. While roomy, it is "not oversized," and the separate compartments and pockets are "really handy for keeping things organized." ($75, £56.50, Away)

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For the trendsetter: Béis The Dopp Kit

6 impressive toiletry bags for six different kinds of travelers (3)

(Image credit: Béis)

This one has style in the bag. The dual-section Béis Dopp Kit has a chic silhouette and comes in a variety of colors and styles, including a blush pink and honey yellow-and-white stripe. It is "extraordinarily spacious," Travel and Leisure said, and able to "fit the capacity of three standard toiletry bags." The "sturdy" bottom compartment not only holds additional items but also allows the kit to "stand alone with ease." ($48, £36, Béis)

For the gadget lover: Bellroy Toiletry Kit Plus

6 impressive toiletry bags for six different kinds of travelers (4)

(Image credit: Bellroy)

The sleek Bellroy Toiletry Kit Plus comes with plenty of pockets for electric grooming tools, from razors to LED hair removal devices. An angled zipper makes it one of the "best lay flat options," The Hollywood Reporter said, and it has "genius organizers" to keep toiletries separated into zones. The kit, made of recycled plastic bottles spun into a water-resistant fabric, is full of surprises, including a magnetic shelf that keeps your electric toothbrush away from other items that might dirty it. ($69, £52, Amazon)

For the beauty junkie: Eachy travel makeup bag

6 impressive toiletry bags for six different kinds of travelers (5)

(Image credit: Eachy)

The best feature of the waterproof Eachy travel bag is that it "opens flat, allowing easy access" to skincare and makeup, National Geographic said. This comes in handy for "anything that needs to stay upright, like foundation and moisturizer." Partitions keep items organized, and the large capacity makes it a great choice when traveling to a wedding or other formal event: There is room for a full eyeshadow palette, blush, powder, mascara, makeup brushes and more. ($24, £18, Amazon)

For the minimalist: Muji hanging toiletry case

6 impressive toiletry bags for six different kinds of travelers (6)

(Image credit: Muji)

Hanging toiletry cases save precious bathroom counter space while still keeping all your products handy. Muji's simple version has elastic holders for bottles and grooming tools, multiple zippered pockets for small items like travel toothpaste tubes, contact lens cases, lip balms and floss, and an open compartment for larger products. The polyester fabric is "very resilient and quick-drying," The Strategist said, and its size keeps users from overpacking. ($20, £15, Muji)

For the late arriver: Packism clear toiletry bag set

6 impressive toiletry bags for six different kinds of travelers (7)

(Image credit: Packism)

Having clear toiletry bags makes it easy for TSA agents to see what you are carrying and get you through the line faster — a boon for travelers who cut it close at the airport. These waterproof, quart-size bags feature "reinforced seams that prevent leakage" in case of spills, Oprah Daily said, and are easy to wipe down. The bags are made of transparent PVC, and you can choose from more than three dozen different seam colors and patterns. ($14, £10.50, Amazon)

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6 impressive toiletry bags for six different kinds of travelers (2025)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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